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Crispijn de Passe's complete print series, The Acts of Mercy, including The Last Judgement

PASSE, Crispijn de (the elder) [after Maarten de VOS]. [The acts of mercy, including the Last Judgement].
Antwerp, Adriaen Collaert (7 plates with the Acts of Mercy) & Johannes Galle (the Last Judgement), ca. 1580-1588. Folio (7 of 8 plates trimmed). 8 engravings (ca. 17.5 x 20.5 cm) on laid paper by Crispijn de Passe I (the elder) after Maarten de Vos with the central scene framed by an exquisite ornamental border showing crafts, tools and scenes relating to the subject. All engravings captioned with engraved Latin text in a cartouche below the images. Loose prints. Full description
€ 9,500
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Exceptionally rare, very early Deventer printing of an almost unknown work attributed to Petrarca

PETRARCA, Francesco (attributed). Psalmi confessionales.
[Deventer, Albert Pafraet, ca. 1514-1517]. 8vo. With 2 allegorical woodcut illustrations. The first, on the title-page, shows "Cognitio" leaving the room to go inquire who wounded the Daughter (of) Zion. The second, on the last page, shows "Spes", "Fides" and "Cognitio" comforting the Daughter (of) Zion, who is lying in bed. Later sheepskin parchment with the title lettered in gold on the spine. [6] ff, Full description
€ 35,000
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The famous Rooklooster and the Congregation of Windesheim: two post-incunables and a 15th century manuscript in an original Rooklooster binding

[POST-INCUNABLE - ROOKLOOSTER - WINDESHEIM]. Ordinarius divini officii pro ordine Canonicorum Regularium, Capittuli sive Congregationis Wyndesemensis. Anno Domini. M.CCCCC.XXI.
Deventer, Albert Pafraet, April 1521.
With: (2) [POST-INCUNABLE]. Statuta capituli Windeshemensis. - Incipiunt statuta capituli de windesim. impressa amstelredammis Et primo de elecione intronisatione & confirmatione novi prioris.
Den Hem (near Schoonhoven), Regular canon Frater N., 1508.
(3) [MANUSCRIPT - LATIN]. Forma inclusionis.
[Rooklooster, after 1480 (ca. 1490)].
4to. Ad 1: With the title set within a magnificent woodcut frame consisting of four pieces. Further with two smaller woodcuts in the text, woodcut initials and a full-page woodcut illustration at the end. All illustrations are beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand. The text is set in roman type (with some occasional Gothic type), rubricated throughout. Ad 2: With a large handcoloured woodcut beneath the two lines of the title, the text is set in Gothic type, rubricated throughout. Ad 3: Latin manuscript written in a neat littera hybrida with the titles written in a littera textualis, rubricated throughout. In a beautifully and richly paneled original and signed binding of the famous Rooklooster (the "Red monastery"), the Augustinian Abbey of St. Paul in Oudergem (Auderghem) in the "Soniënbos" (Forest of Zonia) near Brussels: contemporary polished calf over wooden boards with (on both sides) two borders of three lines with rolls in between and a stamp of the Holy Lamb in the four corners and lozenge-shaped floral ornaments in the centre divided by three lines with a little floral double-rose stamp on the crossings; below the central panel on the front side a stamp "Roedencloester" flanked by eight little stamps of a star within a circle; one brass clasp and catch at the fore edge, brass strips at the edges of the corners; vellum pastedowns. [16], LXXIV; 63; 17 ll. Full description
€ 75,000
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Early New Zealand imprint, in the Maori language

[PUCKEY, William Gilbert and William COLENSO (translator)]. Ko nga upoko ewitu o te Pukapuka a te Poropiti a Raniera: me te Pukapuka ano hoki a te Poropiti a Hona: ...
Paihia (New Zealand), "Perehi o nga Mihanere" (= Missionary Press [operated by William Colenso]), 1840. Large 12mo (20 x 12 cm). contemporary grey paper wrapper. 32 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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A very popular paraphrase of the psalms by an associate of Erasmus, translated into German

SNOY, Reinier & Nicolaus Hug LANDENBURGER (transl.). Der gantze Psalter dess heiligen unnd königklichen Propheten Davids, mit beygesetzter kurtzer Catholicher Erklärung, auss den alten Vättern, unnd Kirchen Lehrern gezogen. Anfangs in lateinischer Sprach beschriben, nachmalen durch Herrn Nicolaum Hug Landenburger, des Keiserlichen Thumb Stiffts Speier Diacon verteutscht. Anjetzo aber durch instendiges Antreiben dess wolwürdigen, wolgebornen Herzen Joann Werneren, edlen Herren auff Raitnau, zu Langenstein, Sant Johannes Ordens Rittern, & zu mehrerm nutz unnd trost viler frommen unnd Gottliebenden Christen nachgetruckt.
St. Gallen, Im Fürstlichen Gottszhaus [= Johann Landorth], 1644. 4to. Title-page in red and black, a headpiece built up from typographic ornaments, and woodcut gothic decorated initials. Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, 2 brass clasps (on calf straps) and catchplates. [16], 574 pp. Full description
€ 1,900
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Marvelously illustrated emblematic work on moral education

SPINNIKER, Adriaan. Leerzaame zinnebeelden, ... Tweede druk.
Haarlem, Jan Bosch, 1757. With engraved frontispiece and 50 beautifully engraved emblems in text.
With: (2) SPINNIKER, Adriaan. Vervolg der Leerzaame zinnenbeelden, Spiegel der boetvaardigheid en genade en eenige stichtelyke gezangen.
Haarlem, Jan Bosch, 1758. With same engraved frontispiece (with revisions), 30 engraved emblems in text and 4 engraved emblems on plates with letterpress text. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary gold-tooled, tanned sheepskin. [16], 220, [3, 1 blank]; [8], XII, 144, 90, [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Fine, large-margined second edition (1470/71) of important commentaries on all 150 psalms

TORQUEMADA, Juan de (Johannes de TURRECREMATA). [Expositio super toto psalterio, incipit:] Ad sanctissimum ac beatissimum dominum dominum Pium Secundum Pontificem Maximum editio in librum psalmorum quem alii soliloquium dicunt incipit feliciter ... [colophon:] Explanatio in psalterium ...
(Colophon:) Augsburg, printed by Johann Schüssler, [1470/71]. Folio (30 x 22 cm). Set in a single type, largely a rotunda gothic but with some roman influences with 35 lines per page, with about 150 manuscript "Lombardic" initials in red ink, the lines introducing the commentary for each psalm underscored and with manuscript paragraph marks, both in red ink. Late 19th-century(?) half vellum, boards covered with 2 leaves from a Latin Vulgate Bible printed on vellum. [266], [2 blank] pp. ([133], [1 blank] ll.) Full description
€ 32,500
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1532 Krakow humanist medallion binding

TOSTATUS (TOSTADO DE MADRIGAL), Alfonso. Super Leviticum in sensu litterali nova et hactenus abscondita a se edita commentaria.
(Colophon: Venice, Petrus Liechtenstein, 1529). With title-page printed in red and black with a large woodcut containing the coats of arms of the Emperor Charles V (Charles I of Spain) and two bishops (the author and perhaps a relative), leaf 2 with a woodcut of the author writing at his desk, with his arms, and a woodcut initial with the other bishop's arms inside the letter, the arms in the initial and some lines of text printed in red. Printed in two columns.
With: (2) TOSTATUS, Alfonso. Opus super Deuteronomium.
(Colophon: Venice, Petrus Liechtenstein, 1528). With title-page printed in red and black, leaf 1 with a woodcut of the author writing at his desk, with his arms (not the same woodcut as in ad 1), and a woodcut initial with the other bishop's arms as in ad 1. Printed in two columns. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary blind- and gold-tooled tanned sheepskin over wooden boards; each board in a panel design with 2 (on the back board 3) different vine rolls, rules, and on the front board a central medaillon depicting Bathsheba kneeling before King David playing his harp, and a half dozen separate stamps, with author and title at the head, "Thostati Super Leviti et Deuteronomy" and the binding date MDXXXII (1532); blind-tooled spine, remnants of brass anchor plates on the back board (for straps?), catch plates on the front board lacking. 249, [1 blank]; [1], 120 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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A 1486 edition of the Golden legend: one of the earliest books printed by Kessler at Basel

VORAGINE, Jacobus de. Legenda sanctorum al[ia]s Lombardica historia. [= Legenda aurea sanctorum].
[Colophon:] Basel, Nikolaus Kessler, 25 June 1486 Small (Chancery) folio (28.5 x 22 cm). With Kesslers 1485 woodcut armorial device below the colophon (double shield hanging from a branch, the dexter shield with 3 kettle hooks and the sinister shield with a K and cross). Blind-tooled tanned sheepskin (ca. 1870/1900), with a hollow back, sewn on 4 recessed cords but with 5 false bands on the spine, gold-tooled black morocco spine-label in the 2nd compartment and "BASEL 1486" in gold at the foot. [255] ll. Full description
€ 11,000
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