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Military History / Battle Plans & Siegecraft

"For offical use only": mapping the Mesopotamian battlefields of WWI

[MESOPOTAMIAN CAMPAIGN]. Critical study of the campaign in Mesopotamia up to April 1917. Part II - Maps.
Calcutta, Government of India Press, 1925. 25 (of 26) folding maps, sketches etc., as always lacking the "Explanation of the Method of giving Map Co-ordinates adopted in Chapters XIII and XX". Original tan cloth map-case with original printed label to cover. 25 (of 26) folding ll. Full description
€ 3,500
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Second known copy of a lithographic panorama depicting stages of the Italian War of 1859

[PANORAMA - ITALIAN WAR 1859]. Panorama de la guerre d'Italie. Magnifique album développé formé d'une série de grandes lithographies coloriées représentant les combats et les batailles qui ont immortalisé nos soldats en Italie précédé d'un compte-rendu de cette mémorable campagne.
Pont-à-Mousson (France), Élie Haguenthal (colophon: Paul Toussaint), [1860/65]. (Size of the whole when folded and closed:) 22.5 x 18 cm. Lithographed folding panorama, showing 8 different lithographed scenes, captioned in and beneath the illustrations, of the Italian War of 1859 from the French-Italian perspective. The 8 scenes (5 3-leaf scenes and 3 single leaf scenes) are assembled to make a single long foldout (as assembled with the text: 21.5 x 395 cm; image size 19 x ca. 310 cm), coloured by a contemporary hand. Half red cloth and hand coloured, lithographed paper sides. [5] ll. of letterpress text and the lithographed folding panorama. Full description
€ 3,250
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Impressive aquatint battle scenes

SKJÖLDEBRAND, Anders Frederik, Comte Erik Johansen DAHLBERG and Johann Philip LEMBKE. Batailles de Charles X Gustave Roi de Suède...
Stockholm, A.F. Skjöldebrand, 1806. Large oblong folio (52 x 68 cm). With an engraved title with aquatint vignette, engraved portrait by Sandrart after a painting by Ehrenstrahl, and 11 aquatint plates after drawings by Count Dahlberg and paintings by Lembke, engraved by Skjöldebrand, numbered I-XII, all in sepia. Contemporary half calf with marbled brown boards, gold-tooled spine. [13] ll. Full description
€ 5,500
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King William III of Orange victorious

[TRONCHIN DE BREUIL, Jean]. Relation de la Campagne de Flandre, et du Siege de Namur, en l'année 1695.
The Hague, Henry van Bulderen, 1696. Folio. With the title-page in red and black, with 4 folding engraved maps and plans of the Namur region and of the fortifications of the city of Namur (plate size ca. 58 x 44 cm), by Nicolaas Visscher II (= Claes Claesz. Visscher (1618-1709)) after designs by Ottmar Elliger the younger, a large arabesque tailpiece on the title-page and a different one at the end, and one woodcut decorated initial. Contemporary half roan (sheepskin). 61, [1 blank) pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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