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Religion & Devotion / Protestant Reformation

5 rare polemical works: 3 epistles by a leading French Counter-Reformationist,
a Protestant reply and the defence against the reply

HERVET, Gentian. Epistre ou advertissement au peuple fidele de l'Eglise Catholique, touchant les differens qui sont aujourd'huy en la religion Chrestienne.
Paris, Nicolas Chesneau, 1561.
(2) HERVET, Gentian. Deux epistres, aux ministres, predicans et supposts de la congregation & nouvelle eglise de ceux qui s'appellent fideles, & croyans à la parolle: ...
Paris, Nicolas Chesneau, 1562.
Including: (3) HERVET, Gentian. Seconde epistre aux ministres, predicans & suppostz de le nouvelle eglise, de ceux qui s'appellent fideles, & croyans à la parole.
Paris, Nicolas Chesneau, 1561.
(4) [TOUSSAIN, Daniel?]. Response a une certaine epistre envoyee par M. Gentian Hervet, curé de Crevant, aux fideles de l'eglise reformee d'Orleans.
[Paris?], [publisher unknown], 1561.
(5) HERVET, Gential. Apologie ou defense, contre une response des Ministres de la nouvelle eglise d'Orleans, escripte en leur nom, par Je ne sçay qui, se nommant, L'un pour tous.
Paris, Nicolas Chesneau, 1561. 5 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 18th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. 28; 24; 8; [44]; 127, [1] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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The origins of the American Indians, together with the life and teaching of David Joris

HORNIUS (HORN), Georgius. De originibus Americanis. Libri quatuor.
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq (colophon: printed by Phillipe de Croy, Leiden), 1652.
With: (2) BLESDIJK, Nicolaas van. Historia, vitae, doctrinae, ac rerum gestarum Davidis Georgii haeresiarchae. Conscripta ab ipsius genero Nicolao Blesdikio. Nunc primum prodit in lucem ex musaeo Iacobi Revii.
Deventer, Nathanael Cost, 1642. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [9], [11], 282; [8], 189 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Radical Anabaptism: The Münster Rebellion and the Amsterdam Riots

HORTENSIUS, Lambertus. Het boeck van den oproer der Weder-dooperen. Eerst int Latijn beschreven, ende ghedruckt tot Basel ... Ende nu in Nederlandts overgheset. ...
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz Meyn, 1614. Folio. With 1 half-page and 8 full-page engraved plates in text (one repeat). Contemporary vellum. [4], 26 ll. Full description
€ 1,950
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Celebrating Gustav Adolf II, 'The Lion of the North' and champion of Protestantism,
magnificently illustrated by Crispijn vande Passe II

HULSIUS, Bartholomaeus. Den onderganck des Roomschen Arents, door den Noordschen Leeuw. Af-ghebeeldt in verscheyden konstige figuren, met sin-rijcke verklaringhen der selver, beydes in en buyten rijm, vertoonende, in 't kort, de gedenckwaerdighste saken, die van den beginne, tot noch toe, in dese oorlogen zyn omgegaen. Met een verhael van den doodt des Koninghs. Hier zyn noch by ghevoeght de victorien der Croon Sweden, sedert de doodt des auteurs vercreghen.
Amsterdam, Crispijn vande Passe, 1642. 4to. Engraved allegorical title-page with engraved title in a central panel below Fame sitting on a swan. Beautifully bound in 19thcentury light brown gold-tooled calf (1850s or 1860s?), each board with triple along the edges, decorated spine with red and green labels lettered in gold, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins , marbled endpapers, signed "PETIT SUCCr DE SIMIER": Charles Petit operated a Paris bindery from 1848 to 1873 as successor to René Simier (1772-1843), relieur du roi from 1815, and his son. [12], 91, [1 blank] pp. plus engraved title-page. Full description
€ 15,000
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Antipapal dialogues (1520), with a lovely woodcut of Fortuna

HUTTEN, Ulrich von. Dialogi. Fortuna. Febris prima. Febris secunda. Trias Romana. Inspicientes.
Colophon: Mainz, Johann Schöffer, April 1520. Small 4to (19.5 x 14 cm). With a lovely woodcut of the blindfolded Fortuna on title-page (by Hans Weiditz?), a large woodcut initial Q (repeated twice) and several vine leaf ornaments. Printed in roman type. 19th-century half vellum. [72] ll. Full description
€ 3,750
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Rare first editions of two important spiritual works by the controversial Anabaptist David Joris

[JORIS, David]. Die eerste sullen die laetste, die laetste die eerste sijn.
With: (2) [JORIS, David]. Een twesprake tusschen man unde wijff, namelick Christus un[de] de gemeente oder verlorene mensch.
[Rostock, Ludwig Dietz, ca. 1550/52]. 8vo (15.5 x 11 cm). With gothic initials and a vine-leaf ornament. Set in schwabacher types with incidental and fraktur. Vellum (ca. 1680?). [211], [1 blank]; [71], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 17,500
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Most important work of the mysterious and controversial Anabaptist David Joris

JORIS, David. T'Wonder-boeck: waer in dat van der wereldt aen versloten gheopenbaert is.
[Vianen, printed by Dirck Mullem and distributed via a merchant in Emden, 1584]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a half-page engraving of the Lamb of God in part 1, a spectacular full-page engraving of the nude bride of Christ in part 3 (by Hieronymus Wierix) and an engraved landscape with the way to eternal life in the sky in part 3. Blind-tooled calf over wooden boards (ca. 1645), each board in a panel design with three ornamental rolls, 2 brass clasps and catchplates with engraved decoration. [9 of 10], 125, [3]; [5 of 6], 164, [2]; [4], 50, [2]; [2], 34, [1], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Dutch Anabaptist heretic burned in Basel three years after his death

JORIS, David (subject). David Georgen ausz Holand deß Ertzkätzers warhafftige Histori, seines Lebens, unnd verfürischen Leer, . . .
Basel, (colophon: printed by Hieronymus Curio, September 1559), 1559. Small 4to. With 2 large woodcut gothic decorated initials (56 mm). Set in schwabacher types with incidental fraktur and the year of publication in Roman numerals. Disbound. [63], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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2nd known copy of the 2nd edition (ca. 1595?) of David Joris’s first spiritual handbook

JORIS, David. Handt boecxken: inholdende vele godlijcke trouhertighe vaderlijcke vermaninghen unde leeringen: ...
[Rotterdam, Dirck de Raeff van Mullem, ca. 1595?]. Small 12mo in 8s (14 x 8 cm). With a woodcut spiral printed in the fore-edge margin to illustrate the spiritual workings of God, 11 interlaced gothic initials (cast in matrices) plus 22 repeats, and 3 vine-leaf ornaments (Vervliet 7, 127 and 184). Set in textura gothic types with an occasional word in roman. Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards (with tapered edges), sewn on 3 double cords, each board with a frame made with a 12 mm roll (reticulated diagonals making diamonds and half diamonds, each diamond containing a quatrafoil and each half-diamond a trefoil, in the general style of Einbanddatenbank roll r000355, workshop w007716 (Wittenberg, late 16th-century) and others in the motief group m000956, edged inside and out with multiple fillets, two brass fastenings with engraved decoration (each with a clasp on a calf strap, and a catchplate). [1], 142, [1] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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