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Religion & Devotion

Portraits and executions of four conspirators in the failed attempt to assassinate the Dutch Stadholder

VISSCHER, Claes Jansz. Cort verhael ende afbeeldinghe der justitie, geschiet den 5. mey 1623. in 'sGravenhaghe.
Amsterdam, Claes Jansz. Visscher, 1623. Engraved illustration (26.5 x 14.5 cm), giving four circular portraits and 10 separate scenes, flanked by a letterpress description in Dutch. Full description
€ 750
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Skilful engraving of the execution of the conspirators in the failed attempt to assassinate the Dutch Stadholder Maurits of Nassau, Prince of Orange

VISSCHER, Claes Jansz. Justitie over enige Arminiaensche verraders, geschiet in s'Gravenhaech.
[Amsterdam, Claes Jansz. Visscher, 1623]. Engraved print (26.5 x 32 cm) mounted on a large sheet of 18th-century(?) laid paper (50.5 x 33 cm), with manuscript text in three columns with the title: Cort verhaal ende waerachtige afbeeldinge der justitie geschiet in s'Gravenhage, over seeker, conspirateurs, diens conspiratie deur Gods voorsienigheid ontdekt is den 6e. February 1623. Full description
€ 1,500
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A 1486 edition of the Golden legend: one of the earliest books printed by Kessler at Basel

VORAGINE, Jacobus de. Legenda sanctorum al[ia]s Lombardica historia. [= Legenda aurea sanctorum].
[Colophon:] Basel, Nikolaus Kessler, 25 June 1486 Small (Chancery) folio (28.5 x 22 cm). With Kesslers 1485 woodcut armorial device below the colophon (double shield hanging from a branch, the dexter shield with 3 kettle hooks and the sinister shield with a K and cross). Blind-tooled tanned sheepskin (ca. 1870/1900), with a hollow back, sewn on 4 recessed cords but with 5 false bands on the spine, gold-tooled black morocco spine-label in the 2nd compartment and "BASEL 1486" in gold at the foot. [255] ll. Full description
€ 11,000
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Attributes of the Prophet: Arabic manuscript in black and red with text and ruling in geometric patterns

[WASF AL-RUSUL]. [Kitab Wasf al-Rusul wa al-Imama].
[Near East, ca. 1820?] Small folio (ca. 21 x 30 cm). Arabic manuscript in a naskh script, written in black ink on paper, with headings, key words and short passages in red, ruled in red throughout (often in complex patterns to form tables and geometric shapes) and with a diagrammatic human body also in red, 2 leaves with circular diagrams, some ruled leaves blank (text never completed). Contemporary limp leather. 74 ll. Full description
€ 12,000
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Announcement of the annual 'day of prayer': all inhabitants of Suriname, including all enslaved people,
are forbidden to work and called to pray for the prosperity of the Dutch Republic

WICHERS, Jan Gerhard. Publicatie. Wy Mr. Jan Gerhard Wichers. Generaal Majoor, in dienst van den Staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden, Gouverneur Generaal over de colonie Surinaame, rivieren en districten van dien mitsgaaders Collonel en Cheff der gezaamentlijke militie deezer landen, &c. &c. &c, en de raaden van politie en criminele justitie der voorz. colonie &c. &c.
[Paramaribo, W. H. Poppelmann, 1786]. Broadsheet (50.5 x 36 cm). With the woodcut coat of arms of the Society of Suriname at the head. [1] leaf. Full description
€ 2,250
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A humanist in strife with the Augustines and Pope Julius II, ca. 1507

WIMPFELING, Jakob (Jacobus WIMPHELINGIUS). Ad Julium. II. Po[n]tifice[m] Max[imum]. Querulosa excusatio Jacobi Wimphelingii ad instantiam fratru[m] Augustine[n]sium ad curiam romana[m] citati: ut propria in persona ibide[m] compareat: proptereaq[ue] scripsit divum Augustinum non fuisse monachum vel fratrem mendicante[m].
[Strasbourg, Jean Prüss the elder, ca. 1507]. 4to (21 x 15 cm). With a large woodcut decorated initial. Set in 2 sizes of roman type with a few words in a large textura gothic type. With the initial coloured brown by an early hand. Boards covered with grey laid paper (1940s?). [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Contemporary pamphlets about the Loudun possessions and Urbain Grandier's witchcraft trial

[WITCHCRAFT]. Factum, pour maistre Urbain Grandier, prestre curé de leglise S. Pierre du Marché de Loudun, & lun des chanoines en leglise Saincte Croix dudit lieu.
[ca. 1634].
(2) [WITCHCRAFT]. Remarques & considerations servans a la justification du curé de Loudun, autres que celles contenuës en son factum.
[ca. 1634].
2 works in 1 volume. 4to (ca. 18.5 x 24 cm). Modern marbled boards. 12; 8 pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Rare missionary reports from Africa, India and the East Indies,
including letters from the grand-nephew of Saint Francis Xavier

[XAVIER, Jerome, and others]. Raguagli d'alcune missioni fatte dalli padri della Compagnia di Giesu nell'Indie Orientali, cioè nelle provincie di Goa, e Coccinno, e nell'Africa in Capo Verde.
Rome, Bartolomeo Zannetti, 1615. Small 8vo (14 x 9 cm).18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. 165, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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