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Middle East & Islamic World / Medicine & Science

Venice edition of Ibn Masawaih's pharmacological handbook with a false Paris imprint

MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). De re medica libri tres. Jacobo Sylvio medico interprete. Cum annotationibus & scholiis eiusdem. Index locupletissimus cum capitum, tum omnium quae scitu digna sunt operi praefixus est.
"Paris" [= Venice], [Girolamo Scotto], 1553. 8vo. With Scottos woodcut device on the title-page (showing what are probably two of the wild mares of King Abderus being devoured by the mares of King Diomedes of Thrace devouring either Abderos or Diomedes himself) and about 22 woodcut decorated (nearly all pictorial) initials (7 series) plus a few repeats. Contemporary vellum, traces of ties. 248, [4] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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Mesue in Italian - the third known (second complete) copy

MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI (MESUE the younger). Opus quibuslibet aromatariis: necessariu[m]. Mesue in vulgare rescripto. Primo che se rechercha allarte della aromataria como se conosseno le medicine simplice & composte li quattro canone p[er] arte in vulgare declarate alla antidotario: li dubie al configere qlle resolute.
[Napels or Venice, ca. 1500?]. 4to (14.5 x 19.8 cm). Half calf over marbled boards [ca. 1900], gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled red spine label, red sprinkled edges. [34] ll. Full description
€ 45,000
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"The most popular compendium of drugs in medieval Europe"
by the esteemed Arabic physician Masawaih al-Mardini

MESUE the younger (MASAWAIH AL-MARDINI). Opera. De medicamentorum purgantium delectu, castigatione, & usu, libri duo ...
Venice, Lucantonio Giunta, 1581. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio (23 x 34 cm). With 39 woodcut illustrations in the text. Near-contemporary vellum, black morocco spine label with title in gold. [8], 272; [6], 277, [1 blank], [12] ll. Full description
€ 8,500
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A landmark in Arabic ophthalmology: an 11th-century cataract operation by one of the most important Arab oculists

'AMMAR IBN 'ALI AL-MAWSILI (Max MEYERHOF, translator). Las operaciones de catarata de 'Ammâr ibn 'Alî al-Mausilî. [= The cataract operations of ... = Les opérations de cataracte de ... = Die Staroperationen des ...]
El Masnou (Barcelona province), Laboratorios del Norte de España, 1937. Large 8vo. With the text printed in Spanish, English, French and German, each with its own title-page and each with some passages in Arabic (set in Arabic type). With 6 photographs of the original Arabic manuscript bound at the end of the book. The main text for each language opens with a coloured decorated initial, mounted on the first page. With the device of the Laboratorios del Norte de España at the end. Original publisher's printed wrappers. [2 blank], 110, [2 blank], [16], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Rare first editions of an Aleppo dialogue on medicinal barley infusions (1584/91)
and a surgical handbook (1612)

MINADOI, Giovanni Tommaso. Philodicus, sive Dialogus de ptisana, ...
Venice, "ad signum Leonis" [= heirs of Curzio Troiano Navò], 1591 [all but the prelims printed by Francesco Osanna, Mantua, 1584]. With title-page in an illustrated woodcut border (showing equipment for distilling, forging and other trades plus in a cartouche at the foot Navò's rampant lion device).
With: (2) PARMA, Ippolito. Introductionis ad chirurgiam libri duo. ...
Padova, Pietro Paolo Tozzi (printed by Lorenzo Pasquato), 1612. With Tozzi's(?) woodcut Minerva device on the title-page. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Half calf (French, ca. 1750), gold-tooled spine. [8], 124, [2 blank]; [8], 196 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Richly illustrated work on astronomy and the modernization of the Islamic calculation of time, together with a very rare appendix

PASHA, Ahmed Muhtar Riyaz ül-muhtar, mirat ül-mikat ve 'l-edvar.
Cairo, Bulaq Matbaasi, 1303-1313 AH [= 1885-1896 CE]. 3 volumes bound as 1 (plates, text, and appendix). Large 4to (29.5 x 21 cm). Text in Ottoman Turkish, set in a naskh Arabic type, most pages in a thin-thick-thin-rule frame. With a separate title-page and 36 full-page, numbered plates (including 1 double-page) on 36 leaves at the beginning of the book and 1 folding plate at the end. Later elaborately gold- and blind-tooled brown calf, each board with a blind ornamental frame with corner pieces and a gold centre piece. Spine with the title in gold Arabic lettering in the 2nd of 6 compartments, the other 5 with blind ornaments and gold fillets on the 5 raised bands, marbled endpapers, red ribbon marker. [10], 378, [1 blank]; 58 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Detailed studies of plague outbreaks in the Middle East

[PLAGUE]. Papers relating to the modern history and recent progress of Levantine plague; prepared from time to time by direction of the president to the local government board, with other papers. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 1879. C.-2262.
London, George Edward Eyre & William Spottiswoode, 1879. Folio. With two folding lithographed maps, one centered on the Middle East and the other detailing the seats of the plague in Mesopotamia and south-west Persia.Original publishers blue printed paper wrappers. [2], 76 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Praised edition of Pliny's "Natural history", with sections on pearl fishery in the Middle East

PLINIUS SECUNDUS, Gaius (PLINY the Elder). Historiarum naturae libri XXXVII, post omnes omnium editiones, ...
Paris, Jean Parvum (index: Jean Petit), 1532. Folio. 18th-century cat's paw calf, richly gold-tooled spine. [36], 671, [188] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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