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Natural History

Extensive work on mineralogy, also including fossils

VALMONT DE BOMARE, Jacques-Christophe. Mineralogie, ou nouvelle exposition du regne minéral. ... Avec un dictionnaire nomenclateur et des tables synoptiques.
Paris, Vincent, 1762. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 11 folding letterpress tables. Contemporary marbled calf, gold-tooled spines. [2], XIV, [2], 365, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank]; [2, 374, [2], 6 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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12 views of the gardens at Beloeil: "the principal example in Belgium of the classical French style"

VASSE, Jacques-Abraham-Antoine. Souvenir de Beloeil, dédié à son Altesse Sérénissime la Princesse de Ligne, née Princesse Lubomirska.
Brussels, Deltombe, 1853. Oblong 1mo (34 x 50.5 cm). With 12 double-tinted lithographed plates (each ca. 24 x 32 cm), by Van der Heecht, Gerlier and Gratry after drawings by Antoine Vasse (11) and Van der Heecht (1) and printed by J. Lots. Contemporary brown half sheepskin. [8], 17, [1 blank] pp. text Full description
€ 3,000
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One of the earliest works on California

VÉNEGAS, Miguél and Andrés Marcos BURRIEL. Histoire naturelle et civile de la Californie, contenant une description exacte de ce pays, de son sol, de ses montagnes, lacs, rivières & mers, de ses animaux, végétaux, minéraux, & de sa fameuse pêcherie des perles; les moeurs de ses habitans, leur religion, leur gouvernement, & leur façon de vivre avant leur conversion au Christianisme; un detail des différens voyages, & tentatives qu'on a faites pour s'y établir, & reconnoître son Golfe & la côte de la Mer du Sud.
Paris, Durand, 1767. 3 volumes. 8vo. With a folding engraved map of California. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines, gold-tooled binding edges. [2], XXIV, 360; VIII, 375; VIII, 354, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,400
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Beautifully illustrated manual on garden planning and design

VERGNAUD, Narcisse. L'art de créer les jardins, contenant les préceptes généraux de cet art; leur application développée sur des vues perpectives, coupes et élévations, par des exemples choisis dans les jardins les plus célèbres de France et d'Angleterre; et le tracé pratique de toute espèce de jardins. ... Nouvelle edition.
Paris, La Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret (on the back of the half-title: "Imprimerie et fonderie de Fain, imprimeur de l'Université Royale de France"), 1839. Royal folio (49.5 x 32.5 cm). With 24 lithographed plates showing plans, designs and views of gardens in England, France and Italy. Modern black half morocco, on 7 supports, gold-tooled spine. [3], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], 106 pp. Full description
€ 4,300
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Two very interesting letters on the salamander and other subjects
to Hermann Schlegel of the Rijksmuseum of Natural History at Leiden

VERSTER VAN WULVERHORST, Abraham Hendrik van. Two signed autograph letters to Hermann Schlegel.
Noordwijk, 10 March and 9 October 1834. Folio (23 x 38.5 cm & 26 x 44 cm). 2 autograph letters, each written on a single leaf and folded for posting with the address and remnants of a seal. [2] ll. Full description
€ 1,500
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Beautiful watercolour drawing of a passion flower

VINNE, Jan Jansz. van der. [Passiflora caerula or blue passion flower].
[Lekzigt, near Dordrecht?, ca. 1780?]. Folio. (43 x 27.5 cm). Watercolour drawing on laid paper, signed on the back by the artist, "J. van der Vinne Jzn.". Attached by the top corners to a (19th-century?) wove millboard mount kept in a modern passe-partout. Full description
€ 16,500
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Best edition of an extensive manual on agricultural architecture

VOIT, Johann Michael. Handbuch der landwirtschaftlichen Baukunst.
Augsburg, Von Jenisch und Stagesche Verlagshandlung, 1840. 2 volumes. With numerous illustrations and figures of detailed construction-plans of all sorts of farm buildings on 20 large folding engraved plates. Contemporary half blue decorative cloth, marbled paper sides, gold-stamped spines. XVIII, 292; X, 294 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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