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Religion & Devotion / Jesuits

In a 17th-century richly gold-tooled Jesuit prize-binding

PLUTARCHUS. Moralia, quae usurpantur. sunt autem omnis elegantis doctrinae penus: id est, varij libri: morales, historici, physici, mathematici, deniq; ad politiorem litteraturam pertinentes & humanitatem: omnes de Graeca in Latinam linguam transscripti.
Basel, Thomas Guarini, 1570. Folio. With woodcut printer's device on title-page and repeated on last page, some mathematical woodcuts in text and numerous historiated woodcut initials. Early 17th-century Jesuit prize binding in richly gold-tooled light brown calf, sides with arabesques in the style of Gascon, richly gold-tooled double borders and inner panel with small bands in a geometrical pattern. [12], 857, [91] pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Promoting Catholicism through missionary work as the Jesuits lost power:
a manuscript from the Sir Thomas Phillipps collection

[PROPAGANDA FIDE]. Africa [-] Greci - Italo Greci [-] Armeni di Venezia [-] varie.
[Rome and perhaps elsewhere, ca. 1758-1764 (transcribing original documents going back to at least 1664)]. 4to. Collection of manuscript transcriptions of about 30 letters and other documents. Contemporary Italian sheepskin parchment over flexible boards. [416] pp., including about 15 blank leaves. Full description
€ 39,500
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Jesuits in the Americas: in Florida, Peru, Brasil, and other places in Middle and South America

RIBADENEYRA, Pedro de [and Michel d'ESNE DE BETENCOURT (translator)]. La vie du pere Francois de Borja ...
Douai, Baltazar Bellère, 1603. 8vo. With a woodcut "IHS" vignette on the title-page, some woodcut decorated initials and woodcut head-pieces, and a large woodcut tail-piece on p. 480. Contemporary overlapping vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties. [1], [1 blank], [22], 480 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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"Pioneer Portuguese Jesuit missionary to Japan"

RODRIGUES GIRÃO, João. Litterae Iaponicae annorum M.DC.IX et X. ad R. admodum piae mem. p. Claudium Aquavivam generalem praepositum Societatis Iesu A.R.P. Provinciali eiusdem in Iapone Societ. Missae.
Antwerp, Petrus and Johannes Bellerus, 1615. 8vo. With woodcut printer's device on title-page. Modern limp parchment, gilt edges. [24], 111, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Second Latin edition of the annual report and letters on the events in Japan during the years 1609 and 1610

[RODRIGUEZ GIRAM, Joao]. Litterae iaponicae annorum M.DC.IX et X. ad R. admodum piae mem. P. Claudium Aquavivam generalem praepositum Societatis Iesu A.R.P. Provinciali eiusdem in Iapone Societ. missae.
Antwerp, P. & J. Bellerus, 1615. 8vo. Woodcut printer's device on title, woodcut initials. Contemp. limp vellum, title in ink on spine with traces of colouring, remnants of ties. [24], 111, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Very rare first issue of the first edition of a collection of letters
by the 16th-century Jesuit missionaries in the Far East

[RUTILIUS SOMBERGIUS, Joannes (editor and translator)]. Epistolae Indicae, de stupendis et praeclaris rebus, quas divina bonitas in India & variis insulis, per societatem nominis Jesu, operari dignata est, in tam copiosa gentium ad fidem conversione.
Leuven, Rutger Velpius, 1566.
(2) PAYVA de ANDRADE, Diogo de. De societatis Jesu orgine libellus. ... contra Kemnicii cuiusdam petulante[m] audacia[m].
Including: Societatis Jesu defensio adversus obtrectatores, ex testimonio, & literis Pii Quarti Pontificis Maximi.
Leuven, Rutger Velpius, 1566.
2 works in 1 volume, the second in 2 parts. Small 8vo (ca. 15 x 9.5 cm). Ad 1: with a woodcut head-piece with the title set in its banner and Velpius' woodcut device on the title-page, woodcut decorated initials throughout, and some woodcut tailpieces. Ad 2: With Velpius' woodcut device on the title-page, the last page of part 1, and the last page of part 2. The divisional title-page for part 2 contains the woodcut coat-of-arms of Pope Pius IV, with several woodcut decorated initials in both parts. Late 19th-century half brown cloth and marbled paper over boards, with a red morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, boards covered with marbled paper. [24], 496; [80]; [32] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Rare first and only edition of an important account of the Christian missions, by an Augustinian in Mexico

SICARDO, José (Joseph). Christiandad del Japon, y dilatada persecucion que padecio. Memorias sacras, de los martyres de las ilustres religiones de Santo Domingo, San Francisco, Compañia de Jesus; ...
Madrid, Francisco Sanz, 1698. Folio (31 x 22 cm). With the title in a frame of vine-leaf ornaments and 2 woodcut armorial headpieces plus 1 repeat. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, later lettered spine-title. [16], 448 [= 450], [13], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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The visit of a Siamese embassy to Rome, during the Siamese revolution of 1688

[TACHARD, Guy]. [Drop-title:] Breve ragguaglio di quanto è accaduto in Roma à Sig: Mandarini venuti co[n] il P: Guido Tasciard della compagnia di Giesù, inviato straordinario dal rè di Siam dopo l'Udienza hauuta da N.S. Innocenzo XI.
(Colophon: Rome, Domenico Antonio Ercole, 1689). Small 4to (21.5 x 15.5 cm). With decorated woodcut initial on the first page. Disbound. 8 pp. Full description
€ 3,800
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Extensive Italian handbook for missionaries to India, southeast Asia and China

TOSI, Clemente (TONSUS, Clemens). L'India Orientale. Descrittione geografica, & historica. (vol. 1:) Dove si tratta della parte intra Gangem contenente li regni soggetti all' Impero del Gran Mogol ... Con la confutatione dell'idolatie, superstitioni, & altri loro errori. (vol.2:) Dove si tratta della parte extra Gangem ...
Rome, Felice Cesaretti, 1676. 2 volumes. 4to. With the full-page portrait of the author by A. Clouet, many woodcut initials and head- and tail-pieces. Contemporary vellum, with a manuscript title on the spines, sprinkled edges. [8], 896, 58; [8], 927, [1] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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