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Book History, Education, Learning & Printing

Voyages to the British East Indies, Ethiopia and New England

AA, Pieter van der. Naaukeurige versameling der gedenk-waardigste zee en landreysen, na Oost en West-Indiën, mitsgaders andere gewesten, ter eerster ontdekking en soo vervolgens van verscheyde volkeren, meerendeels door vorsten, of maatschappyen, derwaarts gesonden, gedaan; zedert het jaar 1611 tot 1616.
(1) Vier bysondere reysen na Oost-Indien, ... de negende van de Engelse Oost-Indise maatschappy, met het schip de Jacobus, door Kapiteyn Edmund Marlow, ... de tiende van de Engelse maatschappy, met de scheepen, de Draak en Hosiander, door Mr. Thomas Besr ... elfde reys van de Engelse maatschappy, met het schip, de Salomon, beschreeven door Ralph Wilson ... de vierde is die met het schip de Paarl, daar Samuel Castelton kapiteyn op was ...(2) Twaalfde reys na Oost-Indien, op kosten van de Engelse maatschappy; door Kapiteyn Christoffel Nieuwpoort ... gedaan in het jaar 1613 ...(3) Voyagie van den eerwaarden vader Antonio Fernandez na Gingiro, gedaan in gesandschap met Tecur Egzy, door den Keyser van Ethiopiën afgevaardigt. In het jaar 1613.
(4) Reys na Oost-Indien van Kapiteyn Nicolaas Dounton; door ordre van de Engelse maatschappy met 4 scheepen: gedaan in het jaar 1614.(5) Beknopte aantekeningen van een Oost-Indische reys, gedaan uyt Engeland, met 3 scheepen de Samaritaan, de Thomas en Thomasine, in het jaar 1614. en beschreeven door Johan Milward, ...
(6) Twee scheeps-togten van Kapiteyn Johan Smith, beyde gedaan na Nieuw-Engeland. De eerste in het jaar 1614. ... De tweede gedaan in het jaar 1615.(7) Tweede reys van Kapiteyn Walter Peyton, na Oost-Indien, met het schip de Expeditie, ... neffens de Draak, de Leeuw en de Peper-corn. In het jaar 1615. en vervolgens. Als mede de reys van Thomas Coryat na Asmere, zijnde de hof-stad van den grooten Mogol.(8) Scheeps-togt van Edward Terry, capellaan van den ambassadeur Thomas Roe, na Oost-Indien; ...(9) Twee bysondere scheeps-togten, de eerste van Roger Hawes; ... De tweede van Alexander Childe, na Suratte en Jasques: ...
Leiden, Pieter van der Aa, 1707. 9 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With 11 folding engraved plates and 4 folding engraved maps. Contemporary vellum, with manuscript short-title on spine, a silver fastening at the fore-edge (Germany, 18th century, marked "GED 12" and initials(?) "A E") and red-and-blue sprinkled edges. [2], 97, [13]; [2], 39, [6], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], 22 [3], [3 blank]; [1], [2 blank], [1], 86, [10]; [1], [1 blank], 12, [2]; [1], [1 blank], 34, [4]; [2], 47[=49], [5]; [2], 63, [7]; [1], [1 blank], 16, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Christianity and children's education intertwined: a very rare Italian ABC book

[ABC BOOK]. Correttissima Santa Croce per facilissima istruzzione de' fanciulli.
[Rome], Francesco Ansillioni, [ca. 1750]. Small 8vo. With 2 nearly full-page woodcuts (the Holy Virgin on the front cover and a monk with a shining nimbus containing the word "charitas" around his head on the back cover) and 7 small religious woodcuts in text. Front and back cover and the first two pages with alphabets and numbers in ornamental woodcut borders. Sewn. [16] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Only Dutch edition of a curios medical and dietetic vade-mecum for students

ABEL, Heinrich Kaspar. De hervormde en volkoome lyf-medicus der studenten, in vier boeken begreepen ... Benevens eene toegift van eenige nuttige en noodige recepten.
Utrecht, Willem van der Weyde, 1746. 8vo. Title-page printed in red and black, woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. Later blue sprinkled paper over thin paperboard. [20], 404, 136 pp. Full description
€ 400
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First edition of a rare work on Syrian grammar, with excerpts from important Syrian authors

ADLER, Jacob Georg Christian. Brevis linguae Syriacae insitutio in usum tironum edita.
Altona, Johann David Adam Eckhardt, 1784. 8vo. With a woodcut vignette on the title-page and typographical ornaments at the head of every page. The text is set in Roman and Syriac type. Early 19th-century blue marbled paper wrappers. 64, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Prose and verse fables, and some of the earliest European combed marbled paper,
in an armorial binding for William the Silents son-in-law

AESOP & BABRIUS. Aesopi Phrygis fabulae elegantissimis eiconibus veras animalium species ad vivum adumbrantes. Gabriae Graeci fabellae lxiv [recté lxiii]. Haec omnia cum Latina interpretatione. Nunc postremùm excusa & accuratè recognita.
Paris, Jean Libert, 1623. 16mo. Contemporary French gold-tooled calf, each board with the coat-of-arms of Henri de La Tour (1555-1623), Duc de Bouillon and Prince of Sedan, who married the daughter of William the Silent, founding father of the Dutch Republic (with a French Ducal crown, the whole in a wreath of 2 laurel branches with berries). [2], 236, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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Aesop edited by Heinsius and illustrated by Van Sichem, in a prize-binding with the Amersfoort arms

AESOP. Fabulae ... Graecè & Latinè, nunc denuo selectae: eae item quas Avienus carmine expressit. Accedit Ranarum & murium pugna, Homero olim asscripta. Cum elegantissimis in utroque libello figuris, & utriusque interpretatione plurimis in locis emendata.
Leiden, Joannes Maire, 1632. 8vo. With 47 woodcut illustrations (5 x 6.5 cm) by Christoffel van Sichem II in the text. Contemporary vellum, each board with a panel stamp (59 x 50 mm) of the Amersfoort coat of arms. Most endpapers later. 158, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Daniel Heinsius's famous Aesop schoolbook, illustrated by Christoffel van Sichem

AESOP. Fabulae Graecè & Latinè, nunc denuo selectae: eae item, quas Avienus carmine expressit. Accedit Ranarum & murium pugna, Homero olim asscripta: cum elegantissimis in utroque libello figuris, & utriusque interpretatione, plurimis in locis emendatâ. Ex decreto DD. Hollandiae ordinum, in usum scholarum.
Utrecht, Jurriaen van Poolsum, 1685. Small 8vo. With small woodcut of a fox sitting under a tree on the title-page, a woodcut depicting Aesop with animals dancing around him, and children wearing crowns looking in at the door (illustrating the account Aesop's life), and 48 further woodcuts in the text, 40 illustrating Aesop's fables, and 6 illustrating the "Battle of the frogs and the mice", all by Christoffel van Sichem. Contemporary vellum. 134, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Of lasting value of the history of Arabic literature

AHLWARDT, Wilhelm. Verzeichniss der Arabischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin.
Berlin, A. W. Schade (I) and A. Asher & Co. (II-X), 1887-1899. 10+1 volumes. 4to. With 12 photographic halftone plates of 62 manuscript specimens in vol. X. Added: separate atlas issue of the 12 plates. Altogether 11 vols. in publisher's light blue printed boards. Full description
€ 8,500
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Rare early edition of a popular book of botanical, mineralogical and zoological wonders,
with a large woodcut of the author among his books

ALBERTUS MAGNUS (pseudo). Liber secretorum ... De virtutibus herbarum: & animalium quorundam. Eiusdemq[ue] liber De mirabilibus mundi: & etiam de quibusdam effectibus causatis a quibusdam animalibus &c.
(Colophon: Venice, Johan Baptist Sessa, 12 February 1502). Small 4to (21 x 15.5 cm). With a large woodcut portrait of the author at his desk. Gold-tooled maroon morocco (ca. 1870/90?) for James Carnegie, 9th Earl of Southesk (1827-1905), gilt edges. 16 ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Rare 17th-century writing book & instructions, for learning without a master

ALLAIS, Jean Baptiste. L'art d'ecrire.
Paris, chez l'auteur, 1680. Folio. With large woodcut vignette on letterpress title-page, a woodcut headpiece, 2 woodcut decorative initials, decorations built up from cast arabesque fleurons, an engraved calligraphic title-page and 22 (of 23) engraved leaves with calligraphic writing samples and illustrations, all engraved by Louis Senault. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, and unusual marbled paste-downs. [4], 12 pp. plus 23 (of 24) engr. ll. Full description
€ 2,250
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Magnificent illustrated rococo book with Italian poetry, printed in Venice/Belluno

[ALPAGO, Cesare et al.]. Per le nozze del Sig.r. Marchese Guglielmo de' Fulcis, cavalier di Malta, maggiore attuale al servizio delle LL. MM. II. RR. con la Sig'.ra. Contessa Francesca de' Migazzi de Vaal e Sonnenthurn.
[Venice], (colophon: nella stamperia Albrizzi con privilegio dell' Senato per tutti li rami che adornano le di lui stampe, 1776). Folio (35 x 25 cm). Engraved frontispiece with a decorative rococo border, engraved title in a rococo border incorporating the coat-of-arms of Guglielmo de' Fulcis, engraved full-page colophon on the last leaf; 7 pp. with additional engraved allegorical vignettes, one on C3 signed ''Piazzetta inv.''. Contemporary light green paper wrappers with gold rococo ornamental borders and a gold centre piece with allegorical seated figure on the front and back side of the wrappers, probably made for presentation to the bride, groom or an important person who attended the wedding. [57], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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Venetian incunable in a contemporary richly blind-tooled (Venetian?) binding with Islamic influences:
the 3rd edition (1498) of Thomas Aquinas on the epistles of Saint Paul

AQUINAS, Thomas. Sancti Thome de Aquino super epistolas Pauli. Super epistolas Sancti Pauli[.] Co[m]mentaria preclarissima. Cum tabula ordinatissima. [= In omnes epistolas Pauli].
[Colophon:] Venice, Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus Scotus, 22 December 1498. Folio (32.5 x 22.5 cm). Printed in two columns. Contemporary Venetian(?) blind-tooled, blackened tanned calf over bevelled wooden boards [12], 260, [1] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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A rare survival of a printing device: a woodblock for the cross-cultural printing
of a Hebrew publication of the Song of Solomon

[ARABIC-SCRIPT PRINTER’S WOODBLOCK]. Hand-cut woodblock bearing the text "Safr Nishd al-nishad li-Süleyman ..." (Book of the Song of songs of Solomon) in naskh Arabic script.
[Probably Ottoman provinces, mid-18th century (ca. 1750)]. A single hand-cut woodblock (17 x 9 x 2.2 cm, with protrusions to the left and right making it wider - 11 cm - near the head to accommodate the wider 2nd line) intended for use as printing block, with 6 lines of text, together with an inked impression on 18th century paper (16.5 x 10.5 cm). Full description
€ 18,000
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A dissertation from Manilla's Jesuit University on practical mathematics for the military

ARAYA, Fernando de. Conclusiones mathematicas, practicas, y especulativas defendidas en el principio del segundo año ...
Manila, Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay, 1758. 4to. With engraved frontispiece equestrian portrait of Ferdinand VI, King of Spain and Emperor of the Indies. Contemporary salmon-coloured silk over flexible boards, preserved in modern portfolio. [4], 4 ll. Full description
€ 8,750
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Second edition (1 year after the first, both very rare) of a classic on falconry and hawking by King Henri IV’s falconer

ARCUSSIA, Charles d'. La fauconnerie ... Divisee en trois livres. Avec une briefve instruction pour traitter les autours, sur la fin de l'oeuvre, ...
Paris, Jean Houzé, 1599. 8vo. With Houzé's woodcut device, 6 full-page engravings of birds of prey (12.5 x 8.5 cm) plus 3 (of 5) repeats and all on integral leaves. Red goatskin morocco, signed in the foot of the front turn-in by M[arcel] GODILLOT (active as bookbinder 1938-1975), with wide gold-tooled turn-ins and gold fillets on board edge. 272, [8] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Italian florilegium, only copy known with 65 plates printed in up to 6 colours

ARENA, Filippo. La natura, e coltura de' fiori fisicamente esposta.
Palermo, Angelo Felicella, 1767-1768. 2 text volumes (4to), bound as 3, and 1 plates volume (oblong folio). With 65 engraved plates printed in colour, occasionally combining up to 6 colours on one plate. The first plate (here wholly printed in dark green) serves as an (allegorical) frontispiece and includes the name of the author and that of Mario Cammerari, the second plate depicts tools, seeds and details of flowers, the third plate contains parterre designs and the other plates depict flowers (several to each plate). Modern flexible boards, covered with decorated paper. VIII, 440; VIII, “116” [= 416]; [2], 167, [1 blank], [8] pp. plus 65 plates. Full description
€ 85,000
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The most important source for the Moluccas in the early colonial period

ARGENSOLA, Bartolome Leonardo de. Conquista de las islas Malucas.
[Madrid, Alonso Martin, 1609]. Small folio (22 x 30 cm). With an engraved architectural title-page showing an allegorical scene (the Moluccas represented by a native woman with feather headdress, cornucopia and sword, riding a crocodile, with the Spanish royal coat of arms in the sky) and a sleeping lion (representing the author?) in a separate cartouche below. Early 18th-century richly gold-tooled red morocco, each board with a large centrepiece a petit fers made partly with pointillé stamps. (Integral?) engraved title-page + [10], “407” [= 411], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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Biography of a famous abbess and reformer of Port-Royal. With notes on the history of Port-Royal,
Maubuisson and other monasteries

ARNAULD D'ANDILLY, Angélique de Saint Jean. Relations sur la vie de la Reverende mere Angelique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, ou receüil de la mere Angelique de Saint Jean Arnauld d'Audilly, sur la vie de sa tante la mere Marie-Angelique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, & sur la réforme des abbayes de Port-Royal, Maubuisson & autres, faite par cette Sainte Abbisse.
With: (2) ARNAULD, Angélique de Sainte Magdelaine. Mémoires pour servir à la vie de la R. Mëre Marie Angélique de Sainte Magdelaine Arnauld, reformatrice de Port Royal.
[France], 1737. 2 works in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with red morocco title-label, marbled edges and marbled endpapers. VII, 291; IV, 145 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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First Aldine edition of Pedanius's commentaries on Cicero's orations

ASCONIUS PEDANIUS, Quintus. Expositio in IIII orationes M.T. Cic. contra C. Verrem [&c.]
(colophon:) Venice, heirs of Aldo I Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, December 1522. 8vo. With Aldos woodcut anchor and dolphin device on the title-page, repeated on the verso of the last otherwise blank leaf (each with letterpress "AL ... DVS" flanking the device), with spaces (with guide letters) left for manuscript initials, not filled in. Set in Aldos famous italic (with upright capitals), the worlds first italic printing type, first used in 1501 (showing the alphabet a-z and A-N in the register of quires above the colophon). Dark purple sheepskin (ca. 1880?). [12], 283, [1] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Richly illustrated manuscript teaching religion to deaf-mutes

[ASSAROTTI, Ottavio Giovanno Battista]. Dottrina Christiana. [Manuscript in Italian].
[Genoa, ca. 1815/20]. 8vo. With 117 (of 118) full-page hand-coloured drawings, each in a frame of double rules (20.5 x 14 cm), with lively illustrations of the Christian doctrine, and text in Italian. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine. 117 (of 118), [3 blank] ll., including the last 3 blanks. Full description
€ 18,500
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First edition of a French - Annamese (Vietnamese) dictionary, printed in Bangkok by the Catholic missionaries.

AUBARET, Louis Gabriel Galdéric. Vocabulaire Français-Annamite et Annamite-Français, précédé d'un traité des particules annamites, rédigé par les sions de M. Aubaret lieutenant de Vaisseau, chevalier de la Legion d'honneur.
Bangkok, Thailand, Imprimerie de la mission catholique, 1861. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half-sheepskin, smooth back. [4], XCVI, 157 pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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Polemic edition of Augustine's Confessions,
a 1779 prize-book from the Collegium Antonianum in Megen (Noord-Brabant)

AUGUSTINUS, Aurelius. Confessio Augustiniana in libros quattor distributa, et certis capitibus locorum theologicorum, qui sunt hodie scitu dignissimi, comprehensa: nunc primum ex omnibus B. Aurelii Augustini libris in unum opus bona fide ac studio singulari redacta per D. Hieronymum Torrensem ...
Dillingen, Sebald Mayer, 1567. 4to. With Mayers full-page woodcut device (a pelican feeding her young with her own blood, with motto "sic his qui diligunt", copied in mirror image from that of Frans Behem in Mainz) on the last otherwise blank leaf, and some fine decorated woodcut initials. 18th century mottled calf, gold-tooled spine, red sprinkled edges. [32], 330, [24] lvs. Full description
€ 1,500
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One of the earliest printed editions of Augustine of Hippo's noteworthy exposition of the Psalms

AUGUSTINE of Hippo (Saint AUGUSTINE). Explanatio Psalmorum. [Incipit:] Annotatio principaliu[m] sententiariu[m]/ principaliu[m] sente[n]tiariu[m] in expla-natione psamo[rum]...
(Colophon:) Basel, Johann Amerbach, 1489. 3 parts in 1 volume. Folio (ca. 31 x 21.5 cm).
Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with 1 brass clasp and remnants of a 2nd. [1 blank], [14], [1 blank]; [146]; [192]; [192], [5 blank] ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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First edition of the "Divisiekroniek", with 239 woodcut illustrations, in an interesting binding

[AURELIUS, Cornelius]. Die cronycke van Hollandt, Zeelandt en[de] Vrieslant beghinnende va[n] Adams tiden tot die geboerte ons heren Jh[es]u[m] voertgaende tot de[n] jare M.CCCCC. ende Xvij.
Leiden, Jan Seversz., 18 August 1517. Folio. With the title-page printed in red and black with a large woodcut between different woodcut borders, and 239 woodcuts in text, including 121 woodcut portraits. Black blind-tooled goatskin (1637), with gold-tooled title and binding date on side. [2], 436 ll. Full description
€ 45,000
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Second part of the first ever series of children's books

BAÏF, Lazare de and [Charles ESTIENNE (editor)]. De vasculis libellus, adulescentulorum causa ex Bayfio decerptus, addita vulgari Latinarum vocum interpretatione.
Paris, Roberti Stephani [Robert Estienne], (colophon: 13 October) 1543. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Later blueish-grey paper over boards with the title printed in black on the spine. 52, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Important history of ancient astronomy, with chapters on Egyptian, Chaldean and Persian astronomy

BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'a l'établissement de l'École d'Alexandrie.
Paris, Debure brothers, 1775. 4to. With 3 numbered folding engraved plates. Beautifully bound in contemporary gold-tooled red morocco, each board with coat of arms of Simon-Pierre Merard de Saint-Just in the centre, marbled endpapers. In modern slipcase covered with marbled paper. [2], XXII, 526 pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Charming guide on the Hindustani language, printed in Calcutta

BANESS, Joshua Frederick. Manual of Hindustání or the stranger's Indian interpreter; A practical and easy guide to Hindustání conversation.
Calcutta, W. Newman & Co., 1890. 14 x 8,5 cm. With a woodcut tailpiece at the end of the work. Contemporary red pebble-grain cloth, with the title lettered in gold on the front board. 145, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 375
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Rare first edition of the biography of the national hero of Albania

BARLETI, Marin. Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi Epirotarum principis.
[Colophon:] Rome, B[ernardino] V[eneta de' Vitali], [ca. 1520/22?]. Folio. With a full-page woodcut portrait of Skanderbeg (25.5 x 16.5 cm), a 4-piece woodcut frame on the title-page and 11 woodcut decorated initials from 5 series, many pictorial and the largest with a portrait. 17th-century Italian? sheepskin parchment. [4], CLIX, [1] ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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Treatise on education and pedagogy based on the Christian religion

BASEDOW, Johann Bernhard. Methodischer Unterricht der Jugend in der Religion und Sittenlehre der Vernunft nach dem in der Philalethie angegebenen Plane.
Altona, David Iversen, 1764.With: (2) BASEDOW, Johann Bernhard. Methodischer Unterricht in der überzeugenden Erkenntniss der biblischen Religion, zur vorgesetzten Ausführung des in der Philalethie angegebenen Plans.
Altona, David Iversen, 1764.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved illustration on both title-pages (not identical) and some woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Slightly later brown pastepaper boards, with title-label on spine, red sprinkled edges. LXII, 272; XXXII, 224, 144 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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73 proof impressions of all 12 illustrations

BAYARD, Émile. [Proof impressions of illustrations for Alphonse Daudet's Fromont jeune et Risler aîné].
[Paris, 1885]. Folio (35 x 29 cm). Proofs of 12 engraved plates in many different states, giving 73 prints in total, engraved by Jules Massard and Eugène Abot after Emilé Bayard (image size 10.7 x 7.3 cm; plate size 19 x 14 cm). Contemporary half goatskin morocco. Full description
€ 4,750
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The pedagogical essentials of the Renaissance collected, together with Greek epistles

[BECH, Philipp, ed.]. De disciplina puerorum, recteque formandis eorum & studiis & moribus, ...
Basel, Joannes Oporinus (colophon: Bern, Samuel Apiarius, March 1556).
With: (2) [MOREL, Guillaume, ed.]. Graecorum veterum selectae brevesque epistolae.
Paris, Guillaume Morel, King's printer for Greek, 1562. With a remarkable woodcut device on the title-page. With the Greek text set in Claude Garamont's famous Grec du Roi and the Latin translation set in his Aldine-style italic. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo (15 x 10 x 4.5 cm). Richly gold-tooled tanned sheepskin (ca. 1700), gilt edges. 31, [21]; [16], "840" [= 804] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Azevedo-Samodães copy of the rare first Portuguese edition of a classic biography of Thomas à Becket

[BECKET, Thomas à (subject)]. [Diego Afonso de MIRANDA, translator]. Historea da vida e martyrio do glorioso Sancto Thomas Arcebispo, Senhor de Cantuaria, Primas de Inglaterra, legado perpetuo da sancta see apostolica, trelada da novamente de Latim em lingoagé Portugues.
(Colophon: Coimbra, João Alvarez, printer to the University, 12 November) 1554. 4to. With several woodcut decorated initials. With the 4 preliminary leaves in facsimile. 20th-century Portuguese tree calf, gold-tooled spine, red spine label, brown sprinkled edges, marbled endpapers. [8], “CCCI” [= 303], [1 blank], [20] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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The first history of Christianity in England,
in contemporary blind-tooled calf with a roll showing Reformation portraits

BEDA VENERABILIS (The Venerable BEDE). Ecclesiasticae historiae gentis Anglorum libri quinque diligenti studio à mendis, quibus hactenus scatebant, vindicati.
Including: BEDA VENERABILIS. Epitome sive breviarium totius praecedentis historiae Anglorum ...
Antwerp, Joannes de Grave (Gravius), 1550. Folio. With De Grave's woodcut armorial device on title-page (repeated on the otherwise blank final leaf) and 30 woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary blind-tooled calf, each board with a double border made from a roll with 4 heads in profile, not labelled but showing Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, Desiderius Erasmus and apparently the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V rather than the more common Jan Hus, each in an oval wreath and separated by foliage (bilaterally symmetrical both vertically and horizontally). [6], 263, [1 blank], [12] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Abridged Tibetan Alphabetum from the Propaganda Fide

[BELIGATTI, Giovanni (Cassiono Da MACERATA)]. Alphabetum Tangutanum sive Tibetanum.
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1773. 8vo. With a folding table, printer's device on title-page and an elaborate woodcut tailpiece after the preliminaries. Modern vellum, green title label. XVI, 138, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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The famous Arabic version of Robert Bellarmino's catechism, now with parallel Ethiopic

BELLARMINO, Roberto. Dottrina Cristiana composta dall...
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1786. Large 4to. With 4 woodcuts on 3 plates, 1 full-page woodcut on the back of the title-page, and a few woodcut initials, factotums and decorations, as well as frames, factotums and decorations built up from arabesque and rococo typographic ornaments. Set in three columns in Ethiopic, roman and Arabic type. Contemporary vellum, gold-tooled spine title, red sprinkled edges. 97, [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Bellarmino's Arabic catechism with the rare Arabic instructions for confession and communion

BELLARMINO, Roberto. [Title in Arabic] | Dichiarazione piú copiosa della dottrina cristiana... Tradotta dalla lingua italiana nellaraba, e dora di bel nuovo stampata.
Rome, [Propaganda Fide], 1770.
With: (2) BORGIA, Stefano. Irsad li-ajl al-i'tiraf wa-tanawul al-qurban, ... [= Instructions for confession and communion]
[Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1770?].
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. The catechism with a woodcut of fruits and branches on the title-page and 2 woodcut headpieces The instructions with the title in a decorative border built up from cast fleurons, 1 woodcut headpiece and several further decorations built up from cast fleurons. Except for the bilingual title-page to the Bellarmino and the imprimatur on the last printed page of the Borgia, both works are set entirely in Arabic type. Contemporary half sheepskin, manuscript title on spine, paste paper sides, sprinkled edges. 411, [1 blank]; 109, [1 blank], [1], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare 1610 Liège edition of one most successful phrasebooks of all time.

BERLAIMONT, Noël de. Colloquia et dictionariolum septem linguarum, Belgicae, Anglicae, Tevtonicae, Latinae, Italicae, Hispanicae, Gallicae. ... Colloques ou dialogues, avec un dictionaire en sept language, Flamen, Anglois, Allemat, Latin, Italien, Espaignol & Francois, ... Colloquien of t samensprekingen, met eenen vocabulaer in seven spraken, Neerduytsch, Engelsen, Hoochduytsch, Latijn, Italiens, Spaens, ende Fransois, van nieu verbetert ende vermeerdert van vier colloquien, seer nut ende profitelik tot der coopmanschap, reyse, ende anderen handelinghen.
Liège, Henricus Hovius, 1610. Oblong 16mo in 8s (9 x 12 cm). Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [400] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Catherine the Great's enlightened ideas on education, edited by Diderot

BETZKY (BETSKOI), Ivan Ivanovitch. Les plans et les statuts, des différents établissements ordonnés par sa Majésté Impériale Catherine II. pour l'education de la jeunesse, et l'utilité générale de son Empire.
Amsterdam, Marc-Michel Rey, 1775. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With 2 engraved allegorical frontispieces, engraved allegorical plate, 3 large folding engraved plans, 4 folding tables, and 64 large engraved head-pieces, tail-pieces and allegorical engravings in text, including the coat of arms, medal and seal of Catherine the Great of Russia. Contemporary tree calf, rebacked with gold-tooled spine. VI, [2], 160, 42, [2]; 160 pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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By the founder of the famous dynasty of scenographic designers

GALLI BIBIENA, Ferdinando. Direzioni a' giovani studenti nel desegno dell' architettura civile, nell' Academia Clementina dell' Instituto delle Scienze.- Direzioni della prospettiva teorica, correspondenti a quelle dell' architettura instruzione a' giovani studenti di pittura, e architettura nell' Academia Clementina dell' Instututo delle Scienze.
Bologna, Lelio dalla Volpe, 1745 & 1732. 2 volumes. Small 8vo. With numerous geometrical figures and architectural plans and designs on 74 full-page engraved plates in the first volume, and numerous perspective projections and perspective architectural plans and designs on 58 full-page engraved plates in the second volume, of which 18 folding. Contemporary vellum, red marbled edges. (12), 143, (1); 159, (1) pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Large folio Bible with 6 maps and 336 illustrations, in contemporary colouring with extensive gold

[BIBLE - DUTCH]. Biblia, dat is: de gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments.
Amsterdam, widow of Paulus Aertsz. van Ravesteyn, 1660. 3 parts in 1 volume. Large folio (47.5 x 32 cm). With an integral engraved general title-page, 6 double-page engraved maps, including a world map and a plan of Jerusalem, and 336 Bible-illustrations by Claes Jansz. Visscher (after Matthäus Merian?) on 42 numbered single-page plates. The maps and illustrations coloured by an early hand with extensive use of gold. 18th-century black so-called sharkskin over bevelled wooden boards (ca. 1770?), with 8 large silver corner-pieces and 2 large silver clasps with catchplates and anchorplates, all with matching stamped relief decoration, gilt and gauffered edges. The silver furnishings bear Amsterdam city hallmarks with year letter C and master's mark DF. Rebacked with most of the original backstrip mounted on the spine. [20], 302, [2], 149; 164, [10]; [2], 66 ll. Full description
€ 65,000
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Royal folio Elzevier Bible with maps and a rare print series: its Rotterdam binder ranks with Magnus

[BIBLE - DUTCH]. Biblia, dat is, de gantsche heylige schrifture, vervattende alle de canonijcke boecken des Ouden en des Nieuwen Testaments.
Leiden, widow and heirs of Johannes Elzevier, 1663. 3 volumes bound as 2, with the prints and maps bound in. Large folio (44.5 x 28 cm). The Elzevier Bible with an engraved allegorical frontispiece, 3 letterpress title-pages (the general title-page in red and black, the others for the New Testament and Apocrypha). Picart's wholly engraved print-Bible with an allegorical frontispiece, a half-title and 209 finely engraved Bible scenes (29 double-page) by Gerard Hoet, Bernard Picart, etc. Further with a series of 6 double-page engraved plates, namely 5 maps plus a plan of Jerusalem, all by Nicolaas I Visscher. Below the privilege from the city of Leiden, the city secretarys clerk Jacob vander Werve has authenticated the book by stamping the Leiden coat of arms and signing his name below it. Richly gold-tooled black goatskin morocco (ca. 1725) over bevelled wooden boards, bound and decorated by the so-called STAG BINDERY, Rotterdam. From the collection of Hendrik Adriaan or Hendricus Hadrianus vander Marck (ca. 1667-1726). [22], “468” [= 470]; [13], [1 blank], “167” [= 168]; [4], 77, [1 blank] ll. plus the print-Bible and maps. Full description
€ 70,000
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Bible bound in "sharkskin", including a psalmbook published by the Nederlandsche Bijbel-Compagnie

[BIBLE - OLD TESTAMENT - DUTCH]. Biblia, dat is de gantsche Heylige Schrifture, vervattende alle de canonycke boecken des ouden ende des nieuwen testaments. ...Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons, 1884.
With: (2) [BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - DUTCH]. Het Nieuwe Testament, ofte alle boecken des nieuwen verbonts onses heeren Jesu Christi. ...Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons, 1870.
(3) [PSALMBOOK - DUTCH]. Het boek der psalmen, nevens de gezangen bij de Hervormde Kerk van Nederland in gebruik. ... Amsterdam, J. Brandt and son, Haarlem, Johannes Enschedé and sons), 1870. With the sheet music for the psalms.
With letterpress-printed music notes for the psalms. 3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. 20th-century so-called sharkskin with several elaborate silver-plated fittings, (large cornerpieces on both sides, two cord rings on the head intended to secure a carrying cord or chain, two large clasps: one inscribed "J.R.M." and the other dated "1932", catch-plates), gilt and gauffered edges. [1], 416; 126; 132 ff. Full description
€ 1,500
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Smallest edition of the Sixtine Latin vulgate bible, printed by the Plantin-Moretus office in Antwerp,
beautifully bound for the Bishop of Evreux ca. 1700 in 9 gold-tooled morocco volumes

[BIBLE - LATIN - VULGATE]. Biblia Sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti Quinti Pont. Max. jussu recognita atque edita.
Including: Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum, vulgatae editiones, Sixti V. Pont, Max jussu recognitum atque edititum.
Antwerp, "Officina Plantiniana" [= Balthasar I Moretus, grandson of Christoffel Plantin], 1629. 7 volumes bound as 9 (Old Testament I-VII & New Testament I-II). 24mo in 8s (11.5 x 7 cm). With a richly engraved general title-page, 6 volume title-pages (each with the same Plantin-Moretus woodcut compasses device), a smaller woodcut compasses device plus 3 (of 4) repeats (2 appear on the back of the colophon; each of the others on an otherwise blank leaf), woodcut tailpieces, woodcut decorated initials. Set in roman and italic types. The present copy with 3 extra letterpress divisional title-pages, perhaps specially printed for this copy when it was bound. Uniform gold-tooled goatskin morocco (ca. 1700), sewn on 4 supports, richly gold-tooled spines, gold-tooled turn-ins and board edges. Seven volumes with the ca. 1711 engraved armorial bookplate of Jean Le Normand (1662-1733), Bishop of Evreau, and probably bound for him (his bookplate probably removed from volumes II and III as bound). 574; [2], 575-729, [2], [5 blank]; “637” [= 635], [1], [1 blank], [4 blank] (in place of [1], [3 blank]); 192; 479, [1 blank]; 861, [2], [1 blank]; 128, [186], [6 blank]; 336, [2], 337-758, [2], [8 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Beautifully bound mid-17th-century "Visscher edition" of the Dutch Luther Bible with expertly hand-coloured and highlighted in gold illustrations

[BIBLE - LUTHER - DUTCH]. VISSCHER, Adolf (translator). Biblia, dat is, de gantsche H. Schrifture vervattende alle de boecken des Ouden ende Nieuwen Testaments.
(2) De Propheten.
(3) De Apocryphe boecken: dat zijn boecken die der heylige schrifture niet en worden gelijck gehouden ende nochtans nut ende goet zijn om te lezen.
Amsterdam, Rieuwert Dircksz. van Baardt (and his widow), printed on the presses of Lodewijk III Elsevier in Amsterdam, [1648]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With a full-page portrait of Martin Luther as a frontispiece, an engraved general title-page, a full-page portrait of Adolf Visscher, 6 folding double-page engraved maps, 6 double-page engraved plates showing a total of 96 biblical scenes (16 scenes per plate) printed by Frederick de Witt, and an elaborate engraved tail-piece. With three divisional typographical title-pages for the prophets, Biblical apocrypha and the New Testament, including Van Baardt's detailed woodcut vignette, decorated woodcut initials (at least 3 series) and ornamental woodcut tail-pieces.
Contemporary richly blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with large brass clasps, catch plates and corner-pieces on both boards, red edges. [18], 278; 112; 70; 132 ll. Full description
€ 42,500
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Monumental and seminal critical edition of the Greek New Testament (1550) with all woodcut devices, headpieces and initials coloured, including much gold and silver and extensive additional colour decorations in a rococo style

[BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - GREEK]. ESTIENNE, Robert, editor. Tῆò Káéíῆò ÄéáèÞêçò ἅπáíôá [Tes Kaines Diathekes Apanta] = Novum Jesu Christi D.N. Testamentum Ex Bibliotheca Regia.
Paris, Robert Estienne, King's printer, 1550. Folio (35 x 24 cm). With a Greek and Latin title-page including Estiennes woodcut basilisk device as Kings printer (and 1 repeat), his woodcut olive tree device on the otherwise blank last page (N6v), 3 single-piece decorated architectural frames with putti, etc. (plus 3 repeats) for the tables of the Eusebian canons for the Gospels, 9 woodcut headpieces and 21 decorated woodcut initial letters (plus numerous repeats). Set almost entirely in the three sizes of Claude Garamonts famous Greek printing types, known as the Grecs du Roi, and the first use of the largest size. The present copy has been richly decorated, probably around the time it was bound, not just by colouring Estiennes woodcut devices (the basilisk in gold), decorative frames, headpieces and initials, but also by adding extensive decorations in rococo style, the whole using a large number of mostly bright colours plus gold and silver. Gold-tooled black sheepskin, the gold-tooled spine with the title, publisher and date in the 2nd and 6th of 7 compartments in roman capitals, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt and richly gauffered edges, Dutch combed and curled endpapers. [32], “272” [= 268], 202, [2] pp. Full description
€ 95,000
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18th-century Dutch New Testament in an Amsterdam VOC binding,
presented by family to a young Dutch widow bound for America

[BIBLE - PRAYERBOOK - DUTCH]. Het nieuwe testament ofte alle boeken des nieuwen verbonds onses heeren Jesu Christi.
Amsterdam, "in Compagnie", 1746.
(2) [PSALMS]. Het boek der psalmen, nevens de gezangen bij de hervormde kerk van Nederland in gebruik ...
Including: [CATECHISM]. Catechismus, ofte onderwysinge in de christelyke leere, ...
Amsterdam, heirs of Hendrik van der Putte, 1788.
2 works in 1 volume, the second in 2 parts. 4to. Ad 1 with an engraved title-page (within collation), woodcut decorated initials (2 series) and woodcut ornamental tailpieces; ad 2 part 1 with an engraved title-page (of the 1774 edition, outside of collation) and the publisher's woodcut device on the typographical title-page, printed musical notations for the psalms and songs, and one woodcut decorated initial; ad 2 part 2 with its own divisional typographical title-page showing an ornamental woodcut vignette and a floral woodcut tailpiece. The text is mainly set in Gothic type, with some incidental Roman type. Contemporary elaborately blind-tooled calf with the gold-tooled A VOC (the Amsterdam Chamber of the VOC) monogram on the front board, with two decorated brass clasps. [4], 312; [8], [276] ll., 71, [1] pp. Full description
€ 7,950
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Bishop Pierre-Daniel Huet's psalmbook with his annotations

[BIBLE - PSALMBOOK]. PSALTERION. Prophetou kai Basileoos tou David [in Greek type] - Davidis Regis ac Prophetae Psalmorum Liber. Ad exemplar Complutense.
Antwerp, Christopher Plantin, 1584. 16mo (11,8 x 8 cm). With woodcut printer's device on the title-page, text is partially printed in Greek. Late seventeenth-century dark brown calf, with gold-stamped coat of arms of Pierre-Daniel Huet on both covers and gold-tooled dubbel-lined borders on covers and spine, (remnants of) red speckled edges. 267, [13] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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A commentary on and epitome of Laurentius Valla's De Elegantiis

BIENATO, Aurelio. In elegantiarum sex libros Laurentii Vallae disertissimi epithomata nuper recognita.
Venice, Giovanni Antonio Nicolini da Sabbio, for Melchiorre Sessa, 1539. Small 8vo. With Sessas charming woodcut device showing a cat with a mouse in its mouth, with motto "Dissimilium infida societas" below, repeated on the last page. Later half vellum, gold-tooled spine, boards covered with decorated paper. 63, [1] ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Unrecorded work for pregnant women in a beautifully embroidered silk binding

[BINDING - EMBROIDERED]. Esercizio da premettersi dalle donne in stato di gravidanza per conseguire da dio per l'intercessione del glorioso San Torello protettore insigne l'essenzione da tutti i pericoli e felicità nel prossimo parto.
Florence, Stamperià Arcivescovile alla Croce Rossa, 1822. 8vo. Beautifully embroidered contemporary pink silk over paperboards, with flowers and a border along the edges of both sides, and the initials "CM" in centre of front cover, preserved in a modern marbled slipcase. 39 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Printed memento of a noble wedding, bound in red velvet with emblematic gold and silver embroidery

[BINDING]. [GHELARDI SCOLOPI, Orazio Antonio]. La pace tra la virtu', la gloria, ed amore. Componimento drammatico da cantarsi in occasione delle faustissime nozze del nobil uomo signor Silvestro Michele Arnolfini con la nobil donzella signora Beatrice Luisa Bernardini dedicato alla medesima.
Lucca, Giuseppe Rocchi, 1767. Small 4to (17 x 14 cm). Contemporary red velvet, embroidered with silver and gold thread and white and yellow silk (each board with an emblematic image: a crowned mirror[?] showing a hand planting a flag, perhaps intended as the groom's hand on the front and the bride's hand on the back), sewn without supports through 3 holes, brocade paper endpapers (grape vines and large flowers, white on a copper background), green silk ribbon marker. 24 pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Large and richly decorated early 18th-century Dutch silver binding with crucifixion & resurrection

[BINDING - SILVER]. [Pair of embossed silver book covers, with two engraved silver clasps].
[Netherlands?, ca. 1725?]. Pair of embossed silver book covers (34 x 25 x 3 cm); each cover with a large scrollwork cartouche surrounded by extensive vine and flower decorations and with medallion portraits in each of the four corners, the front showing the crucifixion flanked by Mary and St. John (with an "INRI" scroll above, flanked by a crescent moon and a sun, and a skull and crossbones below), with portraits of four saints, each with a blank scroll (above left bearded with a regal crown; above right clean-shaven with a round-topped mitre; below left and right bare-headed and bearded), the back showing the resurrection with an angel and two astonished guards, with portraits of the four Evangelists. Full description
€ 11,500
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First edition of the so-called Golden Bible, by the Augsburg Benedictine Abbeys printing office
set in nearly the first (and the best early) roman printing type north of the Alps
Robert Proctors copy, with generous margins

[BINDO GUERRI of Siena] with a prologue by Antonius de RAMPIGOLLIS. Reportatorium Biblie aureum [= Biblia aurea].
[Augsburg], [printing office of the Abbey of Saints Ulrich and Afra], [in the period 1473 to early 1475]. Chancery (Foolscap) folio (28 x 22 cm). With the title in a note following the prologue, at the foot of the first page (and abbreviated at the end of the book), a 2-page alphabetical table of contents and the main text comprising 139 entries.
Burgundy goatskin morocco (ca. 1890?). With the armorial bookplate of Robert Proctor. [231], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Beautiful commemoration of the Imperial success against the French at Acqui Terme in Piedmont, printed in gold and in a gold-brocade wrapper

BIORCI, Guido. Applausi poetici alla vera rigenerazione del Piemonte operata nel 1799. Dalla divina provvidenza col celebre valore delle armi Austro-Russe.
Acqui Terme (between Torino and Genoua), Giovanni Francesco Arcasio, [1799?]. 4to. With woodcut arms on first leaf. Printed in gold throughout. Gold-brocade decorated paper wrappers, showing an embossed floral pattern with hunters, a wild boar, deer and dogs scattered through it, in gold, orange, yellow, lavendar and blue. In modern clamshell box. [1], [1 blank], [8], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Very successful medical Lexicon with translations of technical terms in Dutch, German, French and English

BLANCARDUS, Stephanus. Lexicon novum medicum Graeco-Latinum, caeteris editioibus longè perfectissimum.Inhoc enim totius artis medicae termini, in anatomia, chirurgia, pharmacia, chumia, re botanica, &c. ...
Leiden, Cornelis Boutesteyn & Jordaan Luchtmans, 1701. 8vo. With the engraved portrait of the author, 4 engraved full-page tables of medical symbols, title-page printed in red and black, some woodcut initials and tail-pieces. Vellum over boards, title written in ink on spine, sprinkled edges. [16], 662, [194] pp. Full description
€ 400
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Rare edition of a classic drawing book whose 140 sample plates influenced baroque art

BLOEMAERT, Abraham. Eerste beginselen der teken-kunst, vervattende in haar veelerlei oogen, neusen, monden, ooren, als meede natuurlyke beweegingen van hoofden, troniën, handen, voeten, armen, beenen, enz.
Amsterdam, Reinier & Joachim II Ottens, [ca. 1730]. Folio. With engraved frontispiece self-portrait of Bloemaert engraved by Joachim Ottens, here serving as no. [1] of 140 engraved plates with drawn models of parts of the human body, and human figures and characters in various postures, movements and scenes. Mottled half sheepskin (ca. 1840?). [1] leaf plus plates. Full description
€ 18,000
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First edition of first French translation of Boccaccio's first work, with woodcut illustrations

BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. Le philocope ..., contena[n]t l'histoire de Fleury & Blanchefleur, divise en sept livres traduictz d'Italien en Francoys par Adrian Sevin ...
Paris, Jean André, bookseller to the University (colophon: printed by Denis Janot), 1542 (colophon: 24 February 1542). Folio (31.5 x 21.5 cm). With Jean André's woodcut device on the title-page and 15 woodcut illustrations plus 21 repeats in the text (mostly 5.5 x 8 cm, each in any of several 4-piece decorative borders, including 8 foot pieces, each with a different coat of arms; one illustration 13.5 x 8.5 cm with an 8-piece decorative border), 5 woodcut decorated initials (2 series) plus 1 repeat, and many spaces with guide-letters for manuscript initials (not filled in). French calf (ca. 1760?), richly gold-tooled spine, gilt edges. VI, CLXXIIII ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Strikingly hand-coloured lithographs illustrating the humoristic tale of Aunt Beetle's birthday together with 2 original drawings of scenes in the book by Bodenheim

BODENHEIM, Nelly (illustrator), Lizzy ANSINGH and Jean-Paul VROOM (lithographer). Tante Tor is jarig.
Utrecht, Stichting De Roos (printed in Amsterdam by Dieperink & Co.), 1950.
With: (2) [ORIGINAL DRAWINGS - BODENHEIM, Nelly]. [2 drawings: one featuring beetles, a maybeetle, and (Spanish) flies and another showing "Aunt Beetle" in bed being congratulated by her mosquito maid]. [ca. 1950].
4to (ca. 27 x 19.5 cm). All text and illustrations, including the illustrated front board, are lithographs by the famous Dutch artist Jean-Paul Vroom in facsimile after the text and illustrations by Lizzy Ansingh and Nelly Bodenheim. The lithographs are hand-coloured under supervision of Vroom. The work is printed on Simili Japon paper. Together with two original drawings by Bodenheim, hand-coloured and signed in her initials, mounted on a grey passepartout folder highlighting the scene with the beetles, maybeetle, and fly. The illustration of "Aunt Beetle" and her mosquito maid can be found on the back. Original hand-coloured lithographed paper over boards with the title stamped in decorative letters on the spine. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [25], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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The importance of this book can hardly be exaggerated

BOETHIUS. De consolatione philosophie duplici commentario videlicet Sancti Thome & Jodoci Badii Ascensii cum utriusque tabula. Item eiusdem de disciplina scholarium cum explanatione et quintilianum de officio discipulorum diligenter annotata.
Rouen, [printed by Pierre Olivier] for Jean Macé in Rennes, 1519. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to With Macés large woodcut devices on the 2 title-pages and on the verso of the last leaf, the first title-page printed in red and black. Several fine woodcut initials. Modern vellum, red morocco spine-label. [312]; [64] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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1511 Paris book of hours printed on vellum, with with 17 large & 27 small illustrations plus more in the borders:
only known complete copy of this edition, possibly from the great Harleian Library

[BOOK OF HOURS]. Hore [= Horae beate Marie Virginis] secundum usum Romanum ad longum.
(colophon: Paris, Thomas Kees), [ca. 1511, with an almanac for the years 1511-1530]. 8vo (18 x 12 cm). Printed on vellum in red and black throughout, with illustrations printed from (mostly metal?) relief blocks: 17 nearly full-page plus 1 repeat, 27 small plus 2 repeats in the text, many additional small in the decorated border pieces that surround nearly every page. Dark brown gold- and blind-tooled goatskin morocco (ca. 1870?), signed "HARDY-MENNIL" in the foot of the front turn-in. [216] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Queen Anne's exquisite tortoise shell and gold book box

[BOOK-SHAPED BOX - QUEEN ANNE]. [Gold and tortoise shell book-shaped box made for Queen Anne of Great Britain].
[Portugal?], [ca. 1702?]. Ca. 15.5 x 12 x 5.5 cm.
Early 18th-century, possibly Portuguese, tortoise shell box, with elaborate gold filigree rococo decorations: birds and foliage within a floral frame on the front and back "boards" with gold filigree decorated fastenings around the "fore edge", complete with: 2 catch plates, 2 anchor plates and 2 clasps. The "spine" is divided into 4 compartments, separated by gold filigree decorative horizontal strips, with a gold engraved plaque in the 2nd compartment reading in a banner "BY ME KINGS REIGNE" and below "ANNE [a crown] REGINA" and a filigree basket of flowers in the 1st, 3rd and 4th compartments. The edges are embossed and covered in fine gold foil. The inside of the box is covered in red velvet and the front "board" is, once the box is open, connected to the outer corners of the "fore edge" by fine gold chains. Full description
€ 35,000
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Important early work on statistics and social sciences

BOSE, Johann Andreas. Introductio generalis in notitiam rerumpublicarum orbis universi. ...
Jena, Johann Bielcke for Samuel Krebs, 1676. 4to. With an engraved full-page portrait of the author in the text, the title printed in red and black, and further with woodcut decorated initials and woodcut endpieces. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, manuscript title and shelf mark on spine. [16], 370, [22] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Extensive work discussing hundreds of plant species suitable for cultivation in Dutch gardens

[BOTANY - HORTICULTURE]. Bloemkundig woordenboek bevattende eene beschrijving van meer dan 2200 gewassen, (waaronder 170 van de mooiste heiden) zoo boomen, heesters als planten...
Amsterdam, J.C. Sepp & zoon, [1821]. 8vo. Contemporary red sprinkled paper wrappers, with a printed paper title-label on the spine. [2], L, 521, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Bottle made to look like a book, ca. 1830, with images of Benjamin Franklin and the distillery

[BOTTLE IN BOOK FORM]. Esprit de Francklin ... Le B[on].homme Richard.
Chalonnes sur Loire, Fremy frères, Bottrel et Cie., [ca. 1830]. Blown glass bottle made in the form of a book (15 x 10 x 3 cm plus 1.5 cm neck and lip). The "spine" is covered with gold-tooled red morocco, with 7 horizontal rolls dividing it into 5 fields plus a smaller 6th at the foot, the title and the French form of Franklin's pen-name in fields 3 and 4 and a decoration in fields 1, 3 and 5, the "boards" covered with paper, each with an lithographed rectangular decorative border enclosing an oval laurel wreath around an oval paper overlay with a lithographed view, that on the front board showing Benjamin Franklin and that on the back board showing a man in the distillery, each with accompanying texts above and below the wreath. The paper sides (but not their overlays) have a slight reddish cast. Full description
€ 9,500
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Elzevier edition of fashionable conversations, by a famous French Jesuit

[BOUHOURS, Dominique]. Les entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugene. Dernière edition. ... Sur la copie imprimée à Paris.
Amsterdam, "Jaques le Jeune" [= Daniel Elzevier], 1671. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece, woodcut publisher's device (armillary sphere) on title-page and 2 woodcut decorated initials. Polished gold-tooled red goatskin morocco (ca. 1840?), each board in a panel design. A pencil note on an endleaf attributes the binding to "Muller" on grounds unknown to us, but he was active from 1834, which accords well with the date of the present binding. [8], 438, [9], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 900
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Biography of the great Dutch naval hero Admiral Michiel de Ruyter. Large paper copy of the first edition

BRANDT, Geeraert. Het leven en bedryf van den heere Michiel de Ruiter.
Amsterdam, for Wolfgang, Waesberge, Boom, van Someren and Goethals, 1687 (engraved title-page: printed by Pieter and Joan Blaeu, 1686). Folio (34.5 x 22.5 cm). With engraved title-page, engraved portrait of De Ruyter, 7 engraved double-page plates by Sebastiaen Stoopendaal and 1 engraved plate by Joseph Mulder. Late 18th-century calf, gold-tooled spine. [10], "1063" [=1065], [23] pp. Full description
€ 3,750
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First French edition of the biography of the great Dutch naval hero Admiral Michiel de Ruyter

BRANDT, Geeraert. La vie de Michel de Ruiter duc, chevalier, lieutenant amiral général de Hollande & de Oüest-Frise. Où est comprise l'histoire maritime des Provinces Unies, depuis l'an 1652. jusques à 1676. Traduite du hollandois ...
Amsterdam, Pieter and Joan Blaeu for Waesberge, Boom, Van Someren and Goethals, 1698. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, full-page engraved portrait, 7 double-page engraved plates by Bastiaen Stoopendaal, and 1 full-page engraved plate by J. Mulder. Early 18th-century calf, gold-tooled board edges. [VI], 717, [17], [ 2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The first childrens pop-up book (1831), in the original publishers binding the engraved title-page and all 12 plates with moving parts and beautifully hand-coloured for the publisher

BRÈS, Jean-Pierre. Le livre-joujou.
Paris, Louis Janet, [24 December 1831]. Large 16mo in 8s (14.5 x 11 cm). With a letterpress title-page, an engraved title-page and 12 engraved plates, the engraved title-page and all plates with movable parts (moved with tabs), all 13 engravings and their movable parts hand-coloured for the publisher. Further with a wide variety of decorated types. Publishers original gold-tooled black half sheepskin, original publishers blue paper sides, printed letterpress, the front and back with the same cover-title, with a wood-engraved vignette, marbled edges. [2 blank], “11” [= 6], vii, [1], 157, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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Textbook for mineralogy students, with 16 engraved plates

BRONGNIART, Alexandre. Traité élémentaire de minéralogie, avec des applications aux arts; ouvrage destiné a l'einseignement dans les lycées nationaux.
Paris, Crapelet; Deterville, 1807. 2 volumes. 8vo. With 16 folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spines. XII, 564; [4], 443, [1] pp. Full description
€ 350
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The classic book of Biblical travels: the first edition to be accompanied
by the complementary Lower Saxon chronicle in contemporary, richly blind-tooled Saxon pigskin

BÜNTING, Heinrich and Matthias HASAERT. Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae, das ist Ein Reisebuch uber die gantze Heilige Schrifft ...
[BÜNTING, Heinrich]. Itinerarium Novi Testamenti. Das ist: Ein Reisebuch over das Newe Testament.
BÜNTING, Heinrich. De monetis et mensuris sacrae scripturae. Dass ist: Ein eigentliche ausrechnung und beschreibung aller Müntz und Masse in heiliger Schrift. ...
Magdeburg, Paul Donat for Ambrosius Kirchner, 1585. With 3 title-pages, 7 double-page and 2 full-page woodcut maps
With: (2) BÜNTING, Heinrich. Braunschweigische und Luneburgische Chronica.
Das ander Theil Braunschweigischen Chronica, gehet auff das Land Lüneburg
Das dritte Theil, der Braunschweigischen und Lüneburgischen Chronica, ...
Das vierte Theil dieses Buches, gehet insonderheit auff das Fürstenthumb Grubenhagen, füret ... den geburts Stam des fürstlichen Hauses Braunschweig und Lüneburg.
Magdeburg, Paul Donat for Ambrosius Kirchner, 1584-1585. General title-page in red and black with the woodcut coat of arms of Julius of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, further with numerous finely detailed woodcut illustrations
2 works in 3 and 4 volumes, bound as 1. Folio. Contemporary, richly blind-tooled pigskin, possibly by Nikolaus Müller in Wittenberg. With a matching pair of panel stamps in the central fields: portraits of Martin Luther (front board, 83 x 44 mm) and Phillip Melanchthon (back board, 81 x 45 mm), each with the date 1556 and text below. Ad 1: [16], “141” [= 242], [18]; [6], 110, [9] [3 blank]; [6], “34” [= 33], [1 blank] pp.; ad 2: [14], “150” [= 151], [1 blank]; “46” [= 47]. [1 blank]; [1], 47-82, [1 blank]; [1], “82”-“113” [= 83-109] ll. Full description
€ 27,500
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Luxurious manual for understanding paintings, with coloured plates

BURNET, John. A practical treatise on painting. In three parts. Consisting of hints on composition, chiaroscuro, and colouring. The whole illustrated by examples from the Italian, Venetian, Flemish, and Dutch schools.
London, James Carpenter, 1826-1827. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 25 full-page partly handcoloured etched and aquatint plates with 105 reproductions by Burnet of famous paintings. Contemporary calf, covers blind-tooled in a checkered pattern, marbled edges. [4], 31, [1 blank]; VI, 45; V-IX, [3], 64 pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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An illustrated edition of Burton's Arabian Nights

[ARABIAN NIGHTS]. BURTON, Richard Francis. A plain and literal translation of the Arabian Nights' entertainments, now entituled the book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.
Including: Supplemental nights.
[London?], Richard Burton Club, [ca. 1910]. 17 volumes. Royal 8vo (24 x 16 cm). With numerous illustrations (including the series by Albert Letchford), each repeated on laid paper (the 17 frontispieces repeated in colour). Contemporary half green morocco, gold-tooled spine. Full description
€ 10,000
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8 Italian sonnets praising Napoléon Bonaparte: printed on vellum by Pierre Didot
and finely bound in long-grained, gold-tooled morocco for presentation to Napoléon

BUTTURA, Antonio. Sonetti a Bonaparte.
Paris, Pierre Didot laîné, An VIII [after Floréal, so 1800]. 8vo. Finely printed on vellum. Contemporary long-grained and gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, each board with a frame made from a decorated roll with palm leaves between 2 fine-line fillets, the smooth spine with the title in the 2nd of 6 fields, an acorn with leaves in each of the others, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, light green watered silk endleaves. [2 blank], [1], [1 blank], [8], [4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 35,000
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Early edition of one of the greatest Hebrew lexicons,
by the most celebrated Hebraist of 17th-century Europe

BUXTORF, Johannes. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum: complectens omnes voces, tam primas quam derivatas, quae in Sacris Bibliis, Hebraeâ ... extant. Accessit Lexicon breve Rabbinico-Philosophicum ... Editio quinta, de novo recognita.
Basileae, heirs of Ludovicus König, 1645 (dedication signed 17 August 1647). 8vo. With woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum. [16], 976, [80] pp. Full description
€ 750
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One of the most important textbooks on logic, highly praised by Melanchthon

CAESARIUS, Johannes. Dialectica ... nunc recens Hermani Raiani Welsdalii fructuosis scholiis illustrata, & in multis locis emendata. Accessit huic Ioanni Murmelii Isagoge in decem Aristotelis Praedicamentas.
Venice, Giovanni Maria Leni, 1579. 8vo. With Lenis woodcut device on the title-page (a figure holding a set square up to the sun, in a scrollwork cartouche with motto, "In eo qui fecit me omnia possum") which has the letterpress title "Dialectica" in a woodcut factotum with scrollwork and putti at the head, and woodcut decorated initials. Set in roman and italic type with occasional Greek. Contemporary vellum. "189" [= 179], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Important biography of one of the leading figures of the Protestant Reformation

CAMERARIUS, Joachim. De Philippi Melanchthonis ortu, totius vitae curriculo et morte, implicata rerum memorabilium temporis illius hominumque mentione atque indicio, cum expositionis serie cohaerentium.
Leipzig, (colophon: Ernst Voegelin, 1566). Large 8vo (19.5 x 12 cm). With woodcut printer's device on title-page. Contemporary pigskin, richly blind-tooled in a panel design, monogrammed and dated "I.V.S | 1566", by the Swabian bookbinder Wolfconrad Schwickart. [20], 423[=424], [2 blank], [18] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Famous Dutch anatomist on the conflicting demands of family life, academic career and scientific pursuits

[AUTOGRAPH]. CAMPER, Petrus. [Autograph letter, signed, to Reinier Arrenberg].
Groningen, 2 February 1773. 4to. Brown ink on laid paper, addressed on the outside and with an armorial red wax seal.
With: (2) [PORTRAIT]. [PUJOS, André]. P. Camper, ...
[Paris, André Pujos, 1786]. 4to. Mezzotint portrait on laid paper. [1], [1 blank, except for the address]; [1] ll. Full description
€ 4,750
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Rare contemporary biography of the last emperor of Brazil

CAMPOS, Joaquim Pinto de. O Senhor D. Pedro II imperador do Brasil, biographia.
Porto, typographia Pereira da Silva, 1871. 8vo. With a small portrait (5.5 x 9 cm) of the emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II, pasted on a separately inserted leaf before the title-page. The original orange publisher's printed paper wrappers show the title, author and imprint information set in a decorative frame on the front wrapper and a similar frame with an ornamental centre-piece on the back wrapper. Gold-tooled calf with the author, title, and year of publication lettered in gold on the front board. Bound with the original orange printed paper wrappers. [1], [1 blank], VIII, 96, [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Arabic grammar for Spanish missionaries in the Middle East

CAÑES, Francisco. Gramatica Arabigo-Española, vulgar, y literal. Con un diccionario Arabigo-Español, en que se ponen las voces mas usuales para una conversacion familiar, con el texto de la doctrina Cristiana en el idioma Arabigo.
Madrid, Don Antonio Perez de Soto, 1775. 4to. With Perez de Soto's device on the title-page. Set in roman, italic and Arabic type. Contemporary mottled sheepskin. [1], [1 blank], [14], 272, [5], [2 blank], XVII pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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"The most remarkable" medical dictionary, based on works by Galen and Hippocrates

CASTELLI, Bartolomeo. Lexicon medicum Graeco-Latinum ex Hippocrate, et Galeno desumptum.
Rotterdam, Arnout Leers [printed in Amsterdam by Paulus Matthijsz], 1644. 8vo. With Matthijszs(?) woodcut device on title-page. Contemporary vellum. [14], “315” [=353], [19, last page blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare 18th-century Haarlem library catalogue, from the collection of A. M. van den Broek

[CATALOGUE - LIBRARY - HAARLEM]. Catalogus librorum bibliothecae Harlemianae.
Including: ECHTENIUS, Salomon. Bibliotheca Harlemiana ad intrantem.
Haarlem, the Netherlands, Wilhelm van Kessel, 1716. 4to. With a large woodcut printer's device on the title-page, 3 woodcut decorated initials, a woodcut headpiece at the beginning of each chapter and a woodcut tailpiece at the end of the work.
Contemporary elaborately gold-tooled mottled calf, gold-tooled board edges, gilt edges. Bound by the so-called Pentateuch bindery in Amsterdam (Storm van Leeuwen). [1], [1 blank], [6], 113, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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First edition of Jacob Cats's complete works, in richly gold-tooled morocco by the star bindery, The Hague

CATS, Jacob. Alle de wercken, so ouden als nieuwe.
Amsterdam, Jan Jacobsz. Schipper, 1655. Folio. With an engraved frontispiece incorporating a portrait of the author, a full-page engraved portrait of the author, 2 double-page engraved plates, hundreds of engravings in text (including 1 full-page and 1 integral double-page) by J. Swelinck, W.H. Hondius, C. van Dalen and others. Gold-tooled grey-black morocco (ca. 1758), richly gold-tooled spine, boards and board edges, gilt edges; by the so-called "star bindery" in The Hague. [18], 151, [1 blank]; [20], 26, [2], 27-30; [4], 1-15, [5]; 195, [7]; [2], 32; [8], 184; [16], 266, [6]; [12], 184; 84; 60; 24 ; [8], 36; 159, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,850
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10 etched plates after drawings by a pupil of Rembrandt

CAYLUS, Anne Claude Philippe Comte de. Histoire de Joseph, accompagnée de dix figures, rélatives aux principaux evenemens de la fils de ce fils du patriarche Jacob, et gravées sur les modèles du fameux Reimbrandt.
Amsterdam, Jean Neaulme, 1757. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black, and 10 full-page etched plates. Contemporary boards. [26] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Educating young American and Philippine noblemen
according the guidelines of the Spanish King Charles IV

[CHARLES IV, King of Spain]. Real cédula por la qual Su Magestad funda un colegio de nobles Americanos en la ciudad de Granada.
Madrid, printed by the widow of Joaquín Ibarra, 1792. 8vo. With a wood-engraved royal coat-of-arms on the title-page. Contemporary straight-grain red morocco. [2], 50 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Very rare children's book on the peoples of the world, with 24 hand-coloured costume plates

[CHILDREN'S BOOK - GEOGRAPHY - ANTHROPOLOGY]. Kleine Völker-Gallerie für Kinder in unterhaltenden Erzählungen von den Sitten, Meinungen, Gebräuchen und Kleidungen fremder Nationen, mit vier und zwanzig kolorirten Kupfern.
Köln, 1811. 12mo. With 24 numbered engravings (7 x 3 cm) showing the peoples discussed in their traditional costumes, each mounted on a blank leaf. With the engravings coloured as published, as indicated on the title-page. Later gold-tooled half red morocco, red paper over boards, with the title in gold on the spine. 170, [4] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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First Dutch edition of the most popular domestic encyclopedia of the 18th century

CHOMEL, Noël. Huishoudelyk woordboek, vervattende vele middelen om zyn goed te vermeerderen en zyne gezondheid te behouden, met verscheiden wisse en beproefde middelen voor een groot getal van ziekten, en schoone geheimen om tot een hoogen en gelukkigen ouderdom te geraken, een menigte van manieren om lammeren, schapen, koejen, paarden, muil-ezels, hoenderen, duiven, honigbyen, zywurmen te kweken, voeden, genezen, en winst te doen met die dieren;...
In't Nederduits vertaald, in orde geschikt, en vermeerderd met nuttige artikelen, door de heeren Jan Lodewuk Schuer, A.H. Westerhof, en zeker liefhebber.
Leyden, S. Luchtmans; Amsterdam, H. Uytwerf, 1743. 2 volumes. 4to. With an engraved allegorical frontispiece by Jan Punt (1711-1779) and 80 engraved folding plates by F. de Bakker. Half calf. [8], 616; [2], 617-1496, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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A complete, 16 volume set of a popular 18th-century domestic encyclopaedia

CHOMEL, Noël and Jacques Alexandre de CHALMOT. Algemeen huishoudelijk-, natuur-, zedekundig- en konst- woordenboek, vervattende veele middelen om zijn goed te vermeerderen en zijne gezondheid te behouden...
Leiden, Johannes Le Mair; Leeuwarden, Jacques Alexandre de Chalmot, 1778 (colophon: 1768-1777). 16 volumes. 4to. With an allegorical frontispiece in volume 1, and a total of 153 folding copper engravings in the 16 volumes, and a woodcut vignette at the end of volumes 1, 8-11, 13 and 15. With: CHALMOT, Jacques Alexandre de. Vervolg op M. Noël Chomel. Algemeen huishoudelyk-, natuur-, zedenkundig - en konst- woordenboek.
Kampen, J. A. de Chalmot; Amsterdam, J. Yntema, 1786-1793.
Contemporary uniform half calf and sprinkled paper sides. XXXVII, [1 blank], 565, [1 blank]; 566-1194; [2], 1195-1902; [2], 1903-2502; [2], 2503-3170; [2], 3173-3761, [3]; [2], 3763-4370; VIII, 1-749; [3], 750-1495, [1]; [3], 1498-2284, [4]; [3], 2290-3031, [1]; [3], 3034-3823, [1]; [3], 3826-4540; [3], 4542-528 Full description
€ 8,500
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18th-century Dutch general encyclopedia of horticulture and agriculture, animal breeding
and the secrets of living to a great age

CHOMEL, Noël. Huishoudkundig handboek voor den stedeling en landman; of Chomel, huishoudelijk woordenboek verkort. In vier deelen.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1800-1803. 4 volumes. Large 8vo. With 24 hand-coloured engraved plates of different plants, herbs, mushrooms, flowers, trees and animals. All volumes bound in contemporary half goatskin with marbled sides, gold-tooled spine with an orange and blue morocco label. XII, 560; [4], 584; [4], 568; [4], 598 pp. Full description
€ 1,000
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Extremely rare Dutch translation of a devotional work by the Church father Johannes Chrysostomus
in an attractive contemporary Antwerp panel binding

CHRYSOSTOMUS, Johannes (Antonius VAN HEMERT, translator). Van die beweechnisse des herten, tot berouwe der sonde[n]. ...
(Colophon:) Antwerp, Symon Cock, 18 August 1546. 8vo. With the title-page in red and black in a framework of thin rules, 6 woodcut decorated initials and 2 vine-leaf ornaments. Set in 3 sizes of textura gothic types. A very interesting Antwerp binding of contemporary panel-stamped calf, each board with the same panel, showing 2 medallion portraits in, the whole surrounded by a floral decorative border, interesting fastenings with cord loops that fasten to bone buttons on leather straps. [131], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Price-book from the Latin School at Deventer: the most important works of Cicero in the edition of Graevius

CICERO, Marcus Tullius. De officiis libri tres. Cato major sive de senectute. Laelius sive de Amiciria. Paradoxa. Somnium Scipionis. Ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii cum eiusdem animadversionibus.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Wetstein, 1691. 3 parts (books) in 1 volume. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece, a woodcut vignette on the title-page which is printed in red and black, woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum. [20], 470, [18] pp. Full description
€ 650
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Paris manual for priests, by the Bishop of Condom with Clichtove’s work on the priesthood, inaugurating Parisian Renaissance typography: two Paris first editions (1519) bound for a relative of Clichtove’s editor

CLICHTOVE, Josse (Judocus CLICHTOVEUS). De vita et moribus sacerdotum, opusculum: singularem eoru[m] dignitatem oste[n]dens, & quibus ornati esse debea[n]t virtutibus: explanans.
Paris, Henri Estienne I, 1519 (colophon: 4 August). With woodcut title-page with the letterpress title and imprint in the central opening; further with about 21 woodcut initials (4 series, mostly criblé) plus about 4 repeats.
With: (2) MARRE, Jean. Enchiridio[n] sacerdotale concinnatu[m] ad salutarem eruditionem Christifideliu[m] ab lo[n]ge revere[n]do in Christo patre d[omi]no Ioanne Mare Co[n]domien[sis]. episcopo. In quo haec sunt capita. ...
[Paris], (colophon: Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 25 November 1519). With numerous woodcut decorated initials (4 series, the largest 45-47 mm. criblé initials). 2 works in 1 volume. 4to (20 x 14 cm). 16th-century blind- and gold-tooled calf, each board in a panel design, with the owner's name "D. Ioa[n]mes[!] Lassere" on the front and motto "memento mortis" on the back, the motto and fleurs-de-lis on the back in gold. 75, [1 blank]; “LXI” [= LXXI], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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Rare 17th-century edition of standard arithmetic schoolbook: second copy located

COCK, David. De cyfer-konst, noyt voor desen den leerlingen grondiger, noch ook duydelijcker, voorgestelt. ... Den vijfde druck, van alle mis-druck gesuyvert, verbetert, ende merckelijck vermeerdert, door Dirck de Hollander...
Amsterdam, widow of Gysbert de Groot, 1696. Small 8vo (15 x 9.5 cm). 19th-century(?) sheepskin parchment. [8], 374 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Chromolithographed Art Nouveau prayer book in a high relief hallmarked silver binding

CONDIO, Luigi. Preghiere. Miniature di Vittorio Vulten.
Torino, Carlo de Martini (printed by Stab. Litografico Giovanni Fraschini & C., Milan), 1902. 18mo (13.5 x 7.5 x 1.5 cm). A wholly chromolithographed Art Nouveau prayer book, printed in numerous pastel colours plus gold, with (mostly floral) decoration on every page and numerous additional illustrations. In a silver binding (hallmarked "800" at the foot of the otherwise blank back cover), with "Our Lady of the Rosary" from the shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary in Pompei depicted on the front cover in high relief (madonna and child presenting rosaries to Saint Dominic and Saint Catherine) flanked by two irises, above "Ave Maria" and a panel with "SS. Vergine di Pompei", endpapers lithographed in pastel colours plus gold, in a repeating pattern of abstracted flowers, crosses, anchors, hearts and initials "VD" or "DV", gilt edges. [104] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Very rare first account of the death of Captain Cook

[COOK, James (subject)]. Nachrichten von dem Leben und den Seereisen des berühmten Capitain Cook.
Reval [= Tallinn, Estonia] & Leipzig, Albrecht und Compagnie, 1780.
With: (2) Briefe aus England historisch-statistisch und artistischen Inhalts. 1s Heft.
Reval [= Tallinn, Estonia] & Leipzig, Albrecht und Compagnie, 1780.
2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With a woodcut ship on the title-page of ad 2 and woodcut headpieces in both works. Contemporary half calf, brown sprinkled paper sides, brown morocco spine label with title in gold. 48; [14], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 148,500
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Rare work on the political history of England written for King James I's son
by a famous antiquary and politician

COTTON, Sir Robert Bruce. Warrs with forregin[!] princes dangerous to our Common-Wealth: or reasons for forreign wars answered. With a list of all the confederates from Henry the first reign to the end of Queen Elizabeth. Proving that the kings of England alwayes preferred unjust peace before the justest warre.
London, William Shears, 1657.
Including: [COTTON, Sir Robert Bruce]. The French charity; written in French by an English gentleman, upon occasion of Prince Harcourt's coming to England; and translated into English by F.S.J.E.
London, William Shears, 1655. Small 8vo. Woodcut head- and tailpieces & initials. Contemporary calf. [2], 96; [2], 10 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Rare and famous catalogue of one of the most important 18th-century private libraries

[CREVENNA, Pierre Antoine Bolongaro, and Carl’ Andrea OLTOLINA]. Catalogue raisonné de la collection de livres de M. Pierre Antoine Crevenna, négociant à Amsterdam.
[Amsterdam], [Crevenna], 1776. 6 volumes. Large 4to (27.5 x 22.5 cm). With an engraved title vignette in each volume. Uniform contemporary calf. [2], VIII, 149, [1]; [2], 244, [1], [1 blank]; 322, [1], [1 blank]; 327, [1]; 346, [1], [1 blank]; [4], 336, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,950
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An influential monograph on education

CROUSAZ, Jean-Pierre de. Traité de l'education des enfans.
The Hague, Isaac & Paul Vaillant, Nicolas Prevost, 1722. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 2 title-pages in red and black, each with the same engraved vignette by Bernard Picart (ship in pictorial border with mermaid and merman). Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine and board edges. [20], 471, [1 blank]; [4], 564 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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An influential monograph on education

CROUSAZ, Jean-Pierre de. Traité de l'education des enfans.
The Hague, Isaac & Paul Vaillant, Nicolas Prevost, 1722. 2 volumes. 12mo. With 2 title-pages in red and black, each with the same engraved vignette by Bernard Picart (ship in pictorial border with mermaid and merman), woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary polished tan calf, gold-tooled spine with, blind-tooled board edges, red sprinkled edges. [20], 471, [1 blank]; [4], 564 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First edition of the first Tibetan-English grammar, printed by Calcutta's prominent Baptist Mission Press

CSOMA DE KORÖS, Alexander (Sándor KORÖSI CSOMA). A grammar of Tibetan language in English. Prepared, under the patronage of the government and the auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
Calcutta, the Baptist Mission Press, 1834. Small folio (27 x 20 cm). Printed in Tibetan and English, complete with a 40-page syllabic schema of the Tibetan language and the Tibetan alphabet in Bámyik, Bruts'ha and Lánts'ha characters. 20th-century red cloth, title in gold on spine. XII, 204, [1 blank], 40, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Unrecorded 1712 almanac in an elaborately gold-tooled binding with a silver pin fastening, by the Amsterdam Art Book Bindery

DAM, Jan Albertsz. van. Nieuw geinventeerde koopmans comptoir- en schrijf-almanach, op het schrikkel-jaar onzes heeren J. Christi M DCC XII. Na de nieuwe styl. Versien met de jaarmarkten, paarde- beeste- en leer-markte, en de dageliksche uure van de maans op en ondergang.
Amsterdam, the heirs of Albert Magnus, [1711 (for the year 1712)]. 12mo. Printed in red and black throught, the title-page with Magnus's woodcut device (Atlas with an armillary sphere on his shoulders), numerous typographical symbols in the text: for example a horse and a goat representing horse and other animal market days, moons in different phases, planetary signs and manicules (pointing hands). With a small etching of an angel (39 mm tall) holding a wreath, cut out of an unidentified source and loosely inserted between 2 blank pages at the end of the book. Contemporary, elaborately gold-tooled mottled calf over thin wooden boards by the so-called Art Book Bindery (1705-1741) in the style made famous by Albert Magnus himself, with more than 100 impressions of about a dozen stamps and one roll, gold-tooled board edges. Further with 4 silver anchor plates (2 on each board), each with the coat of arms of the States of Holland in a decorative cartouche, and each with a silver eye extending over the fore edge, with a silver combination stylus/lead pencil used to fasten the book through the eyes, gilt edges. [120] pp. bound with 46 blank free endleaves: [12] pp. at the front and [22 (coated paper)], [12] pp. at the back. Full description
€ 7,500
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Third copy located of an extremely rare ethnographic photo album

DAMMANN, Carl Victor and Friedrich Wilhelm. Ethnologischer Atlas sämmtlicher Menschen-Racen in Photographien, . . .
Hamburg, Otto Meissner, [1876]. With letterpress title-leaf and 179 albumen prints mounted on 25 paperboard leaves (31.5×46.5 cm), each leaf with a short general description in German, and all photos with irregularly numbered captions. Loose in a modern black half cloth clamshell box, with the original printed title-wrapper mounted on front. Full description
€ 14,000
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"The best of the eighteenth-century rare book bibliographies"

DE BURE, Guillaume-François. Bibliographie instructive: ou traité de la connoissance des livres rares et singuliers.
Paris, 1763-1769. 9 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines. Supplement volumes (vol. 8-9) in slighty different mottled calf with gold-tooled spines. [2], IV, III-LXXVI, 603, 17, 80; XXVIII, 772; XVI, 734; 544; XXIII, 631; 685; 687; XL, 621; 491, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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One of the most famous bibliophile collections of the 18th century, with contemporary annotations

DE BURE, Guillaume-François. Supplement a la bibliographie instructive ou catalogue des livres du cabinet de feu M. Louis-Jean Gaignat, ... disposé en mis en ordre ... avec un table alphabetique des auteurs.
Paris, Guillaume-Francois de Bure (colophon: printed by Didot), 1769. 2 volumes. 8vo. Modern half calf. XXXIX, [1], 621; 491, [1] pp. Full description
€ 375
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Hongkong edition of a rare work by a famous French missionary in Tibet

DESGODINS, Auguste. Essai de grammaire Thibétaine pour le langage parlé, avec alphabet et prononciation.
Hongkong, Imprimerie de Nazareth, 1899. 12mo. With the printing offices device (an Asian style temple with "Nazareth", "venite seorsum" and an "ME" monogram with cross) on the title-page and several tailpieces. Original publishers half tan morocco, sewn on 3 recessed cords but with 4 false raised band on the spine, with "GRAMMAIRE|THIBÉTAINE" in gold in the 2nd compartment and the printer-publishers "ME" monogram with cross at the foot of the fifth, "Gustav"-marbled sides (tan on yellow), decorated endpapers (printed in imitation of Spanish marbled paper), sprinkled edges. [9], 91, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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The 7500-page works of one of the most creative and influential minds of the Enlightenment

DIDEROT, Denis. Oeuvres de Denis Diderot, publiées, sur les manuscrits de l'auteur, par Jacques-André Naigeon, de l'Institut National des Sciences, etc. Tome premier[-quinzième].
Paris, Desray, Deterville (back of half-title, vol. I: printed by [Charles] Crapelet), an VI [=] 1798. 15 volumes. 8vo. With a frontispiece portrait of the author engraved by Charles Étienne Gaucher after a 1766 drawing by Jean-Baptiste Greuze, 16 engraved plates and a folding letterpress table of all kinds of human knowledge for the Encyclopédie (52 x 37.5 cm). Contemporary, uniform half sprinkled calf, richly gold-tooled spines. [in total about 7500 pp.]. Full description
€ 6,500
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Two religious emblem books: A mixture of humor, intelligence, and protestant severity

DILHERR, Johann Michael. Heilig-Epistolischer Bericht, Licht, Geleit und Freud. Das ist: emblematische Fürstellung, der heiligen sonn- und festtäglichen Episteln.
Nuremberg, Johann Andreas Endter and the heirs of Wolffgang der Jüngere, 1663. With engraved frontispiece and 85 large engraved emblems by M. Küsell after G. Strauch.
With: (2) DILHERR, Johann Michael. Augen- und Hertzens-Lust. Das ist emblematische Fürstellung der Sonn- und festtäglichen Evangelien.
Nuremberg, Johann Andreas Endter and the heirs of Wolffgang der Jüngere, 1661. With engraved frontispiece and 91 large engraved emblems by M. Küsell after G. Strauch. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary calf with the coat of arms of the Nuremberg patrician family Holzschuher Von und Zu Haszlach in gold in the centre of each board, gold-tooled spine, gilt edges. [8 blank], [30], 631, [33]; [8], 234, [4], 235-365, [31], [8 blank] pp. Full description
€ 11,500
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Eyewitness account of a 1570 diplomatic mission to the Ottoman court,
with 28 fine original colour drawings and samples of Turkish decorated paper

[DIPLOMATIC MISSION]. BRAECKLE, Jacques de. Memoires du voiage de Constantinople de Jacques de Bracle seigneur de Bassecourt.
[Various places, [1570 or very soon after]. 4to (main text & decorated paper) & 8vo (transcription & drawings) (21.5 x 14.5 cm). Manuscript in French, written in brown ink on paper in a Flemish bastarda gothic hand, with about 26 lines per page. With 8 contemporary half-sheet specimens of Turkish decorated "silhouette" paper (folded to make 16 leaves in 2 quires), a series of 28 drawings in brown ink and coloured gouaches, highlighted in gold (mostly costume figures, some showing the Sultan and other leading figures, others showing anonymous types from various ethnic and religious groups), plus a ca. 1800, transcript of the complete text and biography of the author (with his arms in colour). Modern sheepskin parchment. [2 blank], [34]; [5 blank], [62 incl. a few blank], [1 blank] pp. plus 8 double leaves of decorated paper and [36], [4 blank]; [2], [2 blank] pp. of 18th-century additions. Full description
€ 180,000
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First edition of 127 lectures on medicine delivered at Leiden University in 1583 and 1584

DODOENS (DODONAEUS), Rembert. Praxis medica.
Amsterdam, Hendrick Laurensz. [printed by Jasper Tournay in Gouda], 1616.
With: (2) DODOENS (DODONAEUS), Rembert. Medicinalium observationum exempla rara. ....
Harderwijk, widow of Thomas Henricksz.; Amsterdam, Hendrik Laurensz., "M.D.XXI" [with a C added in manuscript to correct it to 1621]. 8vo. 2 editions in 1 volume. Contemporary vellum. [8], 618, [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,850
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Italian translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses in an interesting binding

OVIDIUS NASO, Publius (Lodovico DOLCE, translator). Le trasformationi, ... . In questa quarta impressione da lui in molti luoghi ricorrette.
Venice, Gabriele Giolito de Ferrari, 1557. 4to. With title in a richly designed architectural woodcut frame, a half-page woodcut hemispherical map of the Americas, Europe and Africa and 82 large woodcut illustrations (plus 2 repeats) with fine ornamental and grotesque borders at either side. Contemporary(?) Polish(?) blind-tooled calf. 17th- or 18th-century endpapers. [16], 309, [3] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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40 years of correspondence between two leading orientalists in Russia, often concerning Georgian matters

[AUTOGRAPHS]. DORN, Bernard. [21 autograph letters, signed, to Marie-Félicité Brosset].
Saint Petersburg, ca. 1840-1879. 8vo (letters, mostly 21 x 13.5 cm) and folio (list of publications). Letters in French with an occasional (Persian?) word in Arabic script, written in black ink on paper, some with the address on the outside and one with Dorn's (Persian?) red wax seal in Arabic script.
With: (2) [Manuscript chronological numbered list of 34 publications by Dorn, 1843-1865].
[Saint Petersburg, ca. 1865]. 20 letters [4] pp. each (some including blanks); 1 letter [1, 1 blank] pp.; list of publications [4] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Beautiful watercolour and gouache paintings of birds,
together in a magnificent 1784 binding from the famous "First Stadholder Bindery" in The Hague

[DRAWINGS - BIRDS]. Konst tekeningen. [Detailed illustrations of birds].
[The Netherlands], binding dated 1784. Large folio (52 x 33.5 cm). With 18 large, beautifully hand-drawn and coloured illustrations of birds.Contemporary richly gold-tooled red morocco over boards, sewn on 8 supports, each board with a round, gold-tooled, green morocco inlaid centre piece, gold-tooled board edges, 2 pairs of green cloth ties, gilt edges, and block-printed paste-paper endpapers in red and yellow. The spine is also richly gold-tooled with 2 different rolls to frame the compartments and underline the leaf and flower stamps. The front and back boards match, except for the gold lettering: on the front board "konst tekeningen" and on the back board "anno 1784". The tooling shows 4 different rolls, used for multiple frames, and numerous stamps of leaves, flowers, vases, birds and other decorative elements. 90 ll. Full description
€ 28,000
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Censored copy of works on the language of the Holy Scripture by the orientalist Johannes Drusius

DRUSIUS, Johannes. Opuscula quae ad Grammaticam spectant, omnia, in unum volumen compacta.
Franeker, Gilles van den Rade, 1609.
(2) DRUSIUS, Johannes. De litteris mosche vechaleb libri duo.
Franeker, Gillis van den Rade, 1608.
(3) DRUSIUS, Johannes (junior). Lachrymae, Iohannis Drusii Iunioris, tribus carminum generibus expressae, in obitum illustriss. et incomparabilis Heroïs Josephi Scaligeri.
Franeker, Gillis van den Rade, 1609.
. 3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Each title-page with a woodcut vignette (ad 1 and 2 the same, ad 3 different) and with some woodcut decorated initials (3 series). The text is set in roman and Hebrew type. Contemporary limp vellum, with the author and title in manuscript on the spine, remnants of ties. [8], "152" [= 160]; 55, [1 blank]; [8] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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Splendidly bound dedication copy of a wholly engraved music guide

[DUMAS, Antoine-Joseph]. L'art de la musique enseigné et pratiqué par la nouvelle methode du bureau typographique.
Paris, Sr. Auguste [for the author], [1753]. Large oblong 4to (26 x 33.5 cm). Wholly engraved, including an engraved title-page, two-page engraved dedication, a double-page folding engraved musical table ("Elémens de la musique. Plan général du bureau typographique musical") and 427 engraved text pages by Mademoiselle Vandôme. Contemporary gold-tooled dark green (goatskin) morocco, richly gold-tooled spine with red morocco title label, gold-tooled boards with the coat of arms of Louis-Philippe d'Orléans (1725-1785) on both sides, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, pink silk endleaves, gilt edges (attributed to Jean-Charles-Henri Lemonnier). [4], 12-427, [1 blank]; 11, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 37,000
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Sumptuous coloured lithographs of Mayan antiquities bound for Czar Alexander II

DUPAIX, Guillermo, Alexandre LENOIR, David Bailie WARDEN, et al. Antiquités Mexicaines. Relation des trois expéditions du Capitaine Dupaix, ordonnées en 1805, 1806, et 1807, pour la recherche des antiquités du pays, notamment celles de Mitla et de Palenque.
Paris, Jules Didot l'ainé, 1834. 3 parts in 2 volumes. Large folio (55.5 x 36 cm). With lithographed frontispiece and 161 (numbered as 166) lithographed plates (1 double-page and 160 full-page), nearly half beautifully hand-coloured and most of the rest tinted or double-tinted. Lacking (as usual) the map mentioned on the title-page. Gold-tooled red morocco (1855?), with the arms of Czar Alexander II of Russia on the boards. [4], XIV, [1], [1 blank], 20, 56, 40, 88, [4]; 82, 224, [4]; [10] pp. Full description
€ 98,500
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Annual report of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce, luxuriously bound for presentation

[DUTCH EAST INDIES]. Verslag over het jaar 1867, zamengesteld door de kamer van koophandel en nijverheid te Batavia.
Batavia, Bruining & Wijt, 1868. 8vo. With 3 folding tables. Contemporary richly gold-blocked red sheepskin, front board with the dedication: "Aan Zijne Excellentie den Gouverneur Generaal van Nederlandsch Indië", gilt edges; rebacked with the original backstrip laid down; new endpapers. XVIII, 604 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare collection of seven morality plays

[DUTCH MORALITY PLAYS - REDERIJKERS]. Zeven spelen, van die wercken der bermherticheyd. In rym ghemaeckt en nu tot Aemstelredam opentlyck ghespeelt, Anno 1591
Amsterdam, H. J. Muller, 1591. 8vo. Woodcut title vignette and 6 woodcut illustrations at the beginning of the plays, Contemporary vellum with manuscript title on spine. [302] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Unpublished calendar of historical events, especially the birth and death dates of Dutch artists,
in richly gold-tooled morocco by the so-called Rocaille-and-flower bindery

[MANUSCRIPT]. DYLIUS, Joannes, compiler. Dagwyzer der geschiedenissen, kortelyk behelzende, een' aanteekening van verscheidene gedenkwaardige zaaken, op elken dag van 't jaar, door de geheele waereld; bijzonder in de Nederlanden voorgevallen. Benevens de geboorte, en sterfdagen, van hooge, en laage stands persoonen, zo geestelijke als waereldlijke: beroemde helden, geleerde mannen, en kunstenaaren.
[Amsterdam], [frontispiece: 1778]. Narrow 8vo (16.5 x 9.5 cm). Manuscript in brown ink on laid paper, written in Dutch in a neat and clear but minute Latin hand, forming a calendar of historical events from 17 CE to 28 November 1777, with a grey ink and ink-wash allegorical frontispiece title, dated 1778 but signed by the artist "A:C. 1777.", and a title-page in 8 styles of plain and decorated Latin and gothic lettering (signed "Dr. Waller.|scripsit."). Contemporary richly gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, each board with a centrepiece and frame, both built up from separate (mostly floral) stamps, the whole surrounded by a sawtooth roll, the spine with a green morocco label in the 2nd of 6 compartments and each of the others with a central floral stamp and 4 cornerpieces (further with some fillets and rolls), gold-tooled turn-ins and board edges (with a floral roll), altogether 83 or 87 impressions of 7 or 8 stamps, plus 3 rolls and the fillets. It appears to come from what Storm van Leeuwen calls the "Rocaille-and-flower bindery", active ca. 1775-ca. 1812. [8 blank], [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [187], [9 blank] pp. including frontispiece. Full description
€ 4,950
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Secret correspondence between Tipu Sultan and the French, published by the British

[EAST INDIA COMPANY]. [TIPU SULTAN, Zaman Shah DURRANI, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE and others]. Official documents, relative to the negotiations carried on by Tippoo Sultaun, with the French Nation, and other foreign states, for purposes hostile to the British nation; to which is added, proceedings of a Jacobin club, formed at Seringapatam, by the French soldiers in the corps commanded by M. Dompart, with a translation ... Printed by order of the ... Governor General ...
Calcutta, Honorable Companys Press, 1799. Super Royal 4to (33.5 x 25 cm). Never bound, but side stitched through 3 holes. XX, [2], 195, [1] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Rare first edition of an important work by one of the foremost metallurgists of the 17th century

ECKER, Lazarus and John PETTUS (translator). Fleta minor. The laws of art and nature ... of confin'd metals.
London, printed, for the author, by Thomas Dawks, 1683. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With an engraved portrait of the author as a frontispiece, a separate title-page for part 2, and 43 large engravings in text on mining, distilling, and working metals (41 in part 1 and 2 in part 2). Further with elaborately decorated woodcut initials throughout. Contemporary mottled calf, rebacked with lighter brown calf, spine elaborately gold-tooled and with a red morocco title label lettered in gold, gold-tooled board edges, red sprinkled edges. [44], 345, [1 blank]; [8], 133, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Basics of miniature drawing and painting

EELKEMA, Eelke Jelles and André Léon LARUE (MANSION). Grondig onderrigt in de teeken- en schilderkunst, inzonderheid in miniatuur, ten nutte van jonge kunstoefenaren. Naar het Fransch van Mansion.
Leeuwarden, Lambertus Schierbeek, 1830. 12mo (15.5 x 9 cm). With folding lithographed frontispiece, coloured by hand, showing a palette of colours. Contemporay purple half morocco, gold- and blind-tooled spine. XII (incl. frontispiece), 131, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 500
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By one of the most important pioneers of medical biography

ELOY, N.F.J. Dictionnaire historique de la médecine ancienne et moderne. Ou mémoires disposés en ordre alphabétique pour server à lhistoire de cette science, et à celle des medecins, anatomistes, botanistes, chirurgiens, et chymistes de toutes nations.
Mons, H. Hoyois, 1778. 4 volumes. Large 4to. With engraved allegorical frontispiece; woodcut printers devices, engraved and typographical head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, red morocco spine label with title in gold, red edges, marbled endpapers [6], VIII, XII, 745, [2]; [4], 650; [4], 648; [4]; 626, [2] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Erasmus on the Latin language: two foundationalworks in a very attractive contemporary binding

ERASMUS, Desiderius. De duplici copia verborum ac rerum commentarii duo.
(Colophon: Mainz, Johannes Schoeffer, August 1521). With title in woodcut architectural border; 6 large, beautiful woodcut initials. With 1 initial coloured by hand.
With: (2) ERASMUS, Desiderius. Parabolae sive similia.
(Colophon: Basle, Johannes Froben, July 1521). With title in an elaborate woodcut border, first page of the dedicatory letter by Erasmus to Petrus Aegidius on back of title-page with a border made of woodcut strips, Froben's large woodcut device on the last page, and 2 decorative woodcut initials. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. German contemporary richly blind-tooled calf, in a panel design. The central panel on each board is filled with dozens of impressions of 3 floral stamps, 1 on the front board and 2 on the back. [16], 247, [1 blank]; 191, [1] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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One of the earliest editions of Erasmuss entertaining and extremely popular collection
of more than 2000 aphorisms and anecdotes, in richly blind-tooled 16th-century calf

ERASMUS, Desiderius. Apophthegmatum libri octo cum primis frugiferi, denuò vigilanter ab ipos recogniti autore, non sine lucro novae accessionis.
Cologne, Johann Gymnich I, 1538. 8vo (16 x 11 x 4.5 cm). With Gymnich's woodcut device, 9 woodcut initials (2 series) plus 1 repeat, and a vine-leaf ornament. Set in an Aldine-style italic with incidental roman and Greek. Near contemporary blind-tooled calf (the owner's stamp ca. 1564?, added later than the rest of the tooling) over wooden boards, each board in a panel design, the front board with the large oval armorial panel-stamp (72 x 55 mm) of Simon Cluver of Gedansk (ca. 1540-1598); the back board with 2 rolls showing Christian imagery. With 1 of 2 brass catchplates but further with only remnants of the fastenings. [16], 712, [38], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Best edition of a classic Arabic grammar, with fables, proverbs and quotations

ERPENIUS, Thomas. Grammatica Arabica; cum varia praxios materia, cujus elenchum versa dabit pagella.
Leiden, Johannes Maire, 1656. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. Mid 19th-century half tan calf, gold- and blind-tooled spine. [12], 172, “282” [= 284] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Important for the history of the German Jews in the age of Emancipation

EUCHEL, Isaac Abraham. Gebete der hochdeutschen und polnischen Juden. Aus dem Hebräischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen.
Vienna, Anton Schmid, 1815. 8vo. The book is mainly printed in Gothic type with some Hebrew types to the titles and in the notes. Contemporary marbled paper over boards, with a brown label on the spine. 458 pp. Full description
€ 750
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1st Antwerp edition of Seyssel's French Eusebius, the contemporary binding with an unusual Flemish panel stamp

EUSEBIUS. L[']histoire ecclesiastique ..., translatee de Latin en Fra[n]coys, par Messire Claude de Seyssel, Evesque lors de Marseille, & depuis Archevesque de Thurin.
Antwerp, Maarten de Keyser, 1533 (colophon: 17 April). 8vo. With a woodcut border on the title-page, assembled from 4 blocks (that at the foot with De Keyser's printer's device), about 10 woodcut decorated initials plus about 10 repeats (2 gothic series and 2 roman series). Set in three sizes of bastarda type with textura initials. Contemporary Flemish blind panel-stamped calf, each board with the same panel and double and single fillets, a triple fillet in the panel stamp separating the inner and outer panel. The inner is an acorn cresting panel with 4 1/2 acorns on each side and the flowers not attached to the acorns, remnants of leather ties. [12], "297" [= 299], [1] ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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Important and luxurious edition of Faerno’s 100 fables, with frontispiece and 99 illustrations

FAERNO, Gabriello. Cent fables en Latin et en François, choisies des anciens auteurs, mises en vers Latins ..., et traduites par Mr. Perrault, ...
London, C. Marsh & T. Payne, H. Slater, S. Baker, F. Noble, W. Bathoe, J. Palairet, 1744. 4to. With richly designed, engraved frontispiece, and 99 (of 100) fine engraved illustrations to the fables on integral leaves. Early 19th-century half calf, for the Signet Library in Edinburgh, each board with the gold-tooled British Royal arms. [1], [1 blank], II, [1], [1 blank], [18], 238, [2], 45, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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4 Christian "centos" of Virgil and Ovid (1 in its 1st edition) & a work on divine love, in a "tout intéressants
et précieux" contemporary French binding with monogram "HD" surrounded by 4 gothic S's

FALCONIA PROBA, Valeria, Francesco POLA, Bernardus BRUSCHUS (all after VIRGILIUS & OVIDIUS) and Carolus SCRIBANIUS. [Elegantes variorum Virgilio-Ovidio-centones de opificio mundi, Christo Deo, Deique Matre, SS. Francisco et Car. Borromaeo].
[Munich, Anna Berg (widow of Adam Berg the elder) for Raphael Sadeler, 1617]. Small 8vo (15 x 9.5 cm). Contemporary French gold- and blind-tooled black morocco, each board with a frame of blind fillets and a gold centrepiece comprising an HD monogram surrounded by 4 gothic S's (Hobson's S fermé), and the 6 spine compartments with alternately a gothic s and a small fleur-de-lis, the 2nd compartment with "[PR]OB[A]" above the fleur-de-lis:, blind fillets on the board edges. 82 of 98, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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"Few books had greater influence on the subsequent teaching of elementary mathematics"

FELICIANO, Francesco. Libro di arithmetica & geometria speculativa & praticale ... intitulato Scala Grimaldelli: novamente stampato
(Colophon: Venice, Francesco de Leno), 1563. 4to. With the title in a 5-piece woodcut border with an allusive woodcut illustration (ladder and key), and with numerous woodcut diagrams, geometric figures and other illustrations printed in the large fore-edge margin. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [80] ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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First printing of a rare 18th-century map of Portuguese Angola

FEO CARDOZO DE CASTELLOBRANCO E TORRES, João Carlos. Memorias contendo a biographia do vice almirante Luiz da Motta Feo e Torres. A historia dos governadores e capitaens generaes de Angola, desde 1575 até 1825, e a descripção geographica e politica dos reinos de Angola e de Benguella.
Paris, Fantin, 1825. 3 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With one large folding map at the start of the first volume, showing the coast of Angola, and a small vignette on the title page. Contemporary gold-tooled tree-marbled calf. [14], 375, [6] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Collected literary works of the most famous professor of the 17th-century University of Padua

FERRARI, Ottavio. Prolusiones vigintisex. Epistolae. Et formulae ad capienda doctoris insignia. Item variae inscriptiones. Editio altera auctior & emendatior.
Padua, heirs of Paolo Frambotti, 1668. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. With a general title-page and a volume 2 title-page, the former printed in red and black, each with the woodcut device of the printer-publisher Frambotti (Pallas Athena standing next to a tree with a scroll reading "Pacis opus"); some interesting woodcut head- and tailpieces. 19th-century gold-tooled green morocco, each board with the coat of arms of Gomez de la Cortina in a frame of double fillets. [12], 579; [8], 144 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Three editions of humanist works, two from Antwerp known only from 1 other copy each, in contemporary Flemish panel-stamped calf with 6 animals in foliage plus an unusually detailed peacock

[FIOCCO, Andrea Domenico] under the name of Lucius FENESTELLA. De magistratibus, sacerdotiisq[ue] Romanorum libellus, iam primum nitori restitutus. Pomponii Laeti itidem de magistratibus & sacerdotiis, & praeterea de diversis legibus Rom[anorum]. Item Valerii Probi grammatici de literis antiquis opusculum.
Including: POMPONIO LETO, Giulio. De Ro[manorum]. magistratibus, ...
Basel, (colophon: Valentino Curio, May 1523). With the general title in a woodcut border, Curio's large architectural woodcut device on the otherwise blank final page.
(2) LUCIANUS OF SAMOSATA. Complures ... dialogi à Desiderio Erasmo Roterodamo ... in Latinum conversi, & à Nicolao Buscoducensi illustrati, additis Fabularum & difficilium vocabulorum explanationibus.
(Colophon: Antwerp, Michael Hillen van Hoochstraten, 1524).
(3) MOSELLANUS, Petrus (Peter SCHADE). Paedologia ..., in puerorum usum conscripta & aucta. Dialogi XXXVII. Dialogi pueriles Christophori Hegendorphini. XII. ...
Including: HEGENDORF, Christoph. Dialogi pueriles ... XII. ...
(Colophon: Antwerp, Michael Hillen van Hoochstraten, 1523).
3 editions in 1 volume. 8vo (16 x 10.5 cm). Contemporary panel-stamped calf, each board with the same 3 panel stamps: 2 virtually identical panels with 6 animals in 2 grape vines (the animals from head to foot in the left vine: a monkey, dog and wyvern; and in the right vine: a squirrel, hare and lion) in a border of a diaper of quatrefoils in lozenges, the two separated by a small panel stamp sith a peacock, paste-downs made from a leaf from an Aristotle manuscript on vellum. 91, [1]; 26, [2]; [40] ll. Full description
€ 12,000
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Notorious forged binding, gold-tooled with Ottoman imagery painted red, white and green on dark brown

FLORUS, Lucius Annaeus. [Epitome rerum Romanarum].
Leiden, Adriaen Wijngaerden (colophon: printed by Philippe de Croy), 1648. 8vo (18 x 12 x 3 cm). With an engraved allegorical title-page by Cornelius van Dalen. Contemporary or near-contemporary calf. The decoration on the binding is believed to have been executed in Bologna ca. 1880/1900 by a group of forgers: each board with the same scene, showing 2 women in Ottoman costume, one kneeling to play a qanun (Turkish zither) at left and the other perhaps dancing at right, framed by drapery as though on a stage, with a crescent moon and 5-pointed star in each corner and the name "IBRAHIM" at upper left, the whole in a frame of double fillets. The figures' skin is painted white and the clothes and drapery red and green. The crescent moon and star repeat in spine compartments 1 and 3-5. [32], “595” [= 535], [69], [4 blank] pp. including the integral engraved title-page. Full description
€ 39,500
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Entomologists in the network of freemasons between American and the French Revolutions

FORSTER, Johann Reinhold. [Letter to an unnamed fellow freemason in Braunschweig, probably Ferdinand, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lünenburg or someone in his inner circle].
Halle (Saale), 9 August 1781. 4to. Autograph letter in German, signed, written in brown ink on laid paper in a clear German hand, with foreign words and names in a Latin hand. [4] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Rare first edition of a work of great importance to the history and development of colour printing
and one of the earliest examples of Didots fine printing in his revolutionary types

FOSSÉ, Charles-Louis François. Idées dun militaire pour la disposition des troupes confiées aux jeunes officiers dans la defense et lattaque des petits postes. Dédié à M. Le Duc du Chatelet.
Paris, François Ambroise Didot l'ainé, 1783. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 4to. With 11 colour-printed crayon-manner plates (10 folding) by Louis-Marie Bonnet, 1 similar armorial headpiece for the dedication to the army general and diplomat Louis Marie Florent, Duc du Châtelet (1727-1793), Didots woodcut device on title-page ("FAD" in clouds with putti and garlands, "[Pierre Charles] Jombert inv. Milliere sculp. 1782"). Contemporary boards covered with blue paper, untrimmed and with some bolts unopened. [14], 116, 60, [24] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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One of the first Sanskrit works published in Germany

FRANK, Othmar Chrestomathia Sanskrita, quam ex codicibus manuscriptis, adhuc ineditis, Londini exscripsit, atque in usum Tironum versione, expositione, tabulis grammaticis etc. illustratam edidit ...
Munich, typographice ac lithographice opera et sumtibus propriis, 1820-1821. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 4to (22 x 25,5 cm). With 6 lithographed plates (4 folding). Original temporary grey boards as issued. XII, 194, [2]; [4], 147, [3] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The first English edition of a famous biography of the fourth Portuguese viceroy of India

FREIRE DE ANDRADE, Jacinto and Peter WYCHE (translator). The life of Dom John de Castro, the fourth Vice-Roy of India. Wherein are seen the Portuguese's voyages to the East-Indies; their discoveries and conquests there; the form of government, commerce, and discipline of warr[!] in the East, and the topography of all India and China. Containing also a particular relation of the most famous siege of Dio, with a map to illustrate it.
London, Henry Herringman, 1664. Folio. With a full-page engraved portrait of D. João de Castro, the fourth viceroy of India as a frontispiece, signed "W. Faithorne sculp.", one full-page engraved illustration of the shrine of St. Thomas in Meliapor - including its inscriptions in Sanskrit - which already existed at the time of the Portuguese arrival in India, and one double page engraved map (view) of Diu and its fortress. Contemporary blind-tooled calf. [1], [1 blank], [18], 272, [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Splendid manuscript on the state, condition and organization of the French Royal navy in 1732,
from the library of Henri Beraldi

[FRENCH ROYAL NAVY]. [Binding title:] Abregé de la marine du Roy 1732.
[Paris?, 1732]. 13.5×19 cm. Manuscript in brown-black, red and blue ink on vellum, some of the lettering and borders gilt. With a beautiful frontispiece painting in coloured gouaches (14×9.5 cm) pasted on the page facing the opening of the text, showing a small warship at a shipyard in a small harbour being repaired by workmen. Contemporary red morocco, gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled fillets on boards and board edges, richly gold-tooled frame, gilt edges. Frontispiece plus [2], 26 ll., including 2 double and 1 larger folding. Full description
€ 95,000
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Rare Swedish scientific dissertation on the making of nautical charts and their use

FRIBERG, Olavus and Olavus HERWECH. Q.B.V. Dissertatio academica, de constructione et usu mapparum hydrographicarum, quam consentiente ampliss. senatu philosoph. in regia academia Upsaliensi, publico eruditorum examini modeste submittunt auctor Olavus Friberg et respondens Olavus Herwech. ad. fil. Vermelandi, In auditorio Carolino Marjori die III. Maji Anno MDCCXLIV.
Uppsala, 1744. 4to. With 4 woodcut geometrical illustrations in the text, a large woodcut headpiece (with the words "constantia coronatur" in it) and one large woodcut decorated initial. Modern stiff (marbled?) paper boards with the title in gold on the spine. 16 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Eulogies of four famous scientists

FRISI, Paolo. Elogio del cavaliere Isacco Newton.
[Milan, Guiseppe Galeazzi, 1778].
(2) FRISI, Paolo. Elogio del signor D'Alembert.
Milan, Guiseppe Galeazzi, 1786.
(3) FRISI, Paolo. Elogi di Galileo Galilei e di Bonaventura Cavalieri.
Milan, Guiseppe Galeazzi, 1778. 3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment. 132; 81, [1 blank]; 107, [5], 53, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Luxuriously bound, illustrated bibliophile edition of the most popular didactic novel of 18th-century Europe, introducing revolutionary printing types in a revolutionary time

FÉNELON, François. Les aventures de Télémaque.
Paris, "l'imprimerie de Monsieur" [colophon below advertisement: Pierre François Didot le jeune], 1785. 2 volumes. Large 4to. With 97 plates, namely an engraved title-page by Montulay in vol. 1, 72 illustration plates engraved by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard after drawings by Charles Monnet and 24 engraved plates with summaries of the "books" in decorative frames. With an elaborate armorial device (incorporating the French royal coat-of-arms) on the title-page of each volume. Contemporary gold-tooled red morocco. [3], [1 blank], [4], 309, [3 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 297, [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Very rare educational work in a fine armorial dedication binding from the Bourbon restoration, for Marie Thérèse, Duchess of Angoulême, the only heir of Louis XVI to survive the Revolution

GALLAND, P.J. Cours pratique d'éducation à l'usage des jeunes demoiselles, et convenable aux jeunes gens qui ne sont pas à porté de suivre les études de collège, ou qui les ont suivies sans succès; contenant la grammaire, précédée de principes de lecture servant d'introduction; la rhétorique, l'arithmétique, la cosmographie, la géographie, l'histoire et la mythologie, traitée séparément pour l'enfance et pour l'adolescence, par demandes et par réponses. Dédié à Son Altesse Royale Madame, Duchesse d'Angoulême.
Paris, Librairie d'Éducation d'Alexis Eymerie, and the author (on back of title-page: printed by J.-B. Imbert), 1816 (vol. 3!)-1817 (vols. 1-2). 3 volumes. Large 12mo (17.5 x 10.5 cm). With a large folding engraved map of France, 3 astronomical and cosmographical figures on 3 engraved plates, a large folding hierarchical "tableau synoptique" of French grammar, and numerous numerical tables and mathematical equations in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled, grained green morocco, each board with the large arms of the dedicatee, Marie Thérèse de France, Duchesse d'Angoulême, daughter of King Louis XVI: a crowned double coat- of-arms (each in an oval) in a wide border of fleurs-de-lis and tulip-like flowers, the dexter arms (of her husband) that normally used by the Duc de Berry, but also by the seconde maison Capétienne d'Artois and the sinister arms (of her father Louis XVI) matching that of the Kings of France, pink silk endleaves, gilt edges. [4], 515, [1]; 552, [2]; 492, [2] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Games and activities for young boys and girls

[GAMES & PASTIMES]. De onvermoeide speelmakker, of volledige verzameling van nuttige en aangename spelen, uitspanningen, ligchaamsoefeningen en andere bezigheden, zoowel in huis, als in de open lucht voor jongens en meisjes. Versierd en opgehelderd door eene menigte fraaije houtsneêfiguren.
Gouda, G.B. van Goor, [1853]. 8vo. With numerous wood engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary gold-tooled blue-green morocco. X, 282 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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One of the earliest separate works devoted entirely to ice-skating,
printed by a typefounder praised in Balzac's "Illusions perdues"

GARCIN, Jean. Le vrai patineur, ou principes sur l'art de patiner avec grace, précédé de réflexions et de remarques critiques sur la manière de quelques patineurs inélégans, ainsi que sur les différens formes de patins, le choix quel'on doit en faire, et les variations dont cette chaussure est susceptible.
Paris, Delespinasse, Delaunaux, Nepveu, the author (printed by Joseph-Gaspard Gillé fils), 1813. 12mo (18 x 10.5 cm). With 8 numbered engraved plates, namely a frontispiece view of a skating rink with many skaters, engraved by Ambroise Tardieu, and 7 images of individual skaters, each in a different pose. Later blue paper wrappers. Preserved in modern half morocco slipcase. XXIV, 93, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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From the library of Buijnsters-Smets, with an original watercolour by Jacob Buijs

GELLERT, Christian Fürchtegott. Fabelen en vertelsels, in Nederduitsche vaerzen gevolgd.
Amsterdam, Pieter Meijer, 1781-1784. With large allegorical engraving on title and 148 (of 149) full-page engraved plates by N. van der Meer after J. Buys and one ORIGINAL WATERCOLOUR by J. Buijs illustrating the poem "Het Proces".(2) IDEM. Bijdrage tot de gemeenzame brieven van C.F. Gellert uitgegeven door J.P. Bamberger. Utrecht, A. van Paddenburg & J.M. van Vloten, 1781. 2 works (the 1st in 3 volumes, the 2nd bound with volume 3). 8vo.
Contemporary "run marbled" calf (more root-like than tree-like), gold-tooled spine, gold fillets on boards, black morocco spine labels. [4], 166, [2]; [2], 168, [4]; [4], 155, [5]; [2], VI, 103, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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The Paulus van Uchelen - Sir Andrew Fountaine copy,
finely bound for the former by Albert Magnus

GIUSTINIANI, Agostino de. Castigatissimi annali con la loro copiosa tavola della eccelsa et illustrissima Republica di Genoa, da fideli et approvati scritti accuratamente racolti.
Genoa, Antonio Bellone, 1537. Folio. Title-page in red and black with a woodcut device incorporating the coat of arms of Genoa supported by angels (the cross in the arms also printed in red), a large woodcut showing Saint George slaying the dragon on the back of the title-page; beautiful woodcut decorated initials (some pictorial) in the text (at least 5 series). Set in roman type, with the privilege line on the title-page in a larger rotunda gothic, and with 5 different vine-leaf ornaments. Gold-tooled strong ivory vellum (ca. 1674/89? ), bound by Albert Magnus for the Dutch book collector Paulo van Uchelen, sewn on 5 supports, each board gold-tooled with an outer frame of double fillets with very small, square cornerpieces, an inner frame of 2 double fillets with small cornerpieces within the 2 double fillets and a crown in each of the four corners of the inner frame. The gold-tooled spine contains a black label with a gold-tooled elephant at the head and just below a manuscript title. Red and brown sprinkled edges. [14], 282 ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare collection of travel accounts in the form of letters,
including a Swedish translation of a biography of Captain Cook

GJÖRWELL, Carl Christoffer (ed.). Almänna rese-beskrifwaren eller sammandrag af de nyaste och bästa rese-beskrifningar, hälst de som nyligast utkommit; til uplysning af andra länders geographie, natural-historia, stats-förfatning, hushålning, lärdom, bruk och seder: uti bref författat.
Stockholm, printed by Johan Arvid Carlbohm [and A.J. Nordstrom], 1780 [-1782]. 2 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved portrait of "Jacob" (James) Cook as a frontispiece in vol. 1, with some head and tail pieces throughout the 2 vols. Contemporary half goatskin. [4], 360; [2], 134, [2], 135-194, [2], 195-“168” [= 268] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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First Latin edition of a summary of all Glauber’s works published up to 1660

GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph. Arca thesauris opulentia, sive appendix generalis omnium librorum hactenus editorum, ... in decem centurias distributum [= prima centuria]. [Vol. 2:] Opulenti thesauri, et arcae thesaurariae ... centuria secunda.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius, 1660-1661. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. Later boards covered with marbled paper, later printed title on spine. 190, [2]; 149 pp. Full description
€ 900
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Very popular manual for colouring books, prints and maps

BRUGGE, Geerard ter, and Willem GOEREE. Verligterie-kunde, of, regt gebruik der water-verwen. In welke desselfs kennis, en gebruik tot de schilderkunde, en de illuminatie of verligterie noodig zijnde, kortelijk geleerd word. Eertijds uytgegeven door den voortreflijken verligter Mr. Geerard ter Brugge. Ende nu tot nut der liefhebbers, doorgaans met noodige aanmerkingen vermeerderd, om neffens het illumineeren of afzetten, insonderheid het schilderen met water-verwen te oeffenen, ... Den derden druk.
Amsterdam, Daniel van den Dalen, 1697. 8vo. With an engraved title. Modern half sheepskin parchment, marbled paper sides. 92 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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One of the first European books printed with Chinese type

GONZALES DE MENDOÇA, Juan. Historia de las cosas mas notables, ritos y costumbres del Gran Reyno de la China, sabidas assi por los libros de los mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de religiosos y otras personas que an estado en eldicho reyno.
Antwerp, Pierre Bellère I, 1596. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With a woodcut printer's device and some woodcut initials. With a few (woodcut?) Chinese characters in the text. Contemporary mottled calf. [24], 380, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 9,000
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British interpretership examination for Arabic

[GREAT BRITAIN - ARABIC]. Civil service commission pamphlet containing the question papers of the preliminary and interpretership tests in Arabic used at an examination held in June 1938 of officers of the Army and Air Force. Crown copyright reserved.
London, printed and published at Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1938. Folio. Printed in English and Arabic. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers, in later blue paper wrappers. 10 pp. Full description
€ 475
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Bound by Marcellin II Lortic with the arms of José Pinto Leite, Count of Penha Longa

GUALDO PRIORATO, Galeazzo. Manejo, e Governo da Cavallaria.
Lisbon, Miguel Manescal, 1707. Small 8vo (14.5 x 9 x 1.5 cm). With a richly engraved frontispiece showing a cavalry battle before a castle, with one cavalryman on his rearing horse in the foreground, and the title in an elaborate cartouche incorporating military attributes. Gold-tooled red goatskin morocco (ca. 1892/99) by Marcellin II Lortic in Paris (signed "M LORTIC" in the tooled foot of the front turn-in), each board with the crowned arms of José Pinto Leite in a double oval and a triple-filet rectangular frame, richly gold-tooled spine and turn-ins, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, headbands, silk ribbon marker. [12], 198 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Richly gold-tooled red morocco binding by the Amsterdam "Bird's Head Bindery"

GUARINI, Giovanni Battista. Il pastor fido, tragicommedia pastorale ... Editione nuova, arricchita di curiose, ed utili annotazioni, e riveduta, e corretta da A.P.D.A.
Amsterdam, Franco Soudaan, 1732. 4to. Contemporary richly gold-tooled red morocco, with an elaborate arabesque central ornament in a triple panel design, crowned ornaments, flowers, acorns and stars, richly gold-tooled turn-ins, dark green title label, marbled endpapers, gilt edges (so-called "Bird's Head Bindery", Amsterdam). [24], 319 [= 316] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Italian grammar dedicated to the French Queen Maria de’ Medici

GUEDAN, François. Institution de la langue Florentine et Toscane. Pour apprendre promptement, & facilement, la langue Italienne. Tant pour la lecture, prononciation & escriture d'icelle: que pour l'intelligence, composition, & traduction des livres Italiens en François, & des François en Italien.
Paris, Jean Gesselin, 1602. Small 8vo. Modern blind-tooled vellum, each board with a central ornament, gold fillets on spine, red morocco spine-label, red edges. 189, [3] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Rare issue of a detailed account Dieppe's defeat of the Flemish in an important 1555 sea battle

[GUILLAS, Denis]. Histoire de la bataille navalle faite par les Dieppois & Flamans: qui est l'une des plus furieuses & soudaines expeditions de mer, qui ayt esté entreprise de nostre temps sur les ennemis du Roy.
Paris, Estienne Denise, [1557?]. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). With 2 woodcut decorated initials and one cast fleuron (Vervliet, Vine leaf ornaments 173). Set in roman type with incidental italic. Finely executed late 19th-century(?) French red morocco by René Aussour, gold-tooled turn-ins, title, place of publication and date 1555 in gold in 2nd and 3rd of 6 spine compartments, gilt edges. [51], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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A spurned doctor's account of a voyage of exploration

GUILLOU, Élie le [and Jules DUMONT D'URVILLE]. Voyage autour du monde de l'Astrolabe et de la Zélée.
Paris, Brequet et Pétion, 1842. 2 volumes bound as 1. 8vo. With 31 lithographed plates, including engraved frontispieces for both volumes and a reproduction of a letter. Contemporary gold-tooled deep purple moroccowith the large gold-tooled coat of arms of the Emperor of Brazil, with the title etc. lettered in gold on the spine ("J. Arago - Voyage du Monde"), gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges, watered silk endpapers. [4], IV, 381, [1]; [4], 382, [2] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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The best Syriac New Testament, with the Lexicon and extensive notes made to accompany it

[BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - SYRIAC]. GUTBIER, Aegidius. Novum Testamentum Syriacè...
Hamburg, Aegidius Gutbier, 1664 (engraved title-page "1663").
(2) GUTBIER, Aegidius. Lexicon Syriacum, continens omnes N.T. Syriaci dictiones et particulas...
Hamburg, Aegidius Gutbier, 1667.(3) GUTBIER, Aegidius. Notae criticae in Novum Testamentum Syriacum... Hamburg, Aegidius Gutbier, 1667.
3 works in 1 volume. 8vo. With an architectural title-page, a woodcut vase of flowers on the letterpress title-page and decorations built up from typographic ornaments. With woodcut decorated initials and other decorations built up from typographic ornaments throughout the volume. Set in roman, italic and Syriac types, with incidental Greek and Hebrew. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [32], “606” [= 604]; [16], 146, [50]; 55, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First edition of a devotional emblem book with an engraved title-page drawn by Rubens,
splendidly bound for the Abbot of Kremsmünster Abbey

HAEFTEN, Benedictus van. Regia via crucis.
Antwerp, Balthasar Moretus (Officina Plantiniana), 1635. 8vo (18 x 11.5 x 4 cm). With engraved title-page showing Christ, Saint Teresa of Avila and 2 unidentified men and 38 full-page emblematic engravings. Richly gold-tooled calf (ca. 1665), each board with the arms of (apparently) Abbot Placidus Buechauer (1611-1669) of Kremsmünster, gilt and elaborately gauffered edges. XL, 404, [26], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Bound for King Louis XV

HAMILTON, Hugh. De sectionibus conicis. Tractatus geometricus. In quo, ex natura ipsius coni, sectionum affectioens [!] facillime deducuntur. Methodo nova.
London, William Johnston, 1758. 4to. With numerous illustrations on 17 folding engraved plates. Contemporary French gold-tooled red goatskin morocco, with the arms of the French King Louis XV in the centre of each board and his crowned monogram in each compartment (except that with the title) of the spine. [4], VIII, 211, [1] pp. Full description
€ 13,000
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Latin dialogues by the rector of the Deventer Illustre School, leading humanist
and teacher of Erasmus and Pope Adrian VI

HEGIUS (VAN DEN HECK), Alexander. Dialogi. De scientia et eo q[uo]d co[n]tra Academicos. De tribus anim[a]e generibus. De incarnationis misterio dialogi duo quib[us] ... Dialogus physicus. De sensu et sensili. De arte et inertia. De rhetorica. De moralibus. Eiusde[m] Farrago cui addita invectiva eius in modos significandi ... Epistola una et altera eius ceteris apud suos latentibus.
(Colophon: Deventer, Richard Pafraet, 1503). Small 4to (21 x 14.5 cm). With spaces left for 3- to 5-line manuscript initials (most with printed guide letters). Set in a rotunda gothic type with the title, colophon, running heads, etc. in a larger textura gothic and the author's name in a still larger rotunda, with occasional words in Greek. With one blue "Lombardic" initial filled in in manuscript, capitals and paragraph marks rubricated throughout. Half tan sheepskin (ca. 1860?). [170] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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First issue of second and best edition of a milestone in Dutch literature,
in armorial morocco by Henri-Joseph Pierson for Victor Masséna (1836-1910), Prince d'Essling

HEINSIUS, Daniel. Nederduytsche poemata.
Amsterdam, Willem Jansz. Blaeu, 1616. 4to. With engraved allegorical title-page and 66 engraved illustrations, all on integral leaves and mostly emblematic, by Crispijn de Passe, his two sons Crispijn Jr. and Simon, Michel le Blon after Jacob de Gheyn, and Jacob Matham after David Vinckboons. Late 19th-century gold-tooled dark brown morocco by Henri-Joseph Pierson, each board with the crowned and supported arms of Victor Masséna (1836-1910) in Paris , Prince d'Essling and Duc de Rivoli. 20, 132, 29-67, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,950
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"Father of History" in elegant & famous first Greek edition by Aldus Manutius, from the Arenberg library

HERODOTUS. [Historiarum] libri novem. Quibus musarum indita sunt nomina.
(Colophon: Venice), Aldus Manutius, (colophon: September 1502). Folio (29.5 x 20 cm). With Aldus's anchor and dolphin device on title-page and the verso of the last leaf. Late 19th-century blind-tooled, polished tan calf, the central panel with the arms of the Dukes of Arenberg. [140] ll. Full description
€ 69,500
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Rare Latin treatise on the Greek Bacchanals

HERRENSCHMID, Jacob. Peripatheticus orgiorum ethnico-pontificius. Justè castigatus, justius profligatus, justissimè condemnatus. Hoc est, brevis dissertatiuncula De Bachanaliorum nomine, origine, progressu, placentis, larvis, excusationibus, exemplis, poenis, ludis, choreis, symposiis, ludibriis, &c.
Nuremberg, Simon Halbmayer, [1626]. 12mo.19th-century red half morocco, marbled paper sides. 132 pp. Full description
€ 550
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Introduction to reading the Bible, intended for young people

HOFFMANN, Gottfried. Außerlesene Kern-Sprüche Heiliger Schrifft, durch kurtze Fragen deutlich erkläret und nützlich angewendet, nebst einer ausführlichen Einleitung zum Bibel-Lesen ...
Leipzig, Friedrich Lankisch, 1705. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, title-page printed in red and black, a folding letterpress table and occasional lines in Greek and Hebrew type. Contemporary vellum, manuscript title on spine. [34], 704 pp. Full description
€ 950
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The first book printed with roman type in Turkey

[HOLDERMANN, Jean-Baptiste Daniel]. Grammaire Turque ou méthode courte et facile pour apprendre la langue Turque ...
Istanbul, [Ibrahim Müteferrika & Zaïd Aga Effendi], 1730. 4to. With a double-page engraved table of Arabic letters in 7 different styles. Set in roman type with frequent Turkish words and phrases in naskh Arabic type. Contemporary blind-tooled calf. [16], 194, [6] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Superb Humanist "Sammelband"

HORACE. [Opera] cum quattor commentarijs.
Venice, printed by Philippus Pincius for Benedictus Fontana, 1495-1496. With large woodcut printer's device on last leaf, and numerous woodcut initials.
(2) PERSIUS. [Opera] cum tribus commentariis.
Venice, Giovanni Tacuino de Tridino, 4 November 1499. With woodcut printer's device on verso of penultimate leaf, and fine woodcut on title-page.
(3) JUVENALIS. [Opera] cum commento Ioannus Britannici.
Reggio Emilia, Francesco de Mazalibus, 1503. With fine woodcut at the head of text, and some woodcut initials. 3 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum over wooden boards with 2 brass clasps. [264] ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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Two illustrated standard works on Dutch painters,
annotated by the Belgian art connoisseur Francois-Jean-Joseph Mols

HOUBRAKEN, Arnold. De groote schouburgh der Nederlantsche konstschilders en schilderessen. ... Den tweeden druk.
The Hague, Johannes Swart, Cornelis Bouquet, Mattheus Gaillard, 1753. With engraved frontispiece, engraved author's portrait and 47 engraved plates bound in a separate plates volume.
With: (2) GOOL, Johan van. De nieuwe schouburg der Nederlantsche kunstschilders en schilderessen: ...
The Hague, for the author, 1750-1751. With engraved author's portrait and 22 engraved plates (1 folding). Lacking engraved frontispiece. 2 works (in 3 and 2 parts), bound in 11 text volumes (8vo interleaved with 4to, 25.5 x 20 cm) and 2 plate volumes (8vo interleaved with small folio, 28 x 20.5 cm). Uniform late 18th-century half sheepskin parchment (ad 1) and half vellum (ad 2). Full description
€ 12,500
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Famous poem with moral lessons for unmarried women, married women and widows

HOUWAERT, Jean Baptista. Pegasides pleyn. Ofte den lust-hof der maechden.
Volume 1: Delft, Adriaen Gerritsen, 1615 (colophon: 1614); volume 2: Leiden, Jan Paets Jacobszoon, 1611. 8vo. Volume 1 with an engraved title-page by Jan Wiericx and 8 full-page engravings by Jan Wiericx; volume 2 with the main text set in civilité type. Uniform contemporary vellum. XLVI, [2], 867, [1]; 464, 1-471, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Dutch translation of the first schoolbook for geography to be used in Europe

HUBNER, Johann. Kort begrijp der oude en nieuwe geographije; zijnde eene beknopte onderwijzinge der land en kaartkennis; verhandeld in een beschrijvinge der geheele vlakte des aardboodems ... Met een korte schets, tot kennisse der globe. Deze twede druk, merkelijk verholpen; met ... aanwijzing der beste landkaarten ...
Amsterdam, Nicolaas ten Hoorn, 1711. 8vo. With Ten Hoorns woodcut device on the title-page (incorporating a NTH cypher monogram, woodcut initials and tailpieces. Contemporary vellum. [52], 766, [56] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Dutch edition of a popular German encyclopaedia

HÜBNER, Johann. De nieuwe, vermeerderde en verbeterde kouranten-tolk, of zakelyk, historisch- en staatkundig woordenboek.
Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans en Zoon, 1748. With engraved frontispiece and title-page printed in red and black.
With: (2) HÜBNER, Johann and Arnold Heinrich WESTERHOFF. Algemeen kunstwoorden-boek der wetenschappen. .
Leiden, Dirk Haak en Samuel Luchtmans, 1734. With engraved frontispiece and title-page printed in red and black. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary blind tooled vellum, with title in ink on spine. [8], 1260; [16], 919 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Second enlarged edition of a numismatic-biographical work

HULSIUS, Levinus. Romanorum numismatum series. à C. Iulio Caesaro ad Rudolphum II. Add. est breviter ipsorum vita, aversa pars numismorum & eorundem explicatio.
Frankfurt, for the author, 1603. 8vo. With large allegorical engraving with portrait of Romulus on title-page, full-page allegorical armorial engraved plate on verso of title-page and 150 engravings of both sides of ancient coins in text. Contemporary red morocco, richly gold-tooled spine. [16], 305, [6], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Catalogue of van Hulthem’s enormous library

HULTHEM, Charles van (A. VOISIN, cataloguer). Bibliotheca Hulthemiana ou Catalogue méthodique de la riche et précieuse collection de livres et des manuscrits.
Ghent, J. Poelman, 1836-1837. 6 volumes. 8vo. With lithographed portrait of Charles van Hulthem as frontispiece. Contemporary half goatskin. Full description
€ 2,500
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Pamphlet advertising the independance of Hedjaz

[HUSSEIN BIN ALI, Sharif of Mecca and Frederick Stanley MAUDE]. The king of Hedjaz and Arab independence ... together with the proclamation issued at Baghdad by Lieut.- General Sir Stanley Maude, after the occupation of that city by the British forces.
London, Hayman, Christy and Lilly Ltd., 1917. 8vo. With a photographic portrait of Hussein bin Ali for frontispiece and a folding facsimile proclamation (38 x 28 cm). Original stapled wrappers with red lettering on front wrapper. 14, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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First and only edition of one of the earliest works on Persian grammar

IGNATIUS a Jesus (Carlo LEONELLI). Grammatica linguae Persicae. Auctore Patre Fratre Ignatio à Jesu Carmelita Discalceato missionario, & vicario residentiae Tripolis, & Montis Libani.
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1661. 4to. With a device on the title-page, 1 woodcut decorated initial, decorations built up from arabesque typographic ornaments and a 4-page letterpress table showing the Persian alphabet with the initial, medial, final and stand-alone forms of the letters. Modern ivory vellum in the style of the time, manuscript title on spine. [2], 60 pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Plantin edition of an early Christian classic

IGNATIUS of ANTIOCH. [In Greek:] Toi en agiois ieromartiros ignatioi archiepiskopioi antiocheias, epistolai. (In Greek).- Antiochiae, & martyris epistolae, prosus apostolicae. (In Latin).
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin (ad 1 colophon: 8 August), 1566. Small 8vo. With Plantins woodcut compasses device on each title-page and a couple decorated woodcut initials. Set in italic and Greek type.
With: IDEM. Antiochiae, & martyris epistolae, prorsus apostolicae.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1566. Contemporary calf. 69, [1 blank]; 78 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Key reference work for the East India Company surveys of India

INDIA OFFICE. A catalogue of manuscript and printed reports, field books, memoirs, maps, etc., of the Indian surveys, deposited in the map room of the India Office.
London, George E. Eyre & William Spottiswoode (colophon), 1878. Large 8vo. Contemporary cloth, title in gold on spine. XXI, [1 blank], 672 pp. Full description
€ 600
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First edition of an important encyclopedic dictionary of nautical terms and conceptions,
shipbuilding and ship types

JAL, Augustin. Glossaire nautique. Répertoire polyglotte de termes de marine anciens et modernes.
Paris, Firmin Didot frères, 1848. Large 4to (28.5 x 22.5 x 10 cm). Printed in two columns, with many steel engraved illustrations in the text showing ancient, medieval and later ships (some showing small parts in detail) by Alexandre-Nicolas Belhatte (b. 1811) after A. Mayer, and 2 full-page engraved plates: "Une Galère du 17e siècle" and "Elevation et coupe du Montebello, Vaisseau de 120 canons", with an extra added plate of the "Montebello" under sail (1812/21) loosely inserted. Contemporary half calf. 1591 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Spectacular 17th-century jewelled binding with a noble provenance

[JEWELLED BINDING - FRENCH PRAYER BOOK]. L'abbé de la HOGUE. La journée du chrétien, sanctifiée par la prière et la méditation.
Lyon and Paris, Librairie Catolique de Perisse frères, 1844. 16mo. Binding: ca. 11 x 7 x 2.5 cm. With a small printer's device on the title page. 17th-century elaborately jewelled and decorated gilt silver binding with a gilt silver imperial double-headed eagle and two hands holding a heart centre piece, below Jesus on the cross (with an added skull and bones at the foot of the cross) and ornamental gilt silver corner pieces connected to the gilt silver board edge fittings on both boards. The whole is set with numerous jewels (amethysts, garnets, turquoise, and (simulated) sapphires). With two jewelled clasps closing on pegs in the fore edge of the front board, gilt edges, red velvet paste-downs and blue silk flyleaves backed with paper. VIII, 524, [5], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 65,000
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Two famous books each presenting a mother's legacy, here emblematically illustrated by Jan Luyken and with additional verses by the Mennonites Geesje Brit and Adriaan Spinneker

[JOCELIN, Elizabeth Brook]. Uyterste wille van een moeder aan haar toekomende kind, toegeeigent aan de volmaaktste huysmoeder. Den Tweden Druk. [With extensive verses and other additions by Adriaan SPINNEKER].
Together in a single edition with:
HOUTE, Soetgen van den. Uyterste wille, dewelk sy hare kinderen David, Betgen en Tanneken, tot een memorie en voor het alderbeste goet heeft nagelaten, en heeft dat met haren dood bevestigt, tot Gent in Vlaenderen. [With several educational verses by Gezine BRIT].
SPINNEKER, Adriaan. Morgen- en avondgezangen, gebedswijze berijmt.
Amsterdam, Jacobus van Nieuweveen, 1699. 3 works plus additional verses in 1 volume. Small 8vo. A single edition, containing three main works, each with its own title-page with Van Nieuweveens imprint (the first undated, the others 1699) and with all engravings on integral leaves (frontispiece and 16 nearly full-page emblematic engravings by Jan Luyken and 6 smaller emblematic engravings plus 2 small engravings of Hope and Faith, some possibly by Jan Luyken). The first work with a richly engraved allegorical frontispiece, an engraved figure of Faith (with cross and book) on the title-page, and 7 nearly full-page engraved emblems; the second with an engraved figure of Hope (with anchor and bird) on the title-page, a nearly full-page engraved portrait of the author writing in her prison cell, 2 nearly full-page engraved emblems and 4 smaller emblematic engravings in the main text, and 6 nearly full-page engraved emblems and 2 smaller ones accompanying the added verses; and a woodcut vase of flowers on title-page of the third work. Further with several woodcut tailpieces and decorated initials. Contemporary vellum. [8], "259" [= 267], [1, 4 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Calligraphic copybook by a 14-year-old Dutch boy in 1761

JONG, Jacobus de. Geschriften.
Noordwijk-Binnen, 1761. Oblong folio (21 x 33 cm). Manuscript calligraphic copybook in brown ink on paper, with a calligraphic title-page followed by sample texts (mostly from the Old and New Testament) in Dutch in a roundhand script with decorative flourishes, and verses by Jacob Cats on the outside of the first and last leaves, the last illustrated with a penwork father, son and a large fish eating a small fish. Side-stitched, with the first leaf and last leaf serving as wrappers. [31] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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Extremely rare Syrian liturgical work by the Archbishop of Damascus, printed at the Dominican Press at Mosul

[LECTIONARY - SYRIAC]. [JOSEPH DAVID, Clemens]. Lectionarium Syriacum seu collectio orationum et lectionum quae in horis canonicis per totum anni decursum excepto jejunio quadragesimali ab ecclesiae Syriacae clero adhiberi solent.
Mosul, typis Fratrum Praedicatorum (= Dominican printing office), 1879. Folio. With a Latin title-page set in roman type and a Syriac title-page set in Syriac type, both within a red and blue ornamental frame. Preliminary leaves also set within a red ornamental frame. Text set in Syriac type and printed in black and red. With a few religious illustrations throughout the text. Contemporary half blue sheepskin, blue cloth sides, gold-tooled spine lettered (in Syriac) in gold, marbled endpapers. 648 pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Variant of the rare editio princeps of a famous emblem book printed by Plantin

JUNIUS, Hadrianus. [title-page *1:] Eiusdem Aenigmatum libellus, ad ... Arnoldum Rosenbergum jurisconsultum. [title-page A1:] Emblemata, ad D. Arnoldum Cobeliu. Eiusdem Aenigmatum libellus, ad ... Arnoldum Rosenbergum.
Antwerp, Christoffel Plantin, 1565 (colophon: 15 May 1565). 2 works in 1 volume. Small 8vo (17 x 11.5 cm). With 57 woodcut emblems, mainly by Gerard Janssen van Kampen with a few by Arnold Nicolai, all after Geoffroy Ballain and Pierre Huys. Red goatskin morocco (ca. 1850/60?) by Charles-François Capé in Paris, signed "CAPÉ" in the foot of the front turn-in. [15], [1 blank]; 149, [3] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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First collected edition of three classical writers, set in an Aldine-style italic

JUSTINUS, Marcus Junianus. Trogi Pompei externae historiae in compendium ab Justino redactae.
PROBUS, Aemylius [recté NEPOS, Cornelius]. De vita excellentium imperatorum liber.
VELLEIUS PATERCULUS, Caius. Historiae Romanae duo volumina, ...
(Colophon: Florence, Philippo Giunta, 1525). 3 works published as 1. 8vo. With Giunta's woodcut device on the title-page and a nearly identical one on the verso of the otherwise blank last leaf. Set in an Aldine-style italic, with numerous spaces with guide letters where manuscript initials could be filled in (left blank in the present copy). Dark green gold-tooled morocco (ca. 1833?), the with AAR-monogram of Antoine Augustin Renouard, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, pink watered-silk endleaves, matching ribbon marker, gilt edges. Attributed to the Bradel family in Paris, probably Antoine Louis François Bradel. 15, [1], “103” [= 203], [1 blank]; [8], “105” [= 205]-267, [1] ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Artist's book on trees, the sixth publication of the Kaldewey Press

KALDEWEY, Gunnar A. Trees.
(colophon: Poestenkill, New York, Kaldewey Press), 1988. Very large oblong folio (48 x 61 cm). With 17 artists prints (the artist calls them "linecut-monoprint illustrations") on hand-coloured backgrounds. Spine of Brazilian rosewood. Kept in a wooden box as published with two ties, and an illustrated printed paper label on the front. One of an edition of 51 copies, signed by the author-artist-printer. 7 ll. Full description
€ 1,950
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First Prákrit edition of an Indian folktale by the ancient poet Kálidása

KÁLIDÁSA. Vikramorvasi; or Vikrama and Urvasi: a drama. ... With a commentary, explanatory of the Prákrit passages.
Calcutta, printed at the Education Press, Circular Road, 1830. Large 8vo. Except for the title-page, the book is entirely in the Prákrit language and set in a single size of Devanagari type. Contemporary half calf. [4], 122 pp. (numbered in Prákrit). Full description
€ 575
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An essential language guide for Japanese-Dutch trade relations

KANO RYO. [Title in Japanese:] Rangaku hitori annai. [= Guide to Dutch studies].
[Tokyo?], Shimogakudo, [ca. 1856]. Small 8vo. Japanese introduction to the Dutch language, comprising 37 printed and 1 blank double leaves (with the fold at the fore-edge) printed from 37 woodblocks (35 double-page plus the first and last single-page), with the first double leaf (with the title-page) and the last double leaf (blank) serving as a paste-downs. With a second copy of the double-leaf with the title-page, loosely inserted. Side stitched and oversewn, with the original publishers yellow wrappers (without any label) and a contemporary wrap-around sleeve (fukuro), preserved in a brown cloth slip-case in Japanese style. [1], 15, 10, 10, [1], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 7,850
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Sumptuously bound for the author for presentation to G.P. Oliva, Superior General of the Jesuit Society, on Royal paper.

KIRCHER, Athanasius. Ars magna sciendi, in XII libros digesta, qua nova & universali methodo ... [vol. 2 half-title:] Artis magnae seu combinatoriae sciendi, ... [titles on the frontispieces:] Ars magna sciendi sive combinatoria [vol. 1] Artis magnae combinatoriae [vol. 2].
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge and the widow of Elizaeus Weyerstraten, 1669. 2 volumes bound as 1. Royal folio (46 x 30 x 5.5 cm). With 2 richly engraved allegorical frontispieces, an engraved plate with a full-page portrait of the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I, an engraved plate showing all knowledge of the universe organised as a tree, 2 engraved volvelles (with 4 rotating dials), 20 further engravings on integral leaves and a couple dozen woodcut figures in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled red goatskin morocco decorated a petit fers, gold-tooled turn-ins, board edges and raised bands, giving a total of more than 1500 impressions of about 14 stamps and 3 rolls, edges gilt over red and blue squiggles. Janssonius van Waesberge, who published Kircher's books in Amsterdam from 1664/65 to 1682, arranged to have copies of several luxuriously bound for Kircher to present to leading figures and this is almost certainly one of them, presented to Giovanni Paolo Oliva, Superior General of the Jesuit Society. [18], 482, [10] pp. (including 2 integral frontispieces), plus 4 inserted tables & 2 plates. Full description
€ 50,000
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300 models for weaving cloth in various patterns and colours, printed from the plates of the 1771 first edition

KIRSCHBAUM, Johann Michael. Neues Weberbild- und Musterbuch, ... zur Beförderung der edlen Leinen- und Bildweberkunst, und zum Nutzen und Vergnügen angehender Meister und Gesellen, auch anderer Liebhaber der Weberkunst, auf 74 Kupfertafeln ... Fünfte Original-Ausgabe.
Heilbronn, Classische Buchhandlung, 1836. Oblong folio (21 x 32 cm). With 74 numbered engraved plates showing about 300 patterns for weaving. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin, tiger marbled sides. 6 pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 3,500
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First edition of an incredibly rare 18th-century mathematical work

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Eerste pylaar der algemene mathesis of wis-kunde, of de arithmetica ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, 1758. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved folding plate after the last page, a small woodcut vignette on the title-page, a woodcut headpiece at the start of the work, two decorated woodcut initials, and numerous mathematical figures in the text. The title-page is printed in red and black, the work includes a divisional title-page for part 2. Contemporary(?) gold-tooled half brown calf, with remnants of a dark brown morocco title-label on the spine, brown sprinkled paper sides. [16], 498; [2], 503-976 [= 473] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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The education of a prince

KOLBE VON WARTENBERG, Johann Casimir. Väterliche Instruction an seine Kinder, nummehr zum dritten mahl auffgeleget,...
Berlin, Johann Michael Rüdiger, 1704. With richly engraved allegorical frontispiece by I.W. Heckemaur, title-page printed in red and black, full-page engraved portrait of the author, and woodcut vignette on separate title for the genealogy of the House of Kolbe von Wartenberg.
With: (2) WAGENSEIL, Johann Christoph. Erziehung eines jungen Prinzen, der vor allen studieren einen Abscheu hat, dass er dennoch gelehrt und geschickt werde. Leipzig, Johann Heinichens Wittwe, 1705. With title-page printed in red and black and fine engraved headpiece to the text. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [88], 296, [24] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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The rights and duties of women in sex, love and marriage

KORNMANN, Heinrich. Sibylla trig-Andriana, seu virginitate, virginum statu et jure tractatus novus et jucundus ...
De annulo triplici: usitato, sponsalitio, signatorio: ...
Linea amoris sive commentarius in versiculum glossae, ...
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq, 1654. 3 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [24], 214; 69, [3]; 117, [3] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Popular school book on astronomy

LACAILLE (LA CAILLE), Nicolas Louis de. Lectiones elementares astronomiae, geometriae, et physicae, ex editione Parisina anni 1755 in Latinum traductae a C.S(chefer) e S.J. Including: Appendix, complectens Praecipuas Mutationes, quas Auctor in Ultima Editione Parisina anno 1761 fecit, et in Latinum convertit C.S(chefer) e S.J.
Vienna, Prague, Johann Thomas Trattner, 1757-1762. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With woodcut vignette on 2 title-pages, 10 folding engraved plates in text. Contemporary vellum. [10], 280, [6]; 75, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Poetry in praise of education

LAFARGUE, Étienne de. Poëme sur l'éducation, dédié à M. Le Comte Charles, fils de M. Le Duc de Luynes.
Paris, Guillot, Librairie de Monsieur, 1788. Small 8vo. With full-page engraved plate showing a young boy studying at home with his private tutor and his father watching, 4 finely engraved headings for each stanza of the educational poem, and several charming woodcut tail-pieces to the added fables and miscellaneous poetry. Contemporary gold-tooled green morocco. [4], XVIII, 135, [9] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Illustrated edition of Jean de la Fontaine's fables, intended for a young public

[LA FONTAINE, Jean de]. La Fontaine en estampes, ou nouvelle édition des fables, plus complète que les précédentes; précédée de la vie de l'auteur, extraite du nouvel ouvrage de M. Walckenaer.
Paris, Auguste Nepveu, 1821. 4to. With an engraving on the title-page (Aesop talking with the animals before a bust of La Fontaine) and 110 half-page engravings illustrating the fables. Contemporary half brown sheepskin. "XXIV" [= XXVIII, pp. XXV-XXVI and XXVII-XXVIII are misbound), 462 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Colour-printed emblematic polemics for and against war with the Ottoman Empire

[LA HAYE, Jean de]. Peristromata Turcica, sive dissertatio emblematica, praesentem Europae statum ingeniosis coloribus repraesentans.
(2) [HARSDÖRFFER, Georg Philipp]. Germania deplorata, sive relatio, qua pragmatica momenta belli pacisque expenduntur.
(3) [MILAG, Martin]. Aulaea Romana, contra Peristromata Turcica expansa: sive dissertatio emblematica, concordiae Christianae omen repraesentans.
(4) [Anonymous French critic of Cardinal RICHELIEU]. Gallia deplorata, sive relatio, de luctuoso bello, quod rex Christianissimus contra vicinos populos molitur.
[Nürnberg, Wolfgang Endter] (ad 1 with a false colophon: Paris, Toussaint du Bray), [each title-page with a chronogram:] 1641 (ads 1-2, 4) & 1642 (ad 3). 4 editions published together in 1 volume. 4to. With 4 letterpress title-pages in red and black, each with the date in a chronogram, 2 engraved title-plates plus 12 full-page engraved emblematic illustrations, all on integral leaves, each with a small plate nested in a larger plate (7 in the Peristromata with a varying rectangular central plate in dark blue or black and the same outer plate of a Persian carpet in orange; 7 in the Gallia with a varying oval central plate and the same outer plate representing peace with the palm tree in a landscape device of the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft and a border representing war with military attributes). Further with 5 woodcut head- and tailpieces (plus 8 repeats), 21 "woodcut" decorated initials (5 series, at least some actually metal castings made from woodcuts) plus 8 repeats, and cast vine-leaf ornaments, acorns and other fleurons. Set in roman and italic types with incidental Greek and Hebrew. Light brown calf (ca. 1820?) by Charles Murton (ca. 1795?-ca. 1860?) in London, with his stamp on the front paste-down, sewn on 5 cords, gold-tooled spine with black morocco label, gold thick-thin fillets on boards, gold-tooled board edges, blind-tooled turn-ins, curl-marbled endpapers (white, red, blue, yellow and blue-green in that order), and an orange silk ribbon marker. 46, [1], [1 blank]; [3], [1 blank], 34; 64; 51, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
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Rare French manual to learn Russian

LANGUEN, Jacques. Petit manuel Russe à l'usage des étrangers. Ouvrage propre à faciliter l'intelligence de la langue russe; dans leguel les mots russes sont réprésentés avec leur prononciation figurée en caractèrs français et prosodiée.
St. Petersburg, Senat for N. Worobieuffl, 1819. 8vo. Bound in a later green buckram with gilt spine; with the original orange painted wrappers preserved. [4], 75, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare French edition of the biography of the national hero of Albania

LAVARDIN, Jacques de. Histoire de Georges Castriot, surnommé Scanderbeg, Roy d'Albanie.
Paris, G. Chaudiere, 1597. 8vo. With 2 full-page engraved portraits (of Scanderbeg and Mahomet II), numerous decorated woodcut initials and woodcut headpieces, a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Early 19th-century gold- and blind-tooled brown calf. [20], 447, [13] ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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Rare revised and enlarged edition of an important practical handbook for notaries

LEEUWEN, Simon van. Notarius publicus, dat is: de practycke ende oeffeninge der notarissen.
Including: Woorden-boeck, waer inne allerhande konst- ende bastaert-woorden, tot de pracktijcque des notarischaps en andere rechts-oeffeninge behoorende, uyt Hugo de Groot, Hooft, Huygens, Vondel, ende andere, soo oude als nieuwe tael-schriften, op 't nauwkeurighste werden vertaelt, ...
Dordrecht, Abraham Andriesz (colophon: Dordrecht, printed by Nicolaes de Vries, 1658). Small 8vo (14.5 x 9.5 cm). With engraved frontispiece showing two gentlemen visiting a notary's office. Contemporary vellum. [10], 108, [2]; [1], [1 blank], 154 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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60 designs for interior decorations (10 complete series) in the age of Louis XIV: houses, palaces and chapels for the French nobility

LE PAUTRE, Jean. [Collection of 10 print series of 6 plates each with model designs for altars, church tabernacles, armorial trophies, chimney-pieces, monumental doorways, wainscoting, wall panels and ceilings].
Paris, Jean I Le Blond, Pierre II Mariette, [ca. 1655-ca. 1670]. 10 print series in 1 volume. Oblong small folio & oblong 4to (20 x 26.5 cm). With 60 engraved plates (plate size ca. 15 x 22 cm). 17th-century sprinkled, gold-tooled calf, each board with the same unidentified coat-of-arms in the centre. 3, [3]; [6]; [6]; 6; [6]; 6; 6; 6; [6]; 6 ll. (numbered in pencil: 4-63). Full description
€ 9,500
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Beautiful prints of early Christian hermits living in the desert

LEU, Thomas de (or de LEEUW) [drawn by Marten de VOS]. [engraved title:] Solitudo sive vitae patrum eremicolarum per antiquissimu[m] Patrem D. Hieronimu[m] eorundem primarium olim conscripta iam vero primum aeneis laminis. 1606. Thomas de Leu. excudit.
[Paris], Thomas de Leu, 1606. Small oblong folio (19 x 25.5 cm). With an engraved allegorical title-page including a 2-line quotation from Hebrews 11:37-38, and 29 engraved prints (plate size ca. 15 x 19 cm: mostly numbered, but a few unnumbered or irregularly numbered) illustrating the lives of the early Christian hermits living in the desert, 7 signed by Thomas de Leu as printer-publisher, in 2 cases accompanied by the monogram "NB" (the engraver Nicolaes de Bruyn). Gold-tooled blue goatskin morocco (ca. 1890?) by Bernard David (or his son Salvador David) in Paris (signed with a stamp - in sans-serif capitals - in the corner of the first free endleaf "DAVID"). [1], 29 engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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An interactive moral instructor for young women, by the pioneers of 19th-century "lift-the-flap books"

[LIFT-THE-FLAP BOOK - MORAL INSTRUCTION FOR YOUNG WOMEN]. [GRIMALDI, Stacey and William GRIMALDI (illustrator)]. The toilet. Third edition.
London, by the author, 1823. With an engraved title-page and 9 hand-coloured engraved illustrations with movable pieces, all text is set within an ornamental frame. Contemporary gold-tooled greenish black morocco, gilt edges. [17] ll. and 10 plates. Full description
€ 875
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Drawing of a scene on the Coromandel Coast for an engraving in a book by Johann Georg Jacobi

[COROMANDEL COAST]. LIPS, Johann Heinrich. Die Küste Coromandel.
[Zürich, 1803]. Pen drawing (10.3 x 6.3 cm) in grey ink with washes on paper (12.5 x 8.5 cm), signed by the artist in the lower right corner of the illustration and with the title in pencil in the lower margin. The whole mounted on a larger paper leaf (with notes: "dessin no 522" and "Lips f." in ink), with a passepartout and in a gilt wooden frame. Full description
€ 6,500
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17th-century engraved book on mathematics & fortification

LUDERS, Theodoric. Traicté mathematique contenant les principales definitions, problemes et theoremes d'Euclide. l'Arithmetique decimale. . . . La fortification Hollandoise. Francoise. Italienne. Et Espagnolle.
Paris, [Jean Jombert], 1680. With engraved title-page, engraved table, and 34 numbered engraved plates (11 double-page).
With: (2) LUDERS, Theodoric. Traité d'arithmetique contenant les reigles necessaires aux marchands, banquiers, changeurs, &. financiers: . . .
Paris, [Jean Jombert], 1680. 2 works in 1 volume. Large folio (50×34.5 cm). Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spine (rebacked with original backstrip laid down). Full description
€ 9,500
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Encyclopedia of world history in Dutch

LUISCIUS, A.G. Het algemeen historisch, geographisch en genealogisch woordenboek, vervattende de gehele wereldlyke geschiedenis...
The Hague, Pieter Husson, Thomas Johnson, Johannes van Duren, Charles le Vier; Delft, Reinier Boitett, 1724-1737. 8 volumes. Large folio (41.5 x 27.5 cm). Vol. 1 with an impressive engraved frontispiece by Bernard Picart and an engraved armorial dedication to Isack van Hoornbeek. Each volume except the first has an engraving at the head of the first page depicting a library with visitors in it. Contemporary and uniform mottled half calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spine with red label. [14], 574; 440, 192; 428, 146; 234, 190; 600; 578; 556; 572 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Arabic fables by “the greatest figure in the whole corpus of pre-Islamic myth and legend”, second edition, incorporating Erpenius’s manuscript revisions to his first edition

LUQMAN al-Hakim (notes by Thomas ERPENIUS). Fabulae et selecta quaedam Arabum adagia. Cum interpretatione latina & notis Thomae Erpenii.
Leiden, Joannes Maire (colophon: "excudebat" Willem Christiaens van der Boxe, "typis" Johannes Janssonius), 1636. 4to. With Maire's woodcut device on the title-page and Van der Boxe's woodcut device above the colophon. Early 19th-century boards covered with blue brocade paper. 60, [2] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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A great compendium of canon law, finely printed in Antwerp for the English market

LYNDWOOD, William. Provinciale seu constitutiones Anglie: cum summarijs, atque justis annotationibus, politissimis caracteribus, summaque accuratione rursum reuise, atque impresse.
Including: BADIUS, Jodocus (Josse BADE). Tabula indices.
London, Franciscus Bryckman (colophon: Antwerp, printed by Christoffel van Ruremund, 20 December 1525). 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With two title-pages, each in a woodcut border. The first shows above heaven with the holy trinity surrounded by the heavenly population, and below the world with the pope and the king kneeling before the church, surrounded by the clergy; on the second title-page the coat of arms of England, a Tudor rose with the "IHS" and Saint George and the dragon. Printed in black and red throughout. Contemporary calf in modern slipcase. CCLV [= CCLVJ], [28] ll. Full description
€ 7,000
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Three very rare 16th-century humanist school books

MACROPEDIUS, Georgius. Adamus Macropedii fabula Christianae pietatis plaena. In qua "koozikoos" oste[n]ditur, quo pacto lapsus homo post multas multorum saeculorum calamitates et miserias per Christum ab initio promissum, tandem[ue] mundo exhibitum, saluti restituitur.
Utrecht, Herman van Borculo, 1552.
(2) Sententiae singulis versibus contentae, ex diversorum poëtarum sententiis Graecis, Latinae redditae.
[Colophon:] Antwerp, Johannes Loeus, 1544.
(3) ERASMUS, Desiderius. [Drop title:] Christiani hominis institutum.
Including: ISOCRATES. [Drop title:] Ad demonicum paraenesis.
[Antwerp, Jan Verwithagen?, 1551?]. With a large woodcut device on the last page. The Erasmus is a complete work extracted from an edition also containing other works and therefore lacks the general title-page and begins with quire G. 3 works in 1 volume. Small 8vo (13.5 x 9 cm). 18th-century gold-tooled calf. [68]; [12]; [12] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Extensively illustrated do-it-yourself guide to plane and solid geometry

MALCONETI, Jacobi. Selbst-lehrende Geometrie, oder neue und kurtze institutiones mechanicae, stereometriae, et geodaesiae.
Frankfurt am Main, Johan Adolph & Philipp Wilhelm Stock, 1700. 4to. With engraved frontispiece by Joseph a Montalegre, title-page in red and black with woodcut publisher's device, with 1 engraved illustration plate, 24 woodcut plates containing 26 illustrations (on folding leaves, full-page leaves and smaller slips) and about 275 woodcut illustrations in the text. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [4], 490, [2] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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A French Robinsonade in German

[MALLÈS DE BEAULIEU, Jeanne-Sophie]. Begebenheiten eines französischen Schiffsjungen auf einer unbewohntern Insel, oder der zwölfjährige Robinson.
Zürich & Leipzig, Trachslerschen Buch- u. Kunsthandlung, [1824]. Small 8vo. With an illustrated engraved title-page, engraved frontispiece and 4 engraved plates, all aquatints which are richly and beautifully coloured by hand. Contemporary green cloth, gold-tooled spine. 324 pp. Full description
€ 2,000
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14th-century tales of travels in Turkey, the Middle East, Near East, India and the East Indies,
illustrated with about 60 woodblocks

MANDEVILLE, John [= Jehan d'OUTREMEUSE]. The voyages & travels of Sir John Mandevile, Knight, ... to the Holy Land, and to Hierusalem: as also to the lands of the Great Caan, and of Prestor John: to Inde, and divers other countries: ...
London, Richard Chiswell, Benjamin Walford, Matthew Wotton, George Conyers, 1696. 4to. With a woodcut ship on the title-page and about 60 woodcut illustrations in the text (mostly about 5.5 x 8 cm) plus about 10 repeats. Gold-tooled, red goatskin morocco by Robert Riviere in London (ca. 1875/80), one of England's best binders. [4], “139” [= 135], [5] pp. Full description
€ 22,500
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Rare account of the campaigns of the Portuguese in North Africa in the 15th century

MANUEL Y VASCONCELOS, Augustin. Vida de Don Duarte de Meneses, tercero Conde de Viana. Y sucessos notables de Portugal en su tiempo.
Lisbon, Pedro Craesbeeck, 1627. 4to. With 3 woodcut tailpieces and 11 woodcut initials (at least 6 series). Later limp sheepskin parchment, with remnants of ties. [5], 167, [3] ll. Full description
€ 1,650
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Ca. 9000 Arabic terms and translations

[MANUSCRIPT - ARABIC - DICTIONARY]. [Vocabularium Italico-Arabicum]. Arabic-Italian dictionary.
[Probably Egypt, ca. 1770]. 4to (ca. 17 x 22 cm). Arabic and Italian manuscript on paper, 19 lines per extensum, paginated throughout from right to left. Near-contemporary brown leather with a blind-stamped oriental rosette as a center piece and similar style corner pieces on both boards, a (partial) manuscript title-label on the spine. 494 pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Extraordinary writing masters copy-book (1634-1643) with 9 knotwork decorative initials A-I/J (9-13 cm) with stylized figures, inspired by mediaeval forms

[MANUSCRIPT - CALLIGRAPHY - FRENCH]. [Writing masters copy-book].
[Liège?], 1634-1643?. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 21.5 cm). A manuscript writing masters copy-book in French, written on the rectos only, mostly in black ink on paper, each of the first 9 leaves beginning with a very large (9-13 cm) decorated initial drawn in pen and ink, displaying knotwork (sometimes making heart forms) and extensive stylized pictorial elements - both reminiscent of mediaeval Keltic examples - and coloured by a contemporary hand: A-I/J in alphabetical order, and the same letter of the alphabet written below the initial in several styles of gothic capitals and usually also minuscules (A-E in black, F-I/J in red). The two remaining leaves, also in an upright gothic cursive, show an 8-line model text (a letter to a friend, Antoine van Rosendal, dated from Liège, 5 June 1643) with a 2-line minuscule alphabet (beginning with a capital A) below and several other As separately; and a complete capital and minuscule (24-letter) alphabet, including W (6 lines); both with penwork flourishes, including (in the former) a round spiral incorporating 6 faces in profile. Sewn through 3 holes in a contemporary sheepskin parchment wrapper. Kept in a 20th-century French curl-marbled paperboard folder, in a matching marbled slipcase. [11], [10 blank] ll., the 10 blanks including 3 small fragments. Full description
€ 12,500
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Beautiful examples of 18th-century penmanship by 2 Dutch brothers

[MANUSCRIPT - CALLIGRAPHY]. WALBEEK, Willem and Frans WALBEEK. [Three calligraphic prize books by Willem and Frans Walbeek].
Warmond (near Leiden), the Netherlands, 1752-1756.
(1) WALBEEK, Willem. Prijs boek. Inhoudende verscheyde geschriften.
Warmond, 1752.
(2) WALBEEK, Willem. Prijs-boek. Inhoudende eenige schriften.
Warmond, 1753.
(3) WALBEEK, Frans. Prijs boek.
Warmond, 1756.
Three oblong albums (ca. 35 x 44 cm). With the same hand drawn illustration of 2 putti holding a laurel wreath on the title-pages of ads 2 and 3, and an ink drawing of a compass (drawing instrument, or other measuring instrument) as part of a calligraphic exercise also in ads 2 and 3. Contemporary marbled paper wrappers. [12]; [1 blank], [13]; [10] ll. Full description
€ 3,500
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Early 18th-century Dutch student's manuscript on navigation and mathematics

[MANUSCRIPT - NAVIGATION - DUTCH]. De schat kamer ofte de konst der stuurlieden.
[The Netherlands], [ca. 1702/13?]. Folio (33.5 x 21.5 cm). With more than 300 mathematical figures and illustrations, mainly full-, half- and quarter-circle diagrams. The Dutch text is written in a clearly legible, 18th-century cursive hand in brown ink. Contemporary flexible paperboards. [213], [4 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 3,850
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Contemporary manuscript from Córdoba on the life of Juan de Santiago,
with an extra paragraph not present in the printed editions of the work

[MANUSCRIPT - SPANISH]. [MORALES, Vincent]. Compendio de la exemplar vida, y santa muerte, [d]el p[adre] Juan de S[an]tiago...
[Córdoba?], ca. 1770. 8vo. With a large engraving of Juan de Santiago on the second leaf and a pen drawing on page 102. Contemporary limp parchment. [4], "159" [= 162] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Important early bio-bibliographical dictionary, bound for the Dutch minister Jacques Renaud Bouillier

MARCHAND, Prosper. Dictionaire historique, ou Memoires critiques et litteraires, concernant la vie et les ouvrages de divers personnages distingués, particulierement dans la republique des lettres.
The Hague, Pierre de Hondt, 1758-1759. 2 parts in 1 volume. Folio. With an engraved plate. Contemporary half calf, richly gold-tooled spine with floral ornaments. [10], 330, [6]; [2], 328, [28], [10] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Highly detailed and brightly coloured botanical emblematic fore-edge painting
taken from Camerarius's Symbolorum et emblematum

MARCHESE, Duca Annibale. Tragedie Cristiane.
Naples, Felice Mosca, 1729. 2 volumes in 1. Large 8vo. With two title-pages in red and black, an engraved frontispiece by Jeremias Jakob Sedelmayr after Francesco Solimena, an engraved author's portrait by Antonio Baldi and 11 engraved plates by Sedelmayr and Baldi after Solimena, accompanying the 10 tragedies and the dedication. Also with some engraved initials, woodcut tailpieces and 40 pages of engraved polyphonic music for the choruses. Contemporary gold-tooled brown goatskin morocco, gilt and gauffered edges with an intricate fore-edge painting, incorporating both a closed and fanned design for the fore-edge. The head and foot edges are painted with floral and botanical designs. [4], [16], 502; [4], 504, [2]; pp. plus 40 pp. of engraved music. Full description
€ 8,500
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Tuscan cosmography in a local binding, with Augsburg gold-brocade cover papers

MARCHETTI, Angelo. Introduzione alla Cosmografia ... edizione seconda si aggiunge in fine un Succinto Trattato di Navigazione dell' istesso Autore.
Pistoia, Atto Bracali, 1738. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With 3 folding half-page plates and 1 folding letterpress table, 2 full-page plates, and 17 additional woodcut diagrams in the text. Contemporary boards, covered with gold-brocade paper. [4], 137, [1 blank]; 33 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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19th-century geological reference book
from the bibliographical library of the book collector William P. Wreden

MARGERIE, Emmanuel de. Catalogue des bibliographies géologiques. Rédigé, avec le concours des membres de la commission bibliographique du congrès.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars et fils, 1896. 4to. Later cloth over wooden boards, gilt-lettered title on spine, with the original grey publisher's wrappers bound at the end of the book. XX, 733, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Key historical text on the Tonga Islands, from the library of the fallen Empress Marie-Louise

MARINER, William and John MARTIN (editor). Histoire des naturels des Iles Tonga ou des Amis, situées dans l'Océan Pacifique depuis leur découverte par le Capitaine Cook; rédigée par John Martin, sur les détails fournis par William Mariner, qui y a passé plusieurs années; ...
Paris, Gide and Nicolle (back of half-title: Imprimerie de J. Smith), 1817. 2 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary red half morocco, gold-tooled spine, paper sides with the crowned monogram of Empress Marie-Louise in gold on both sides of each volume. XXII, [23]-398, [2]; 398 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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History of Reims, from the library of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI

MARLOT, Guillaume (& FLODOARDUS REMENSIS). Metropolis Remensis historia, a Frodoardo primum arctius digesta, nunc demum aliunde accersitis plurimum aucta, et illustrata, et ad nostrum hoc saeculum fideliter deducta. Tomus I; [Title of vol. 2:] Metropolis Remensis historia. Sive supplementum Frodoardi, ab anno CMLXX. Ad nostram aetatem fideliter et accurate productum.
Lille, Nicolas de Rache, 1666 (vol. 1) & Reims, Protasius Lelorain, 1679 (vol. 2). 2 volumes. Folio. With woodcut vignettes on the title-pages, vol. 1 with one full-page engraving of the facade of the Cathedral of Rheims and 6 half-page engravings by J. Dassonneville, and with woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Vol. 1: gold-tooled calf (dated "1740"), each board with the coat-of-arms of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI (1685-1740), in the centre, and the front board dated "1740", gold-tooled spine, gilt edges; vol. 2: contemporary mottled calf, gold-tooled spine with two red morocco labels lettered in gold. [14], 668, [16]; [8], 1-754, [2], 755-858, [2], 867-886, [28] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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The best Malayan grammar, with 89 pages of Malay texts with translations

MARSDEN, William. A grammar of the Malayan language, with an introduction and praxis.
London, printed for the author by Cox and Baylis, sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, and by Black, Parry and Co., booksellers to the British East India Company, 1812. 4to. Set in roman and Arabic types with incidental italic. Modern dark green cloth. [1], [1 blank], L, [2], 225, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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The best Malay dictionary, with detailed definitions and noting related Hindi words

MARSDEN, William. A dictionary of the Malayan language, in two parts, Malayan and English and English and Malayan.
London, printed for the author by Cox and Baylis, 1812. 4to. Set in roman and Arabic types with incidental Devanagari and italic. Modern blue cloth with a morocco spine label, retaining the nonpareil-marbled edges from the previous contemporary binding. [1], [1 blank], XV, [1], 589, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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First edition of one of the earliest grammars featuring a Romanisation of Chinese characters

MARSHMAN, Joshua. Elements of Chinese grammar, with a preliminary dissertation on the characters, and the colloquial medium of the Chinese, and an appendix containing the Ta-Hyoh of Confucius with a translation.
Serampore, printed at the mission press, 1814. Large 4to. With one woodcut illustration of a suanpan (abacus of Chinese origin) on p. 318. Text is set in roman type (Latin alphabet) and Chinese characters and occasionally in Bengali characters. Contemporary half red calf and black cloth sides with the title in gold on the spine. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], XVI, VII, [1 blank], 2, 566, 56 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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First Aldine edition of Martial: one of the first books set in the world’s first italic type

MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius. [Epigrammata].
(Colophon: Venice, Aldus Manutius, December 1501). 8vo (16 x 10 cm). With 15 (mostly 6-line) spaces with printed guide letters left for manuscript initials. Except for an occasional word in Greek, the book is set entirely in the world's first italic printing type (with small upright capitals, which are also used, usually letterspaced, for running heads, headings, the opening line of each liber, etc.). Francesco Griffo cut it for Aldus, who uses it here 8 months after he introduced it in his Virgil. Tanned sheepskin (ca. 1700?), gold-tooled spine and board edges. [381], [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Only known copy of a ca. 1629 Dominican print series of the life of Saint Dominic
with an engraved title-page & 12 scenes with captions, coloured and highlighted in gold
by a 17th-century hand and in a richly gold-tooled armorial binding

MECHELEN, Hans van. Perill[ust]ri. ac reverend[issimo]. d[omi]no D. Michaeli Ophovio ex. ord. praedic. Episcopo Buscoducensi S. Dominicum Gusmannum eiusdem ordinis fundatorem D.D.
[Antwerp], Hans van Mechelen, [ca. 1629]. 24mo (11 x 7 x 0.6 cm). Wholly engraved print series printed on vellum, comprising an engraved title-page and 12 engraved scenes from the life of Saint Dominic. The title-page cartouche and all 12 scenes coloured by a 17th-century hand and highlighted in gold. 17th-century richly gold-tooled armorial black morocco, each board with a Lante della Rovere coat of arms, with a marquis's crown, in an elaborate frame built up from fillets and rolls, with further decorative stamps between the frame and arms, the smooth spine with 2 crowned eagles (centred in the lower and the upper half) and various abstract decorations, gold-tooled board edges: in total hundreds of impressions of dozens of stamps, rolls and fillets. [I], [12] ll. Full description
€ 48,500
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Manuscript medical manual

[MEDICAL MANUAL AND RECIPE BOOK]. Examen: vor ein neuer angehender Chirurgus, der sich will examiniren lassen, daß er in seinem examen bestehet, und wohl erfunden wird, so muß er dieses alles auswendig lernen, daß er antworten kann, über dasjenige was ihm gefragt wird. Anno 1806.
Franconia and Alsace (Augsburg, Nuremberg, Strasbourg), 1800-1826. 4to (17 x 23 cm). German (and Latin) manuscript by various hands. Contemporary boards with vellum corners and modern cloth spine. [47], "286" [= 285], [47] pp. Full description
€ 1,800
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Rare richly illustrated text book on fortification

MELDER, Gerard. Korte en klare instructie van regulare en irregulare fortificatie, met hare buyten-wercken. Te gebruycken defensive en offensive. Een compagnie, een regiment, een leger te voet en te peert te logeren, en in verscheyde soorte van bataillons te stellen... By gevoegt 50 lustige questien, met hare solutien.
Including: MELDER, Gerard. Appendix aen de instructie vande fortificatie en bataillons, met een korte wederlegginge der sustenu van H. Ruse over de hedendaeghsche fortificatie.
Utrecht, Jan van Waesberge, 1658. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With engraved title-page, letterpress title-page, 13 woodcut folding fortification plans, and numerous woodcut illustrations and figures in text. Contemporary vellum. [12], 208, [4]; 40 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Textbook on fortification, with 50 assignments for pupils

MELDER, Gerard. Korte en klare instructie van regulare en irregulare fortificatie, met hare buyten-wercken. Te gebruycken defensive en offensive... By-gevoegt 50 lustige questien, met hare solutien.
Including: MELDER, Gerard. Appendix aen de instructie vande fortificatie en bataillons...
Amsterdam, Johannes van Waesberge, 1664. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece (dated 1658 from the first edition), folding letterpress table, 41 numbered woodcut illustrations in text (31) and on inserted leaves (10), numerous unnumbered woodcut illustrations in text, and 2 folding woodcut plans, signed A and B, in the Appendix. Contemporary vellum. [16], 208; 40 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Satire disguising the French elite as Arabs

MELON, Jean-François. Mahmoud le Gasnevide, histoire orientale. Fragment traduit de l'Arabe, avec des notes.
Rotterdam, Jean Hofhoudt, 1730. 8vo. Contemporary marbled calf, gold-tooled spine, boards, board edges and turn-ins, both boards with the gold-tooled coat of arms of Louis Marie Alexandre, Duc d'Aumont, gilt edges. [2], VI, 162, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Life (and death in Morocco) of King Sebastião I of Portugal (1554-1578)

MESA, Sebastian de. Jornada de Africa por el Rey Don Sebastian y union del reyno de Portugal a la corona de Castilla.
Barcelona, Pedro Lacavalleria, 1630. 4to. Each page framed with thin printed rules. Contemporary gold-tooled leather (blackened and flaking), each board with the helmed and mantled arms of the Mazarin family in the centre. [2], 169, [1] ll. Full description
€ 12,000
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Six lively dialogues by a Spanish humanist from Seville, bound for the Landgrave of Hesse

MEXIA, Pedro. Coloquios o dialogos compuestos por el magnifico cavallero Pero Mexia, vezino de Sevilla, en los quales se disputan y tratan varias y diversas cosas de mucha erudicion y doctrina. Al illustrissimo senor don Perasan de Ribera Marques de Tarisa &c.
Antwerp, widow of Martinus Nutius, 1561. Small agenda 12mo (14 x 6.5 cm). With Nutius's woodcut device on the title-page. 17th-century(?) blind-tooled overlapping vellum, each board with the coat of arms of the Landgrave of Hesse, gilt edges. 165, [3 blank] ll. Full description
€ 2,950
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Splendidly bound history of France written by the king's historiographer

MEZERAY, Francois Eudes de. Abregé chronologique de l'histoire de France. ... Divisé en six tomes.
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1673-1674. With engraved frontispiece-title in the style of Romeyn de Hooghe and full-page engraved portrait of Louis XIV by A. Zylevelt in volume 1, 61 engraved portraits of French rulers in text.
With: (2) MEZERAY, Francois Eudes de. Histoire de France avant Clovis.
Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1688. 12mo. With engraved frontispiece-title in the style of Romeyn de Hooghe. 2 works in 7 volumes. 12mo. Uniform polished, crushed, gold-tooled red morocco by the leading Brussels bookbinder Charles DE SAMBLANX (1855-1943). Full description
€ 2,750
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Dutch translation of a biography of Benjamin Franklin

MIGNET, François Auguste Marie. Het leven van Benjamin Franklin. ... Een volksboek, ter voorbeeld hoe men door eigen vlijt en deugd tot rijkdom en aanzien kan geraken.
Deventer, A. ter Gunne, [ca. 1858]. 8vo. With a lithographed frontispiece-portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Contemporary gold- and blind-stamped cloth. XII, 175, [1 blank], [2] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Beautifully bound late-18th-century London Almanack

[MINIATURE BOOK - ALMANACK - LONDON]. London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1788.
London, T. Carnan, [1788]. 24mo(?) (5.7 x 3.3 cm). With an engraved armorial title-page, 4 full-page engraved portraits, and a half-page engraved view. Contemporary elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, the gold-tooled boards are beautifully decorated with a white morocco trellis-like (mosaic) pattern with red and green lozenge shaped morocco inlays, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. [24] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Beautifully bound mid-19th-century London Almanack

[MINIATURE BOOK - ALMANACK - LONDON]. London Almanack for the Year of Christ 1851.
[London, Company of Stationers, 1851]. 24mo(?) (5.8 x 3.3 cm). With a steel-engraved armorial title-page, a four-page steel-engraved view, and a steel-engraved half-page armorial vignette. Contemporary elaborately gold-tooled black morocco, both boards show a beautiful geometrical design of gold-tooled black, white, and green morocco, gilt edges, in a matching slipcase. [24] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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Beautiful first edition of De Groots miniature Bible summary, illustrated with 7 tiny woodcuts

[MINIATURE BOOK - BIBLE]. Kern des Bybels.
The Hague, Anthoni de Groot and sons, 1750. 128mo (or possibly 96mo) in 4s (4.5 x 3 x 1 cm). Title-page in red and black with a woodcut title-vignette (an open book on a shell, with decorations), 7 full-page (3.3 x 1.6 cm!) woodcuts depicting important scenes from the Bible (1 as frontispiece and 1 opening each of the 5 "books" and the appendix). Contemporary gold-tooled calf. 80 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First edition of an instructional miniature library on all school subjects

[MINIATURE BOOKS - DUTCH]. Bibliotheek in miniatuur.
(1) De aardrijkskunde.
(2) De gewijde geschiedenis.
(3) Vaderlandsche geschiedenis.
(4) Natuurlijke geschiedenis der viervoetige dieren.
(5) De natuurlijke geschiedenis der vogelen.
(6) Natuurlijke geschiedenis der insekten, kruipende dieren en visschen.
(7) De kruidkunde.
(8) Zedelijke verhalen.
(9) Arabische vertellingen.
(10) De mythologie.
Amsterdam, M. Westerman, 1823. 10 volumes. Ca 7.7 x 6.5 cm. With 31 engraved plates and 5 engraved maps, including a folding world map. In the original pink and green cardboard case with glass lid, green printed paper wrappers, with cream paper dust jackets with the titles in manuscript on the front. Full description
€ 3,750
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With colour-printed frontispiece cactus, mostly white on blue

MITTLER, Ludwig. Taschenbuch für Cactusliebhaber. Auf neue Erfahrungen gestützte Kultur und Uebersicht der im teutschen Handel vorkommenden Cactuspflanzen.
Leipzig, Ludwig Schreck, (colophon: printed by Friedrich Andrä), 1841. Small 4to or imperial 16mo (17.5 x 13 cm). With colour-printed frontispiece. Plain beige boards. X, 98 pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Entomological dictionary

MÖLLER, Christian Heinrich. Lexicon Entomologicum, oder entomologisches Wörterbuch, in welchem alle in diese Wissenschaft einschlagende Begriffe und die in den Linneischen und Fabrizischen Schriften vorkommende Terminologien überstezt, erklärt und mit Beyspielen, nach beyden Systemen, erläutert werden.
Erfurt, Georg Adam Keyser, 1795. 8vo. Contemporary blue boards. XVI, 704 pp. Full description
€ 975
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Beautiful, entirely engraved, calligraphic prayerbook

MOREAU, Pierre. Les Sainctes prieres de l'ame Chrestienne Escrites & gravées apres le naturel de la plume.
Paris, I. Henault, 1656. Small 8vo. With fine engraved calligraphic title within architectural borders, engraved dedication to the Queen of France, 31 mostly full-page illustrations, some repeated, representing Christ on the cross, Mary with child, the Seven Deadly Sins, etc., and 179 engraved pages with calligraphed prayers within richly decorated borders with flowers, fruits, animals, insects, etc. Contemporary sharkskin, spine ribbed, with silver clasps including monogram. 212 pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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381-page prospectus for a "world-class" commercial dictionary in 5 folio volumes, never published

MORELLET, André. Prospectus d'un nouveau dictionnaire de commerce.
Including: Catalogue d'une bibliotheque d'économie politique.
Paris, Les freres Estienne, 1769. 8vo. Contemporary tan calf, gold-tooled spine, gold triple fillet border on both sides, gold fillet on board edges, gold-tooled turn-ins, decorative endpapers (block-printed in gold), edges gilt over marbling. VIII, 381, [3], 34, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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Magnificent 18th-century mosaic binding showing a beautiful floral motif

[MOSAIC BINDING - BIBLE]. LEEMPUTTE, Henricus van den (editor). Het nieuwe testament ons salighmaeckers Jesu Christi, mitsgaders: d'epistelen uit het oude testament, soo die door 't jaer in den dienst der H. Kercke gelesen worden.
Antwerp, Hieronymus Verdussen (for Niclaes Braau in Haarlem), 1696. 8vo. With 39 detailed woodcut illustrations in the text, and woodcut decorated initials and small printed manicules. The text is set in a Gothic letter, with incidental use of Roman type. Exquisite 18th-century gold-tooled multi-colour morocco mosaic binding. Gilt edges and green silk covered end papers. [1], [1 blank], [14], 837, [27] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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One of the most important dictionaries on the Tamil language published today
from the French mission press in Pondicherry

[MOUSSET, Louis-Marie and Louis-Savinien DUPUIS]. Vocabulaire Français-Tamoul.
Pondicherry, Imprimerie des Missionnaires Apostoliques de la Dite Congrégation, 1850. 8vo. With the text printed in two columns in roman and Tamil type. Contemporary speckled sheepskin, gold-tooled title label on spine, gold-tooled spine, blue sprinkled edges. [10], 420 pp. Full description
€ 3,800
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Children’s book with wonderful hand-coloured moveable dolls

[MOVABLE DOLLS, subject]. De weldadige Louize of het meisje in zesderlei gedaanten. Een onderhoudend geschenk voor meisjes. Met zeven gekleurde beweegbare plaatjes.
Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Arum, [1828]. 12mo. One paper doll printed on cardstock plate with slits above left shoulder and below feet, into which tabs on six outfits printed on cardstock plates can be placed. Paper doll and outfits are hand-coloured. Rear paste-down functions as an envelope. Contemporary boards, upper board is printed with title and a decorative border. In custom box. 62 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Arabic ABC primer

MUHAMMAD ALI UTAY. [Egyptian ABC book].
[Cairo, ca. 1925]. 8vo. Illustrated throughout with numerous black and white illustrations in the text. The title-page with a frame of foliage (oval inside, rectangular outside) and part of its text printed from a woodblock. Further with a portrait of King Fuad I of Egypt and illustrations of animals, etc. Original publishers printed-paper wrappers, matching the title-page but with the frame in green and the text in red. 46, [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Bibliography of Portuguese and Spanish works on Chinese and Japanese linguistics, one of 150 copies

[MUÑOZ Y MANZANO, Cipriano], CONDE DE LA VIÑAZA. Escritos de los Portugueses y Castellanos referentes a las lenguas de China y el Japon. Estudio bibliográfico por el Conde de la Vinaza.
Lisboa; Madrid; Londres, M. Gomes; M. Murillo; B. Quaritch, 1892. 8vo. Contemporary half calf; spine ribbed with gilt title. 139 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Rare Dutch post-incunable on the value of learning and wisdom

MURMELLIUS, Joannus. Joannis Murmelii de discipulorum officiis q[uo]d Enchiridion scholasticon inscribitur. Ep[istol]a seu volumen divi Hieronymi ad Nepotianum de clericorum officiis cu[m] Murmellii commentariis. Hermanni Buschii carmen saphicu[m] in urbem Ruremundensem. Joa[n]nis Murmellii ode saphica de duplici voluptate.
Zwolle, Pieter van Os, ca. 1505. 4to. Woodcut title page illustration of Saint Jerome (88 x 66 mm), woodcut colophon illustration (73 x 55 mm). Later sheepskin parchment, wove paper pastedowns and late 18th-century endleaves (laid paper, watermarked 1783). [52] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Learn how to count with the bible

NEEFF, Adriaan de. Cijffer-boeck der heylige schrift. Over de gelden, gewigten, ende maten der Hebreen arithmetisch gereduceerd op gelden, gewigten ende maten onsen lande en tijdt gebruykelijck.
Middelburgh, Gijsbertus Noorman, 1682. Small 8vo. 2 parts in 1 volume. With woodcut vignette on 2 titles, and at the end of the second work, showing identical blank escutcheons. Contemporary vellum. [14], 63, [1 blank]; [4], 75, [5] pp. Full description
€ 1,700
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A fine example of an Enlightenment children's book

NEWBURY, John. Philosophie der tollen en ballen; of het Newtoniaansche zamenstel van wysbegeerte, geschikt naar de vatbaarheid der eerste Jeugd, en gemeenzaam en vermaaklyk gemaakt door voorwerpen, welke aan haar zeer bekend zyn: bestaande in ses lessen, geleezen voor de Lilliputiaansche Maatschappie, door Tom Telescope.
Middelburg, Christiaan Bohemer, 1768. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece showing a little boy, Tom Telescope, standing on a table and explaining matter and motion to a group of other small children with some adults present too, a woodcut showing a pair of telescopes, and 8 fine engraved plates showing the solar system, an air-pump and air-gun, globes and armillary spheres, Vesuvius, etc. Contemporary half calf. [12], 134, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Large-margined copy of a classic incunable with sections on witchcraft, by Ulms first printer, in a contemporary, richly blind-tooled Augsburg binding

NIDER, Johannes. Preceptorium divine legis [preceded by] Prologus in expositionem decalogi [= Praeceptorium divinae legis, sive expositio decalogi].
[Colophon:] Ulm, Johann Zainer the elder, [1478/79]. Chancery (Foolscap) folio. Set in a rotunda gothic type, the preliminaries in two columns, with spaces for manuscript paragraph marks and initials, filled in in red ink, the initials Lombardic, one with interior decoration. Contemporary richly blind-tooled calf over square-edged wooden boards (from an Augsburg bindery active 1473-1494: Eindbanddatenbank workshop w002141), sewn on 3 double supports. Further with a brass catchplate on the front board and a brass anchor plate on the back board. The anchor plate still secures remnants of the leather strap that would have had a brass clasp. [246] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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German classic on education

NIEMEYER, August Hermann. Ueber Oeffentliche Schulen und Erziehungsanstalten. Nebst einigen Zusätzen zu den Grundsätzen der Erziehung und des Unterrichts für die Besitzer der ersten und zweyten Ausgabe.
Halle, the author, Waisenhaus-Buchhandlung, 1799. 8vo. With engraved vignette on title-page. Contemporary boards. XVI, 328, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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Rare imprint from Chili

NOÉ, Juan Nicolas. Epitome de gramatica Castellana. ... Para escuelas primarias.
Valparaiso, Imprenta de la Bandera, 1837. 12mo. With the title in woodcut borders, a woodcut printer's vignette and some woodcut head- and tailpieces. Contemporary blue paper wrappers, with protective paper cover. [2], 155 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Early Western printing in Aden: Arab dictionary

NORBURY, Paul Fitzgerald. An abridged Arabic grammar with one hundred and fifty simple conversational scentences and a vocabulary of two thousand five hundred words.
Aden, printed at the Aden Special Prison Press, [1917]. Square 8vo. Printed in English and Arabic type. With a tipped-in paper slip on the title-page: "Since the issue of the first edition it has been possible to test this grammar in regard to its utility in Mesopotamia. The result has been to confirm the correctness of the claim made in para four of the preface". Original publisher's printed hard board covers with red cloth spine. IV, 68 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Pioneering Arabic, Syriac and Latin glossary

OBICINI, Tommaso and Elija bar SHINAJA (Elias BARSINAEUS) of Nisibis. Thesaurus Arabico-Syro-Latinus.
With: Index alphabeticus. ...
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1636. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. Set in Arabic, Syriac, roman and italic types. Contemp. reversed sheep, blank spine in five compartments. [2 blank], [5], [1 blank], 447, [1 blank], [43], [5 blank]; "70" [= 66] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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The only Portuguese manual on the typesetting of Greek, Hebrew and Arabic, for compositors of the royal printing office in Lisbon

OLIVEIRA, Custodio José de. Diagnosis typografica dos caracteres gregos, hebraicos, e arabigos, addiccionada com algumas notas sobre a divisão orthografica da linguage latina, e outras da Europa, ...
Lisbon, Impressão Regia, 1804. 4to. Text set in roman, Hebrew, Greek and Arabic type. With a small Portuguese woodcut coat of arms on the title-page and 4 engraved plates on 2 leaves bound at the end of the book. Later blue paper wrappers. 72, [14], VIII pp. plus [2] ll. with engravings. Full description
€ 4,850
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Rare work about star velocity by one of the most important astronomers of the 20th century

OORT, Jan Hendrik. The stars of high velocity. Proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de wis- en natuurkunde aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Groningen...
Groningen, Gebroeders Hoitsema, 1926. Folio. With 12 figures, illustrating star velocity, and 30 tables (only 27 are numbered). Original grey paper wrappers, with the title and name of the author printed on the front wrapper and the spine, in a protective semi-opaque coated paper dust jacket. [8], 75, [1], [1 slip-in leaf with theses] pp. Full description
€ 950
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Illustrated collection of Dutch sea voyages for children

OOSTKAMP, Jan Antonie. De merkwaardigste Nederlandsche zeereizen, sedert den jare 1594. Voor de vaderlandsche jeugd, ... Met platen.
Amsterdam, G.J.A. Beijerinck; Leeuwarden, Gerard Tjaard Nicolaas Suringar, 1825. 2 volumes. 8vo. Each volume with a letterpress half-title and engraved title-page with a vignette showing a Dutch sailing ship, and 7 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary half cloth, spines with letterpress title labels. VI, [2], 224; [6], 200 pp. Full description
€ 750
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The first publication of the Ethiopic Genesis

OTHO, Georg. Palaestra linguarum orientalium, hoc est: quatuor primorum capitum Geneseos, I. Textus originalis tam ex Judaeorum quàm Samaritanorum traditionibus. II. Targumim seu paraphrases orientales praecipuae, nempe I. Chaldaicae, (Onkelosi, Jonathanis et Hierosolymitana) II. Syriaca, III. Samaritana, IV. Arabica, V. Aethiopica, VI. Persica. Omnia cum versione Latinâ ...
Including: OTHO, Andreas. Glossarium linguarum orientalium octuplex: Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Arabicum, Aethiopicum, Persicum et Rabbinicum ...
Frankfurt am Main, published by Friedrich Knoch, printed by Martin Jacquet, 1702. 4to. With one woodcut initial. Set in roman, Arabic, Hebrew, Samaritan and Ethiopic types. 2 parts in 1 volume. Nineteenth-century half calf with marbled sides. [18] 140, 147, [3] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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Illustrated first edition of the Dutch translation of "Der goldene Thron", intended for women & men

OTTO VAN PASSAU. Boeck des gulden throene of der xxiiij ouden.
Utrecht, "tC", (30 March) 1480. Folio. With 24 illustrations in text (ca. 9 x 6.2 cm), printed from 1 complete woodcut (plus 4 repeats) and 15 components assembled in different combinations, all rubricated and with architectural frames. Each of the 24 chapters begins with a large manuscript initial, 11 with two or more colours and others with interior white decoration. A smaller initial with penwork opens the book's first page and there are numerous further 1-line and 2-line initials. Woodcut printer's device at the end. Contemporary (Utrecht?) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, each board in a panel design; rebacked. [4], 197 ll. Full description
€ 185,000
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Monumental bibliography concerning Spanish America

PALAU Y DULCET, Antonio. Manual del librero Hispano-Americano. Bibliografía Española e Hispano-Americana desde la invención de la imprenta hasta nuestros tiempos con el valor comercial de los ompresos descritos, ... Segunda edición, corregida y aumentada por el autor.
Barcelona, Librería anticuaria de A. Palau; Oxford, Dolphin Book Company, 1948-1977. 4to (27.5 x 19 cm). 28 volumes. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers.
With: (2) PALAU CLAVERAS, Augustin. Indice alfabetico de titulos-materias, correcciones, conexiones y adiciones del Manual del librero Hispano Americano.
Empúries, Palacete Palau Dulcet; Oxford, Dolphin Book Company, 1981-1987. 4to (27.5 x 19 cm). 7 volumes. Original publisher's printed paper wrappers. Full description
€ 3,500
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Beautiful lithographed plates after a manuscript description of Russia from 1674

PALMQUIST, Erich. Nagre widh sidste Kongl. ambassaden till Tzaren i Muskou giorde observationer öfwer Ryszland, dess wäger, pasz med fästningar och gräntzer - Sammandragne aff Erich Palmquist anno 1674.
Stockholm, Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, [1898]. Large oblong folio. With the 1674 title-page, the text, 14 maps and charts, 13 full-page illustrations and several figures on one page (1 page illustrating flags hand-coloured as published). All lithographed after the original manuscript. Paper imitating tree calf, with a gilt-stamped frame, gold-tooled spine. [72] pp, some leaves printed on one side only. Full description
€ 8,500
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1899 French-Japanese dictionary, printed in Hongkong

PAPINOT, Edmond. Dictionnaire Japonais-Français des noms principaux de l'histoire et de la géographie du Japon. Suivi de 17 appendices sur les empereurs, shogun, nengo, sectes bouddhistes, provinces, départements, mesures, etc.
Hongkong, Imprimerie de Nazareth, 1899. 8vo. With an engraved printer's device on title-page, engraved tailpieces and Japanese characters. Contemporary blind-tooled glazed purple calico over boards, title in gold on spine. VII, 297 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Mysterious biography of the mythical first king of Paraguay,
who had allegedly saved the locals from the oppression of the Jesuits

[PARAGUAY - KING NICOLAS I]. Histoire de Nicolas I. Roy du Paraguai, et Empereur des Mamelus.
Saint Paul [= São Paulo, but the work was likely printed somewhere in Western Europe], 1756. 8vo. With a typographical ornament on the title-page. Contemporary brown paste paper wrappers. 88 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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A visit to the Holy City in 1861

PÂRIS, François-Edmond. Souvenirs de Jérusalem. Album dessiné par M. le contre-amiral Pâris ...
Paris, Arthus-Bertrand, [1862]. Large folio (ca. 64 x 49 cm). With an etched and coloured vignette plan of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre mounted on the title-page and 14 lithographs, including 12 printed in colour, by Albert Adam, Charles claude Bachelier, Hubert Clerget, Charles Fichot, and Jules Gaildrau after François-Edmond Pâris. Stored loosely, as issued, in the original paper wrapper showing the title and in a modern half brown cloth portfolio. [4] pp. and 14 lithographed plates. Full description
€ 5,000
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Catalogue of a collection of antiquities bought for the Berlin Museum

PASSALACQUA, Giuseppe. Catalogue raisonné et historique des antiquités découvertes en Égypte ... contenant: 1. Le catalogue ... 2. Des notes et observations ... 3. Des notices et dissertationes scientifiques ...
Paris, Galerie dAntiquites Égyptiennes, 1826. 8vo. With 2 folding lithographic plates. Later paper-covered boards, rebacked in cloth. XV, [1], 303, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Religious manuscript in German in a fine binding

[PEIKHART, Franz (original compiler)]. Andachtsübungen eines Christen vor die Morgens- und Abendszeit, Heilige Mess, Beicht und Communion: mehrentheils aus denen Psalmen Davidis gezogen.
[Vienna?, ca. 1800]. 8vo. Manuscript in German on laid paper. 19th-century elaborately gold-tooled green morocco, spine with raised bands and red morocco label lettered "A.M.C.Z." in gold, gold-tooled turn-ins, paste-paper endleaves, gilt edges. [62] ll. Full description
€ 1,250
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Good copy of a rare entomological bibliography

PERCHERON, A. Bibliographie Entomologique, comprenant l'indication par ordre alphabétique 1. Des ouvrages entomologiques publiés en France et à l'étranger, depuis les temps les plus réculés jusques et y compris l'année 1834; 2. Des monographies et mémoires contenus dans les recueils, journaux et collections académiques françaises et étrangères.
Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1837. 2 volumes bound in 1.. 8vo. Contemporary half calf, spine with gilt lettering. XII, 326; [4], 376 pp. Full description
€ 325
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Physical and human geography for early readers

PERPONCHER SEDLNITZKY, Willem Emmery Baron de. Nieuwe aardryks-beschryving voor de Nederlandsche jeugd, tot gebruik zyner kinderen, opgesteld.
Utrecht, widow of Johannes van Schoonhoven, 1784-1786. 3 volumes. 12mo. With 4 folding engraved plates illustrating the planets, the solar system and the stellar constellations. Contemporary marbled stiff paper wrappers. XL, 532; X, 432, [1]; VI, 592, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Well-bound treatises on natural law

PERRENOT, Abraham. Bedenkingen over de beoeffening der rechtsgeleerdheid, benevens vier verhandelingen over wysgeerige stoffen.
Dordrecht, Abraham Blussé and son (colophon: printed by Johan Joseph Besseling, [Utrecht]), 1781.
With: (2) PERRENOT, Abraham. Considérations sur l'étude de la jurisprudence, ... Nouvelle edition. Berlin, G.J. Decker; Utrecht, Henrikus Spruit, 1776. 8vo. 2 works in 1 volume. Contemporary red morocco, richly gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled boards (triple fillets, with floral ornaments in each corner), board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges. Bound by the Dutch court bookbinder Abraham van Rossum (active in Amsterdam 1812-1854), one of the "major binders" (Storm van Leeuwen) of that period. 5, [1], 339, 5; 68 pp. Full description
€ 1,650
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First Dutch edition of the collected educational works of the great Swiss pedagogue Pestalozzi

PESTALOZZI, H. Al de werken over het onderwijs en de opvoeding. Naar[!] het Hoogduitsch bewerkt, onder opzigt van P.J. Prinsen.
Zutphen, W.C. Wansleven, 1826-1831. 8 volumes. With printed music in the first volume, and mathematical figures on 5 folding engraved plates illustrating the morphology in vol. VI. Contemporary sprinkled paper over boards. Ca. 500 pp. each volume. Full description
€ 1,900
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Important bibliographical source for the history of Friesland and the first bibliography
exclusively devoted to Dutch authors

PETRI (PETRUS), Suffridus. De scriptoribus Frisiae, decades XVI. Et semis: in quibus non modo peculiares Frisiae, sed & totius Germaniae communes antiquitates plurimae indicantur, & veterum historicorum ac geographorum loci, hactenus non intellecti, explicantur.
Franeker, Jacobus Horreus, 1699. 12mo. Contemporary vellum. [88], 498 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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The Latin Phaedrus Fables with extended German notes to be used at Schools

PHAEDRUS. Phaedri Augusto Liberti Fabularum Aesopiarum Libri V. Recte tandem captui puerorum accomodati. Oder: deutliche und nach dem Begriff der Jugend endlich recht eingerichtete Erklärung der Aesopischen Fablen welche Phaedrus ... in fünf Büchern hinterlassen: ... durch Emanuelem Sincerum.
Frankfurt and Leipzig, [Heinrich Ludwig Brönner?], 1762. 8vo. Title-page in red and black, with 2 typographical head- and tailpieces. 19th-century light blue paper over boards. [10], 247, [248], [34] pp. Full description
€ 350
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Highlights of the life and career of the founder and first king of Saudi Arabia: Ibn Sa'ud

PHILBY, Harry St John Bridger. Arabian jubilee.
London, Robert Hale Limited, 1954. 8vo. With a portrait of king 'Abdul-'Aziz Ibn Sa'ud as the frontispiece, 1 map of Arabia in 1950, and 16 double-sided plates. Black cloth with title information in gold on spine. XIV, 280 pp. Full description
€ 400
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First edition of a well-illustrated account of Phipps's arctic expedition

PHIPPS, Constantine John. A voyage towards the North Pole undertaken by His Majesty's command 1773.
London, William Bowyer and John Nichols for J. Nourse, 1774. Large 4to. With 15 large double-page and larger folding engraved plates, and many letterpress tables in the text. Contemporary tree calf, gold-tooled board edges, rebacked soon after with a richly gold-tooled spine with globes and numerous floral stamps, red morocco spine-label. VIII, 253 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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The second edition in English, by the greatest translator of the Elizabethan age

PLINIUS Secundus, Gaius (Pliny the Elder) The Historie of the World, commonly called the Naturall Historie.
London, Adam Islip, 1634. 2 parts in one volume. Folio (23.5 x 32 cm). Elaborate woodcut device on title-page; woodcut initials, head- and tailpieces. Contemporary calf, spine in six compartments, tooled and lettered in gilt. (58), 614, (42) pp. (12), 632, (86) pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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In a 17th-century richly gold-tooled Jesuit prize-binding

PLUTARCHUS. Moralia, quae usurpantur. sunt autem omnis elegantis doctrinae penus: id est, varij libri: morales, historici, physici, mathematici, deniq; ad politiorem litteraturam pertinentes & humanitatem: omnes de Graeca in Latinam linguam transscripti.
Basel, Thomas Guarini, 1570. Folio. With woodcut printer's device on title-page and repeated on last page, some mathematical woodcuts in text and numerous historiated woodcut initials. Early 17th-century Jesuit prize binding in richly gold-tooled light brown calf, sides with arabesques in the style of Gascon, richly gold-tooled double borders and inner panel with small bands in a geometrical pattern. [12], 857, [91] pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Plutarch's famous schoolbook in four languages

PLUTARCHUS. Aureus libellus, Peri paidoon a'googès, id est, de educatione liberorum, tum interpretatione Latinam, ad verbum ferè applicatam, & paraphrasi Gallico-Germanicam... Petit livret de Plutarche,... Das güldene Büchlein Plutarchi, von der Kinderzucht.
Frankfurt, Erasmus Kempffer, 1612. 8vo. Set in 2 columns. Contemporary green vellum. 175, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,850
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Pococke's celebrated edition of Abu'l-Faraj's Islamic history: "It is his greatest work,
and of permanent scholarly value" (Toomer)

POCOCKE, Edward. Specimen historiae arabum; ... Accessit historia veterum Arabum ex Abu'l Feda: cura Antonii I. Sylvestre De Sacy. Edidit Josephus White, ...
Oxford, Clarendon Press [= Oxford University Press], 1806. 4to. Title-page with engraved view of the Clarendon Building, aquatint author's portrait and 1 full-page etched plate. Contemporary boards. XV, [1 blank], 573, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Bound by one of the best French binders of the 19th-century, for William I, the first King of the Netherlands

POISSONNIER-DESPERRIERES, Gabriel Adrien Marie. Vie politique et militaire du général A.M.G. Poissonnier-Desperrières ..., écrite par lui-même, et publiée de son vivant.
Paris, C.J. Trouvé, 1824. 8vo. With lithographed frontispiece-portrait of Dapuhin by Constans after a drawing by Eugénie Lebrun. Contemporary richly gold-tooled straight grained orange/brown morocco, gold- and blind-tooled boards with the arms of William I on each side, gold-tooled spine with plumed helmets, a dark-brown title-label and the name of the binder ("SIMIER.R.DU.ROI"), gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt edges. XII, 512 pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Catalogue of the famous Portland Museum, with many objects collected during Cook's Pacific voyages,
with manuscript prices and purchasers

[PORTLAND MUSEUM]. [LIGHTFOOT, John]. A catalogue of the Portland Museum lately the property of the Duchess Dowager of Portland, deceased: which will be sold by auction ...
With: (2) A catalogue of a very valuable collection of cameos, intaglios, and precious stones, and other curiosities; being part of a late much celebrated cabinet, many out of the Arundel collection; which will be sold by auction ...
[London, Skinner and Co., 1786]. 2 works in 1 volume. 4to. With full-page engraved frontispiece showing the interior of the Portland Museum with numerous objects from its collection. Contemporary gold-tooled vellum. VIII, "194" [= 192]; 6 pp. Full description
€ 18,500
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Second located copy of prayerbook in magnificent roman baroque fanfare binding
attributed to the Soresini family

[PRAYER BOOK]. Piae precationes ad missas devote celebrandas, et sacrosanctam eucharistiam sumendam. Cum variis orationibus ex bonis & probatis authoribus collectis.
Rome, Aloysius Zannettus, 1604. 8vo. With woodcut title-page and some ornamented woodcut initials in the text. Contemporary richly gold-tooled brown morocco, with gauffered edges; both sided with 2 pairs of fillets along the edges with little flowers at the corners and a floral border in between; a pattern of loose gilt stamps of flowers in a spiral line, vases with flowers, lions, stars and so-called "foglia accartocciata" ("feuilles mortes") and a crucifixion in an oval border in the centre of the front cover and the Virgin with child in an oval border in the centre of the back board. 272 pp. Full description
€ 27,500
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A wholly engraved prayer book in fine pointillé binding from the library of Henry Perkins

[PRAYER BOOK - BINDING]. Le tableau de la croix representé dans les ceremonies de la Ste. Messe ensemble la tresor de la devotion aux soufrances de N[ot]re. S[eigneur]. I[esus]. C[hrist]. le tout enrichi de belles figures.
Paris, Francois Mazot, "1651" (privilege dated 20 September 1652). 8vo & small 4to (16.5 x 11.5 cm). With engraved title-page and 48 engraved leaves by Guillaume de Gheyn, J. Collin, and J. Durant. Later 17th-century French red morocco, elaborately gold-tooled with pointillé tools in a panel design with 2 roll borders and hundreds of impression of numerous tools, the 6 spine compartments gold-tooled, gilt edges. [2 blank], [6], "39" [= 75], [16], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,750
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Artist's manual with an exceptional collection of old master prints

[PRINT ALBUM]. Spiegel der natuur en school ter teekenkunde, bevattende LXXVI. Afbeeldingen van Landschappen, Landsdouwen, Watergezichten, enz. enz. Allen zoo veele Studiën van Silvestre, Perelle, Quinault, Du Moulin, Della Bella, Zaftleven, Almeloveen, Van Schyndel, Nolpe, Vermeulen, Visscher en Schenk, ten dienste van Teekenaaren, Plaatsnijders, Goud- en Zilversmeden en drijvers: bijzonder nuttig voor hun, die zichzelven het teekenen willen leeren zonder hulp van meester. Vooräfgegaan de eerste beginselen der Teekenkunst.
Amsterdam, Jan Steven van Esveld-Holtrop, [ca. 1808-1833]. Oblong 8vo. With 76 full-page engraved plates in various styles and sizes. The last 6 folding. Contemporary half calf with gold-tooled spine, blue title-label and marbled sides. IV pp. text. Full description
€ 7,500
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A nearly complete collection of the earliest Propaganda Fide exotic alphabets (1629-1776), including Arabic, Burmese, Ethiopic, Greek and Syriac

[PROPAGANDA FIDE]. (1) Alphabetum Armenum iussu S.D.N. Gregorii XV. ...
(2) Alphabetum Aethiopicum, sive Abyssinum.
(3) Alphabetum Arabicum ...
(4) Alphabetum Barmanum seu Bomanum ...
(5) Alphabetum Brammhanicum ...
(6) Alphabetum Chaldaicum, ...
(7) Alphabetum Chaldaicum ...
(8) Alphabetum Cophtum sive Aegyptiacum ...
(9) Alphabetum Graecum ...
(10) Alphabetum veterum Etruscorum ...
(11) Alphabetum Ibericum, ...
(12) [Alfabeta].
(13) Alphabetum Hebraicum ...
Rome, Propaganda Fide, 1629-1776. 13 works in 1 volume. 8vo and small 4to. Sheepskin parchment (ca. 1776). Full description
€ 12,500
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Early New Zealand imprint, in the Maori language

[PUCKEY, William Gilbert and William COLENSO (translator)]. Ko nga upoko ewitu o te Pukapuka a te Poropiti a Raniera: me te Pukapuka ano hoki a te Poropiti a Hona: ...
Paihia (New Zealand), "Perehi o nga Mihanere" (= Missionary Press [operated by William Colenso]), 1840. Large 12mo (20 x 12 cm). contemporary grey paper wrapper. 32 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The official establishment of Galen at the University of Paris

[PARIS UNIVERSITY - FACULTY OF MEDICINE]. PUYLON, Denis. Statuts de la Faculté de medecine en luniversité de Paris, avec les pieces justisicatives de ses privileges & les droits & soûmissions à elle deubs par les apothicaires & chirurgiens.
- Pieces justificatives des priviliges de luniversité de Paris appartenans à la Faculté de medecine.
- Arrests et sentences contre les empiriques & les medecins non approuvez par la Faculté de Medecine de Paris.
- Reglemens en faveur de la Faculté de medecine de Paris, ontre le premier medecin du roy, pour la reception des apoticaires & des chirurgiens és villes, bourgs & lieux où il ny a point de jurez en la prevoste & vicomte de Paris.
- Pieces concernans les apoticaires, et la visite des drogues.
- Reglemens pour la visites des boutiques& pour les examens & receptions des apoticaires-epiciers du roy, privilegiez suivans la cour, sous la charge de monsieur le Grand Prevost de lHôtel.
- Arrestes, sentences et contracts dentre la Faculté de medecine de Paris, & le premier barbier du roy, & la communauté des maistres chirurgiens - barbiers & jurez de Paris...
- Arrests portans defenses denlever les cadavres sans permission du doyen de la faculté de medecine de Paris, de faire anatomie quen la presence dun docteur de ladite faculté, aux officiers de justice de prendre aucuns droits pour lenlevement desdits cadavres, & à lexecuteur de la haute justice dexiger plus grande somme que de trois livres.
- Arrests pour la renvoy au parlement de Paris des instances dentre la Faculté de medecine en luniversité de Paris & le premier barbier du roy.
- Arrests faisans defenses dimprimer aucuns livres de medecine, de chirurgie ou autres sans lapprobation de la Faculté de medecine de Paris.
Paris, François Muguet, 1672. 4to. With a few woodcut headpieces. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine. 56, 26, 111, [1 blank], 4, 20, 56, 22, [2 blank], 115, [1 blank], 43, [1 blank], 10, [2 blank], 16, [4], 16 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Three beautifully hand coloured cards of a simple puzzle game, showing a king and two courtiers in ornate dress

[GAME - PUZZLE - KING AND COURTIERS - FRANCE]. [Puzzle game of filling in the heads and parts of the costumes of a king, a young lady in a green dress, and a young man in a yellow and green outfit].
[Paris], R. Lacouchin, [ca. 1840]. 3 puzzles. 19.5 x 13 cm. With 3 finely lithographed plates mounted on 3 thick green paperboard cards. The lithographs are framed with a gold-coloured ornamental border. The images on the cards are all beautifully hand coloured and the 3 cards depict respectively a crowned king in ornate robes, a beautiful young lady in a green dress, and a young man (or possibly a court jester?) in an extravagant yellow and green outfit. Each card has 6 large circular movable pieces to be removed or inserted as the game demands in various circumstances. Full description
€ 6,000
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Important first Aldine edition of the Roman world's greatest work on rhetoric

QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. [Institutiones oratoriae].
(Colophon: Venice, "aedibus Aldi et Andreae soceri" [= Aldus Manutius & Andre Torresani d'Asola], August 1514). 4to. With Aldus's famous woodcut anchor device on the title-page, repeated on the back of the last text page. Gold-tooled red morocco (ca. 1700), rebacked and given a black morocco spine label in the 19th century. [4], 230 ll. Full description
€ 5,000
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Second Aldine edition of the most important Roman work on rhetoric, from the library of Joseph Romilly

QUINTILIANUS, Marcus Fabius. Institutionum oratorium libri XII diligentius recogniti M D XXII. Index capitum totius operis. Conversio dictionum Graecarum, quas ipse author in latinum non transtulit.
(Colophon: Venice "In Aedibus Aldi, et Andreae soceri" [= André d'Asola & sons], January 1521 [= 1522]). Narrow 4to in 8s (21 x 13 cm). With Aldus's anchor and dolphin publisher's device on the first and last pages. Set entirely in a single size of Aldine italic, with some headings, running heads, etc., set in its (upright) capitals. Gold-tooled red morocco (ca. 1700), each board with delicate centre-piece a petit fers, rebacked in gold-tooled red morocco. [4], 230 ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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First accurate printed Quran (both the Arabic text and the Latin translation), with extensive valuable notes
from Islamic commentaries and anti-Islamic "refutations" of every sura! plus a life of Muhammed

[QURAN - ARABIC & LATIN]. MARRACCI, Ludovico (editor). Alcorani textus universus ex correctioribus Arabum exemplaribus summa fide, ... Eadem fide, ... in Latinum translatus; appositis unicuique capiti notis, atque refutatione: ...
[vol. 2 title:] Refutatio Alcorani, in qua ad Mahumetanicae superstitionis radicem securis apponitur; ...
Padova, Typographia Seminaria, 1698. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio (35.5 x 25 cm). Blind-tooled vellum (ca. 1800?), reusing and retooling vellum from a slightly earlier blind-tooled binding. [5], [1 blank], 45, [2], [1 blank], 46, [2], 81, [3], 94, [10], 126, [3] [1 blank] [13], [1 blank]; [8], 17, [3], “838” [= 836], [11], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 25,000
Order Inquire Terms of sale

First edition of a famous French dancing manual

RAMEAU, Pierre. Le maître a danser. Qui enseigne la maniere de faire tous les differens pas de danse dans toute la regularité de l'art, & de conduire les bras à chaque pas.
Paris, Jean Villette, 1725. 8vo. With etched frontispiece and 59 etched plates (including 3 double-page and 1 larger folding) showing 2 couples dancing the minuet before King Louis XV and his court, individuals and couples demonstrating dance positions, dance steps, positions and movements of the hands and arms during the dance, drawn and mostly etched by the author. Further with numerous charming woodcut headpieces and tailpieces (2 signed "V.LS" or "V.LS in"), woodcut decorated initials, and decorations built up from cast fleurons. Green morocco (ca. 1900?), gold-tooled spine, gold-tooled turn-ins, fillets on board edges, curl-marbled endpapers, gilt edges (stamp on endleaf: "Gloss. Elldt Jnr"?). XXIV, 272 pp. Full description
€ 21,500
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Auction catalogue of one of the most celebrated collections of the 18th century

[RANDON DE BOISSET, Pierre Louis Paul]. Catalogue des tableaux & desseins précieux des maîtres célebres des trois écoles, figures marbres, de bronze & de terre cuite, estampes en feuilles & autres objets du cabinet de feu M. Randon de Boisset, receveur géneral des finances. ... On a joint à ce catalogue celui des vases, colonnes de marbres, porcelaines, des laques, des meubles de boule & d'autres effets précieux, par C.F. Julliot. La vente se fera le jeudi 27 février 1777 ... Vêndome.
Paris, London, Amsterdam, Brussels, 1777. 2 parts in 1 volume. 12mo. Contemporary red morocco, richly gold-tooled spine and turn-ins, gold fillets on boards and board edges, gilt edges. XII, 149, 158 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Illustrated catalogue of enameled metal signboards, plates and large letters, with a very large poster showing full-sized specimens

RAVASI, Fratelli. Catalogo 1913 ... Placche ferro smaltato e lettere rame ...
Milan, Ravasi brothers (colophon: Stabilimento Grafico Matarelli), 1913. Oblong 8vo (16.5 x 24 cm). With very large, loosely inserted, oblong folding tinted lithographed poster (61 x 90.5 cm), showing types and other decorations in full size in black and white on a green-grey background, and 100 numbered half-tone illustrations in text. Also with a tipped in circular letter on pink paper introducing the catalogue, by Luigi and Giovanni Ravasi. Stapled in publisher's gray paper wrappers, printed in blue. 16 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Signed autograph letter from Redouté acknowledging payment from the Paris bookseller L. Debure for Les Roses

[AUTOGRAPH]. REDOUTÉ, Pierre-Joseph. [Letter acknowledging payment from the Paris bookseller Debure for Les Roses, part 30].
Paris, 18 February 1824. 4to (24.5 x 18.5 cm). Autograph letter, signed, written in brown ink on paper, with a note in a different hand recording a related payment. [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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Surprisingly rare trilingual nautical dictionary

REEHORST, Karel Pieter ter. Woordenboek der zee-, stoom- en scheepsbouwkundige-termen, in de Hollandsche, Fransche en Engelsche talen. - Dictionnaire Français-Hollandais, des termes techniques employés dans la marine à voiles et à vapeur, dans l'architecture navale et commettage. - Dictionary of nautical-, steam- and shipbuilding-terms, in the English and Dutch.
Amsterdam, widow of G. Hulst van Keulen, 1845[-1847]. 3 volumes. 8vo. Contemporary blue stiff paper wrappers. [4], 159, [1 blank]; [4], 118, [2 blank]; [4], 112; 8 pp. Full description
€ 850
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A picturesque journey through Switzerland

[REICHARD, Heinrich August O.]. Malerische Reise durch einen großen Theil der Schweiz vor und nach der Revolution.
Jena, H.W.Ch. Seidler, 1805. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece with 4 medallion portraits, engraved title-page with the title on a rock in an alpine scene, 54 numbered engraved plates (1 folding) and 2 folding leaves with built-up letterpress music. With the 4 costume plates hand-coloured. Later 19th-century half cloth. XVI, 414, [2] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Rare Latin/Greek lexicon, including words relevant to physicians and surgeons

REINHARD, Johann Christoph. Etymologia Graeco-Latina oder lexicon manuale philologicum, darin die der Latinitaet oft vorkom[m]ende griechische Wörter mit ihren Grund-Nahmen in Benennung der Kräuter, Thiere &c.Including: Etymologia Graeco-Latina, das ist Gründliche erklährung derer Griechschen und Lateinischen Wörter.
Frankfurt an der Oder, Johann Gottfried Conradi (part 1); Tobias Schwartzen (part 2), (1721). 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With the title-page printed in red and black. Contemporary vellum. [248]; [40] ll. Full description
€ 1,250
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Fine calligraphic manuscript teaching traditional science to the son of Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier,
French ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, finely bound in contemporary gold-tooled morocco

[MANUSCRIPT]. REMY, Claude. Traité des elemens présenté à M. Raoul de Choiseul-Gouffier.
Paris, 1786. Small 8vo. Calligraphic manuscript written in French in dark brown ink on paper, in a formal Latin script hand (a French-style "batard"), with an ornamental, calligraphic title-page in reddish brown, green, dark brown and black ink, each page in a thick-thin-thin border with circular decorations in each corner and centred at the head, running heads in the border, the heading of the "Avertissement" in a decorative script, and calligraphic chapter headings in circular or rectangular decorations and sub-headings in decorated horizontal bands. Contemporary red, gold-tooled morocco, the smooth spine divided into 6 panels (separated by lines flanked by dotted lines), the 2nd with a dark green title-label, each of the others with an 8-petalled flower, 10 dots, a decoration in each corner and another at each side, and a decorated band at the foot; each board with a border of thin-thick-thin fillets with a decoration stamped on each corner and a 6-petalled flower inside each corner; gold-tooled turn-ins, gold fillets on the board edges (altogether about 130 impressions of 13 tools), gilt edges. [2], 186, [4] pp. Full description
€ 16,000
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German textbook on zoology, printed in Pottsville, Pennsylvania

REUBELT, John Adam. Kurzgefaßtes Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Enthaltend wissenschaftliche und populäre Beschreibungen von dem Menschen, den Säugethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien, Fischen, Weich- und Gliederthieren.
Pottsville [Pennsylvania], C.W. Günther and the author, 1848. 8vo. With numerous woodcuts in text, depicting men and animals. Contemporary black half sheepskin. 392 pp. Full description
€ 375
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Jesuits in the Americas: in Florida, Peru, Brasil, and other places in Middle and South America

RIBADENEYRA, Pedro de [and Michel d'ESNE DE BETENCOURT (translator)]. La vie du pere Francois de Borja ...
Douai, Baltazar Bellère, 1603. 8vo. With a woodcut "IHS" vignette on the title-page, some woodcut decorated initials and woodcut head-pieces, and a large woodcut tail-piece on p. 480. Contemporary overlapping vellum, with the manuscript title on the spine, remnants of ties. [1], [1 blank], [22], 480 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Rare Portuguese edition of the romanticized life of a 17th-century Scottish Capucin friarin a finely executed Portuguese binding, richly gold-tooled

RINUCCINI, Giovanni Battista. Historia do Capuchinho Escoces.
Lisboa, Bernardo da Costa Carvalmo for Joseph da Cruz Cardozo, 1708. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With a general title-page with a woodcut portrait of a monk (in the centre of a large rosette) and a divisional title-page for the second part of the tex. Contemporary richly gold-tooled calf, gold-tooled board edges, gilt and gauffered edges. [14], 54, [1], [1 blank], 55-237, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,250
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Rare Dutch 1655 edition of the Clavis Homerica

[ROBERTI, Anthonius]. Clavis Homerica, sive lexicon vocabulorum omnium, quae in Iliade Homeri, nec non potissimâ Odyssae parte continentur. Accedit brievis appendix de dialectis. Opus prima in Anglia concinnatum, deinde auctum & saepius editum; nunc tandem summon studio correctius recusum.
Rotterdam, Arnold Leers, 1655. 8vo. Title printed in red and black, with the woodcut printer's device of Arnold Leers and woodcut initials and headpieces. Contemporary vellum. [4], 470, [88] pp. Full description
€ 300
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Activities for children, including magic tricks, games, crafting and chemistry

ROCKSTROH, Heinrich. Magazijn van belangrijke en leerzame kunststukjes, voor jonge lieden.
Zaltbommel, Johannes Noman, 1828. 12mo. With a hand-coloured lithographed frontispiece, 6 lithographed plates, and many smaller wood engraved illustrations in text. Original publisher's printed paper boards. [2], XXII, 300 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Woodcut copybook by Augsburg writing master and woodblock cutter

ROGEL, Hans the elder. Capital und Versal Buech, allerhanndt grosser und kleiner Alphabeth, zue den Hauptschrifften und Büechern, dessgleichen in Canntzleyen unnd gemein, zuegebrauchen ganntz zierlich geordiniert.
Augsburg, Johann Jacob Schönig, [1680/94, printed from the woodblocks of 1568]. Oblong folio (21 x 34 cm). With a richly calligraphic woodcut title-page (18 x 28 cm), with text in white fraktur lettering on black, with a white panel at the foot with the letterpress imprint in a fraktur type; and 9 (of 10) full-page woodcuts (about 17 x 25.5 cm) showing alphabets in white on black, one dated 1568: 8 with decorated gothic capitals (versals: 22-150 mm) and 1 with textura capitals, textura lowercase and roman capitals, all versos blank. With a small and perhaps fragmentary manuscript on parchment (2 ll., 11.5 x 13.5 cm, written on both sides): a Protestant copybook written (soon?) after 1557, probably in Basle or vicinity, with 7 writing samples, including alphabets of capitals and minuscules, the first two pages in fraktur gothic styles, and the last two in humanistic styles. Vellum (ca. 1985?), in a cloth slipcase. [10 (of 11)] ll. Full description
€ 4,750
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1506/07 missal in red and black, with hundreds of criblée initials and 1 woodcut, all hand-coloured, and double-impression plainchant music: a rare early masterpiece of Kervers book production from the library of Jean Baptiste III Verdussen

[ROMAN MISSAL]. Missale ad consuetudinem Ecclesie Romane; ...
[Paris], Thielman Kerver, [colophon: anno domini 1506. x. kalendas apriles = 23 March 1507]. 8vo. Printed in red and black throughout in 2 columns, with Kervers finely executed criblée armorial device on the title-page, a crucifixion woodcut, hundreds of impressions of at least 28 finely executed lombardic initials with decorations, as well as dozens of spaces left for manuscript initials, about half with printed guide letters, and a two-impression plainchant music type. The capitals are rubricated throughout. The main text is set in a rotunda gothic type, and the Canon in a larger textura gothic. The woodcut crucifixion, Kervers device and the criblée initials are all coloured by a contemporary hand. Gold- and blind-tooled black goatskin morocco (1st half of the 18th century), the front board dated "ANNO|DOMINI|1506" in gold, and the spine-title "MISSALE|ROMANUM" in gold, marbled endpapers, gilt edges, 2 brass fastenings. [8], 233, [3] ll. Full description
€ 18,500
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Arabic grammar to replace Erpenius's, followed by a lexicon to Al-Tha'alibi

ROORDA, Taco. Grammatica Arabica, breviter in usum scholarum academicarum conscripta ... Adiuncta est brevis chrestomathia, edita et lexico explanata a P. Cool.
Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1835. 8vo. Text set in Roman and Arabic type. Contemporary quarter brown cloth, marbled paper sides, a paper label with the name of the author and the title printed in black on the spine. VIII, 298, [32] pp. Full description
€ 750
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With the embroidered arms of the marquis and marchioness de Verneuil on front board

ROQUES, Pierre. Le vray pietisme ou traité, dans lequel on explique la nature & les éffets de la piété; la juste étendue du renoncement au monde; où l'on remonte à la source générale du peu de vertu qu'il y a entre les Chrétiens, où l'on indique les moyens d'acquérir une piété solide; & où l'on fait connoître comment la piété nous dispose à l'égard de ceux qui ne pensent pas comme nous en matière de religion.
Basel, Jean Brandmuller, 1731. 4to. With engraved frontispiece portrait of the author by F.A. Störcklein. Contemporary vellum, with large embroidered coat of arms on front board (17.5 x 15.5 x 1 cm), with silver and gold thread. 7, [1 blank], [12], 596, 70, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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One of the few illustrated books printed by Bodoni, splendidly bound

[ROSSI, Giovanni Gherardo de]. Scherzi poetici e pittorici.
(Colophon: Parma, Giambattista Bodoni, 1795). 8vo (22 x 14 cm). With engraved title-page and 40 engraved plates (plate size: ca. 7 x 11 cm). Richly gold-tooled red morocco by Rémy Petit (active 1855-1900), spine with 5 raised bands resulting in 6 compartments, one with black title-label and the other five gold-tooled with black oval inlays; the sides with gilt triple fillet borders, corner ornaments with same oval inlays and a central oval ornament (gold on green); further with gilt fillets on board edges and richly gold-tooled turn-ins with a floral motive, gilt edges. [52] ll. Full description
€ 7,200
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The great Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and the city of Augsburg: a splendid publication with more than 100 engraved maps, plans and views, in an Augsburg gold-brocade paper wrapper

ROTH, Johann Michaël. Augsburgische Sammlung derer wegen des höchstbetrübten Untergangs der Stadt Lissabon, ... anbey hat man die Stadt Augsburg in Grundriß mit 48. Prospecten der schönsten Gebäude denselben mit beygefüget ...
Augsburg, Johann Michael Roth, [ca. 1756].
(2) [MAP - GERMANY - AUGSBURG]. KRAUS, Johann Thomas. Accurata recens delineate ichnographia ... metropolis Augustae Vindelicorum ... = Neu verfertigt accurater Grund Riß der ... Statt Augspurg, ...
Augsburg, Matthäus Seutter, [ca. 1750]. Large engraved map on a folding sheet (50 x 61 cm) at a scale of about 1:4000.
(3) WEYERMANN, Jakob Christoph. Prospectus praecipuorum aedificorum et locorum intra et extra urbem Augustam Vindelicorum ...
Augsburg, Matthäus Seutter, 1742. 4 large uncut folding sheets (each 40 x 70 cm) containing the engraved title-page in an elaborately decorated cartouche and 47 engraved views of buildings in and around Augsburg (each 16 x 13.5 cm), numbered [I], II-XLIII.
1mo (50 x 38.5 cm). With an engraved title-page, the title in the arched doorway of an architectural ruin with a female figure with the Portuguese coat of arms in mourning on the steps, flanked by 2 putti; an engraved report on the earthquake and resulting tsunami on 1 November 1755; and in the first part 60 engraved views, maps and plans printed from 25 copperplates on 13 leaves (4 large folding, including 1 constructed from 2 sheets, the rest on both sides of 9 leaves, except the last, which is blank on the reverse). Gold on black gold brocade paper wrapper, probably from the publisher, sewn without supports at 3 stations, each wrapper made from a whole sheet of the decorated paper, with as centrepiece a statue in a domed gazebo, the dome carried by 4 visible (probably of 6) caryatids. The sheet is further filled with scrollwork decoration with oval portraits in the upper corners, winged angels in the lower corners, 4 more angels plus 2 faces in the scrollwork. Pasted in the centre of the front wrapper is an engraving of the Augsburg pine cone flanked by Neptune with his trident and a river God with an oar, above a city view with cornucopias (10 x 6.5 cm), with a manuscript label below it, "1755 et 1756." The whole is kept is a finely produced modern tanned sheepskin box with the form of a book, the spine with 7 raised bands and a red morocco label, a single brass fastening, and the interior and what would be the edges of the paper lined with marbled paper combining Stormont, zebra and Spanish patterns. [20] engraved ll., some printed on both sides. Full description
€ 47,000
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Six rare annotated auction catalogues of art from Belgian collectors

ROTTIER, Jacques. Catalogue d'une très-belle collection de tableaux, dessins encadrés, médailles, bronzes, ivoires, marbres et objets d'art, délaissés par M. Jacques Rottier, avocat et amateur distingué a Gand.
Ghent, D.J. Vanderhaeghen, 1834. With folding engraved plate as frontispiece.
(2) VAN ROTTERDAM. Catalogue d'une précieuse collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande, Hollandaise et Italienne délaissés par Mr. Van Rotterdam.
Ghent, widow of L. De Busscher-Braeckman, 1835.
(3) BALLIN, H. Catalogue d'une belle collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande et Hollandaise délaissés par feu le notaire H. Ballin à Gand.
Antwerp, H.P. Vanderhey, 1838. With an engraved plate loosely inserted.
(4) MAES, Marie. Catalogue d'une belle collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande et Hollandaise délaissés par feu Marie Maes.
Ghent, F.E. Gyselynck, 1837.
(5) VRANCKEN, Petrus Jacobus Franciscus. Catalogue d'une précieuse collection de tableaux des écoles Flamande, Hollandaise et Française délaissés par Mr. P.J.F. Vrancken à Lokeren.
Antwerp, H.P. Vander Hey, 1838. With 3 illustrations on 2 engraved plates.
(6) SCHAMP D'AVESCHOOT, Jean. Catalogue des tableaux des écoles Flamande, Hollandaise, Italienne, Française et Espagnole, qui composent la magnifique galerie délaissée par M. Schamp d'Aveschoot.
Ghent, Librairie Générale de H. Hoste, 1840. 6 catalogues in 1 volume. 8vo. Interleaved. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin. [2], 30; [2], III, 68; 32; 36; VI, [2], 48; XX, 109 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Unique copy in a sumptous Viennese binding

RUDOLF, Archduke of Austria and Hungary. Voyage en Orient. Traduit de lAllemand. Illustrations daprès les dessins originaux de Franz von Pausinger.
Vienna, Imprimerie Imperiale et Royale de la Cour et de lÉtat, 1885. Folio. With 37 etched plates.Contemporary calf, richly gold-tooled front board, spine label, gilt edges. [8], 168, [2] pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Newly edited works on rhetoric, in Aire-sur-la-Lys prize binding

RUTILIUS LUPUS, Publius and 15 others (François PITHOU, ed.). [Antiqui rhetores Latini.] ... Omnia ex codd. manusc. emendatiora vel auctiora.
Paris, Adrien Périer (ex officina Plantiniana), 1599. Large 4to. Set in roman types with incidental italic, Greek and Hebrew. Contemporary gold-tooled calf with 18th-century restorations, with the arms of Aire-sur-la-Lys (an eagle) flanked by "S.P.Q. ... Arien[sis]". Rebacked with the original backstrip laid down. [4], 382, [15], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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Contemporary manuscript describing official diplomatic meetings at the court of King Louis XIV,
in a royal binding

[SAINCTOT, Nicolas II de]. [Memoires de Mr. de Sainctot].
[Paris?, ca. 1710]. 2 works, with the first in 2 parts, in 2 volumes. Folio (44 x 30 cm). With 3 drawings of layouts and seating plans of the king's audience room, and 24 copper-engravings of ambassadors and court scenes. With: (2) [AVICE, Henry]. La pompeuse et magnifique ceremonie du sacre du roy Louis XIV.
Paris, Imprimerie d'Edme Martin, 1655.
Contemporary gold-tooled red morocco, with the French royal coat-of-arms on the front and back, fleurs-de-lis in the corners and on the spine, the title lettered in gold on the spine, gold-tooled board edges and turn-ins, gilt and marbled edges, marbled endpapers. 450, [1 blank]; [6], "344" [= 407], [5 blank]; [1], [1 blank], [8], [7], [5 blank] pp. Full description
€ 29,500
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Rare complete set of Saint-Aubin's series of 6 prints showing children at play

SAINT-AUBIN, Augustin de. C'est-ici les différens jeux de petits polissons de Paris.
Paris, 1770. 4to (ca. 24.5 x 18.5 cm). A series of 6 unnumbered engraved prints (ca. 17 x 22 cm) representing children playing games. Each print is mounted on a paper leaf in a passe-partout (30 x 24 cm). Full description
€ 1,250
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Rare early Rouen edition of La Salle's Christian courtesy, in civilité type

SALLE, Jean Baptiste de la. Les règles de la bien-seance et de la civilité Chretienne. Divisées en deux parties. Pour l'instruction de la jeunesse.
Rouen, François Oursel, 1729. 8vo. With ornamental woodcut on title-page and some woodcut initials, head- and tail-pieces. Main text in civilité type. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine with red label, red sprinkled edges. [16], 240 pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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First and only edition of a detailed history of the Franciscan mission in Morocco, beautifully produced

SAN JUAN DEL PUERTO, Francisco de Jesús María de. Mission historial de Marruecos, en que se trata de los martirios, persecuciones, y trabajos, que han padecido los missionarios, y frutos que han cogido las missiones, que han cogido las missiones, que desde sus principios tuvo la Orden Seraphica en el Imperio de Marruecos, y continùa La Provincia de San Diego de Franciscos descalços de Andalucia en el mismo Imperio.
Sevilla, Francisco Garay, 1708. Folio. With engraved allegorical frontispiece by Joannes Carolus Allet in Rome after Pietro de Pietri, title printed in red and black in a border built up from cast fleurons, and woodcut tailpieces and initials. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment, leather thong ties. [44], 829, [19] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Pioneering work on colour printing, first and only edition, signed by the author, with spectacular colour plates

SAVAGE, William. Practical hints on decorative printing, with illustrations engraved on wood, and printed in colours ...
London, printed by the Type Press [and by John Johnson] and published for the proprietor by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown; Robert Triphook and 4 others, "1822" [= 1818-1823]. 2 parts in 1 volume. Large 4to (28 x 23 cm). With 2 colour-printed letterpress title-pages (one printed in gold), a colour-printed frontispiece and 34 other wood-engraved illustration plates, mostly printed in colour; 2 leaves of type specimens, 6 leaves showing 18 colour ink swatches, and 9 pages showing 9 of the woodblocks after they were defaced to make a reprint impossible. Dark blue half goatskin morocco (ca. 1950) by Banyan-Rivière in Bath, gold-tooled spine. Copy no. 58, signed by the author. [1], [1 blank], "vi" [= viii], 118 (lacking 101-102), [10] pp. plus the plates and the 1818 notice. Full description
€ 10,000
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Savary’s literary letters on Egypt, in attractive contemporary binding

SAVARY, (Nicolas) Claude Étienne. Brieven over Egypte.
Amsterdam, Martinus de Bruyn, 1788-1789. 3 volumes. 8vo. With 4 numbered engraved folding plates, including maps of Egypt and northern Egypt, a plan of Alexandria, and a cross-section of the Great pyramid. Contemporary mottled calf, richly gold-tooled spines and binding edges. XVI, 446, [1], [1 blank]; XVI, 364, [2 blank], [1], [1 blank]; “XIV” [=XXIV], 390, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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The first-ever critical edition of an Arabic text

SCALIGER, Joseph Justus and Thomas ERPENIUS. [Kitab al-Amthal] seu proverbiorum Arabicorum centuriae duae.
Leiden, Frans van Ravelingen, 1614. 4to (16 × 20 cm). Ad 1 with a woodcut printers device on the title-page, woodcut initials and tailpieces. Ad 2 with a woodcut printers device on the title-page, woodcut tailpieces and woodcut ornamental frames around typographic Arabic initials. With:
(2) Cogitata nova de [kari] Psalm XXII, 17 & Jes. XXXIIX, 13 censurae philologorum committet ho elachistos ton philologounton.
[ca. 1615?].
(3) [BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - ARABIC]. ERPENIUS, Thomas (editor). [Risalat Bulus al-rasul ila ahl Rumija]. Pauli apostoli ad Romanos epistola, arabice.
Leiden, Typographia Erpeniana, 1615. Contemporary marbled calf. [8], 126, [2 blank]; [8]; [48] pp. Full description
€ 18,000
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Comparing the calendars of the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Jews and others

SCALIGER, Joseph Justus. Opus de emendatione temporum: hac postrema ed., ex auctoris ipsius ms., emend., magnáque acces. auctius. Add. veterum Graecorum fragmenta selecta.
Including: Computus Arabicus ecclesiae Antiochenae.
Geneva, Pierre de la Rovière, 1629. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black and with woodcut printer's device and several woodcut initials. Set in roman and italic types with long passages set in Greek, Arabic and Hebrew and shorter passages in Syriac. The long passages in Samaritan and Ethiopic, printed from meticulous woodblocks. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [9], [1 blank], LII, [4], 784, [46], [2 blank], 59, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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17th-century experimental multi-colour printing: magnificent views of the greatest Dutch palaces

CALL, Jan van; Petrus SCHENCK. [A series of 15 magnificent color-printed plates of the most impressive Dutch palaces of the Stadtholders: Het Loo (Apeldoorn), Huis ten Bosch (The Hague), Honselaarsdijk (near Naaltwijk) and Sorgvliet (The Hague).]
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenck, ca. 1695. 4to (20 x 24.5 cm). 15 (from a series of 25) colour-printed plates (plate size ca. 13 x 17 cm). Loose leaves. Full description
€ 6,500
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Schultens's grammar of biblical Hebrew, printed and published in Transylvania

SCHULTENS, Albert. Institutiones ad fundamenta linguæ Hebrææ.
Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár, Klausenburg), Sándor (Alexander) Szathmári Pap, 1743. 4to. Set in roman and italic types with extensive Hebrew, incidental fraktur, Greek (2 sizes) and Arabic, and one 3-letter word in Samaritan. Contemporary gold-tooled sprinkled tanned sheepskin, each board with the Diesbach Belleroche coat of arms, probably a son of Nicolas de Diesbach Belleroche (1668-1735) in Switzerland. [30], 501, [84], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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Illustrated account of Antwerp at the start of the 17th century

SCRIBANI, Charles. Antverpia.
Including: [SCHONDONCK, Gilles]. Hê prôtogeneia kai epistrephomonê tychê tês Anbersês.
Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page and a woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank page following the main part.
With: (2) SCRIBANI, Charles. Origines Antverpiensium.
Antwerp, Jan Moretus I, 1610. With an engraved printer's device on title-page, woodcut printer's device on the otherwise blank last page, folding engraved map of Antwerp and 6 double-page engraved plates. 2 works in 1 volume; 1st work in 2 parts. 4to. Contemporary vellum. [8], 146, [1], [1 blank]; 1-24; 1-172, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,000
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Stunning, wholly engraved book of hours, dedicated to the dauphine Marie Anne Christine Victoire de Bavière. A masterpiece of Baroque calligraphic showmanship

SENAULT, Louis (calligrapher & engraver). Heures nouvelles tirées de la Sainte Ecriture. Écrites et gravées par L. Senault.
Paris, "l'autheur" and Claude De Hansy, [1690 or soon after]. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, a richly engraved title-page with the title in a wreath of flowers with 2 dolphins and the crowned coat-of-arms of the Dauphine, and 260 engraved calligraphic text-pages, richly decorated and illustrated, including 8 engraved divisional titles, this copy with the frontispiece, the 4 illustration plates and 2 otherwise blank pages with gilt borders. 18th-century richly gold-tooled (browned) olive-green goatskin morocco, each board with a wide border, spine with the title in roman capitals in the 2nd of 6 compartments and a flower built up from several stamps plus several decorations in each of the other compartments, rolls on the raised bands and at the head and foot, gold-tooled turn-ins and board edges, 2 silver clasps with a stamped mark, red silk paste-downs, gilt edges, red silk ribbon marker. [1], [1 blank], 260 engraved pp. plus 5 engraved plates including frontispiece. Full description
€ 4,500
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Dutch translation of a dictionary of fruit science

SERRURIER, J.F. Fruitkundig woordenboek, behelzende all hetgeen betrekking heeft tot de kennis en het huishoudelijk gebruik der verschillende soorten van fruiten; tot het aankweeken, veredelen, snoeijen en behandelen van vruchtboomen; tot het aanleggen van broeibakken, trekkassen en oranjehuizen enz. Gevolgd naar het hoogduitsch van J.C. Christ en verrijkt met het wetenwaardigste uit het op last van het Engelsch Gouvernement uitgegeven werk van W. Forsijth.
Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1805-1806. 2 volumes. Royal 8vo. With 18 (17 folded) plates. Publisher's red speckled boards, spines with printed label (preserved in 2 recent boxes). pp. viii, 483, (1); pp. (6), 517. Full description
€ 650
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First edition of a famous collection of nearly 200 sermons: the earliest dated book printed in Zwolle
and a rare early experiment labelling double-page openings, this copy in an unrecorded variant

[SERVASANCTUS DE FAENZA and others] (spuriously attributed to Saint BONAVENTURA). [Sermones de tempore et de sanctis].
(Colophon: Zwolle, [Johannes de Vollenhoe], 1479). Small (Chancery) folio (27.5 x 20.5 cm). With one 5-line and hundreds of 2- and 3-line spaces left for initials, filled in with manuscript "Lombardic" capitals in red; manuscript paragraph marks in red; and capitals rubricated throughout. Set entirely in a single textura gothic type (103 mm/20 lines) in 2 columns of 39 lines to the page. Early 18th-century tanned sheepskin. [1 blank], [340] ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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First edition of the Arabic Infancy Gospel, with text in Latin and Arabic

SIKE (SIECKE), Heinrich (editor). Evangelium infantiae. Vel liber apocryphus de infantia servatoris. Ex manuscripto edidit, ac latina versione & notis illustravit ...
Utrecht, François Halma, Willem vande Water, 1697. 8vo. With the main text in Arabic with a parallel Latin translation on the facing pages. Contemporary vellum. [22], 161, [7], 93, [1], [2 blank] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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4 extremely rare series of engraved Turkish and European costume figures, drawn as models for Louis XIV's grandchildren

[SILVESTRE, Charles-François?]. l[']Art de bien dessiner a la plume nouvellement mis au jour pour l[']utilité de la jeunesse.
(2): [SILVESTRE, Charles François]. Diverses figures Turcs propre à dessiner a la plume.
(3): [SILVESTRE, Charles François]. Second livre de figures Turcs propre à déssiner à la plume.
(4): [SILVESTRE, Charles François?]. Diverses figures de caprice propre a dessigner a la plume.
[Paris?, ca. 1700?]. 4 parts in 1 volume. Oblong 16mo (13 x 16 cm). Each part with engraved title-page and each with 11 unnumbered engraved plates. Contemporary French sprinkled, gold-tooled calf. [12], [12], [12], [12] engr. ll. Full description
€ 28,500
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Richly gold-tooled French morocco in the style of "Le Gascon": includes Elichman's Greek, Latin and Arabic Tabula Cebetis and Aurea carmina Pythagoræ

SIMPLICIUS of Cilicia. Commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti, ex libris veteribus emendatus. Cum versione Hieronymi Wolfii, et Cl. Salmasii animadversionibus, et notis quibus Philosophia Stoica passim explicatur & illustratur.
Leiden, Johannes Maire, 1640. 4 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With three title-pages. Set in roman, Greek and Arabic types. Contemporary French pointillé binding in the style of "Le Gascon", richly gold-tooled in concentric panels on both covers, and in the six compartments of the spine, the second with the title. [20], 332, [12]; [1], [1 blank], 329, [23]; [34], 88, 15 pp. Full description
€ 9,750
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Robert Smith's influential theories on light and optics together in the first edition of an illustrated textbook for university students

[SMITH, Robert and others]. The elementary parts of Dr. Smith's compleat system of opticks, selected and arranged for the use of students at the universities: to which are added in the form of notes some explanatory propositions from other authors.
Cambridge, printed by J. Archdeacon, 1778. Large 4to (27 x 20.5 cm). With 17 numbered, folding engraved plates. Contemporary gold-tooled brown sprinkled calf, gold-tooled red morocco spine label, gold-tooled board edges. VI, [9], [1 blank], 119, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 6,000
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Hebrew for beginners, including alphabets of meruba, rabbinical, Yiddish and script Hebrew types

SOMMERHAUSSEN, Hartog. Hebreeuwsch spel- en lees-boekje voor eerstbeginnenden.
Amsterdam, Belinfante & Comp., J. van Embden & son, S.A. Proops, 5570 [=] 1810. 2 parts in 1 volume. Small 8vo (15.5 x 9.5 cm). With the authenticating oval stamp at the foot of the last page of the main text in part 2. Set in roman and italic type with 3 sizes of (sephardic) meruba Hebrew plus alphabets of rabbinical (semi-cursive), Yiddisch and script Hebrew types, and printed on Dutch wove paper. Publisher's original yellow, printed paper wrappers over thin boards. 24, [1], [1 blank]; 28, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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A complete showcase of materials for teaching the De Sonnaville-method of music education

SONNAVILLE, Louis de, S.J. De nieuwe muziekleermiddelen van het systeem-Sonnaville.
[Leiden, Johannes Eggers, ca. 1895]. 25 items in 1 box. All items in a green half cloth box (37 x 29 x 4 cm) which opens at the front and can be closed with cloth strings, with a letterpress title-label mounted on top. Full description
€ 2,500
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The auction of a renowned library: complete science and natural history parts

SOTHEBY'S. The library of the Earls of Macclesfield removed from Shirburn Castle. Part two: Science A-C; part four: Science D-H; part five: Science I-O; Part six: Science P-Z plus addenda.
With: The library of the Earls of Macclesfield ... Part one: Natural history.
London, Sothebys, 2004-2005. 5 volumes. 4to (27.5 21.5 cm). Original decorated blue cloth. Full description
€ 350
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From a series of "the finest engravings of flowers ever made" by the teacher of Redouté

SPAENDONCK, Gerard van. Neflier cultivé. Mespilus germanica. L. [From: Fleurs dessinées d'après nature,... Recueil utile aux amateurs, aux jeunes artistes, aux élèves des écoles centrales et aux dessinateurs des manufactures].
[Paris, 1799-1801]. Stipple engraving on unwatermarked wove paper (56.5 x 42 cm), printed in colour à la poupée and finished by hand, of a Mespilus germanica, showing a branch with five medlars in various sizes, signed "P.F. Le Grand sculp." In passepartout. Full description
€ 2,750
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A bestseller of illustrated 17th-century travel literature, probably printed by Izaak Elzevier

SPILBERGEN, Joris van and Jacob Le MAIRE. Miroir Oost & West-Indical, auquel sont descriptes les deux dernieres navigations, faictes es années 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. & 1618.
Amsterdam, Johannes Janssonius [printed by Izaak Elzevier?], 1621. Oblong 4to (17.5 x 23 cm). With 24 (of 25) engraved plates, including 5 double-page and 10 larger folding. Modern vellum. [4], 172 pp. Full description
€ 16,500
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Ornithological work with a fore-edge painting of a falconry hunting scene

STANLEY, Edward. A familiar history of birds.
London, Longmans, Green and Co. (at the end: printed by Spottiswoode and Co.), 1865. 8vo. With engraved frontispiece, title-vignette, 2 engraved plates and 102 illustrations in the text.Contemporary gold-tooled calf, probably a school prize binding, with "King Edward's School Bruton" and its "Sealle of the Skolle of Brew" in a frame, the seal showing a Brewers tonne (Brew-ton), richly gold-tooled spine with a red morocco label, edges gilt over a fore-edge painting showing a falconry hunting scene. xiii, [1 blank], 446 pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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First part of the autobiography of traveller and writer Freya Stark

STARK, Freya. Traveller's prelude. An autobiography.
London, John Murray, 1951. 8vo. With a double page map on blue/green paper, 22 double-sided plates, a green ornament on the title-page, a small woodcut of Asolo on p.336 and some small decorations in the text. Green cloth with gold lettering on front cover and spine. With a dust jacket designed by F. Quilter. XII, [2], 346 pp. Full description
€ 250
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The final part of Freya Stark's autobiography: her work and travels between 1939 and 1946

STARK, Freya. Dust in the lion's paw. Autobiography 1939-1946.
London, John Murray, 1961. 8vo. With a map of the Middle East, titled "Dust in the lion's paw" on p. 6, 8 double-sided plates, and an illustration of a lion (in red) on the title-page. Green cloth with gold lettering on front cover and spine. With dust jacket, designed by Frank Quilter, and protected by a clear plastic jacket. XII, 296, [2] pp. Full description
€ 300
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A laudatory poem for the stadholder Willem IV, celebrating the re-establishment of a stadholder for the Dutch Republic

STRAAT, Pieter. D'Oranjeboom verheerlykt [above:] Geslachtboom van de huizen van Oranje en van Nassau, ...
(Colophon: Amsterdam, Hendrik de Leth), [1747]. 4to. With an engraved armorial title-page by Hendrik de Leth, with the subtitle in a banderol at the head, a crowned tree representing the family tree of the houses of Orange and Nassau (with 27 family coats of arms), a wreath with an orange tree, the 7 arms of the Dutch provinces and military attributes, the whole beautifully hand-coloured as published. Contemporary gold-tooled calf, by the Van Damme bindery in Amsterdam, a rosette and fillets in each of the spine compartments, gold-tooled board edges, gilt edges, marbled endpapers. Engraved title-page plus [17], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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An early mention of Australia and a window into early 17th-century Spanish daily life

SUAREZ DE FIGUEROA, Christobal (Thomaso GARZONI). Plaza universal de todas ciencias, y artes, parte traduzida de Toscano, y parte compuesta por el doctor Christoval Suearez de Figueroa.
Perpignan, Luis Roure, 1630 (colophon: 1629). 4to. With title printed in woodcut border with large woodcut coat of arms; interesting woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary mottled calf. [8], 379, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Signed authors presentation copy of a detailed eye-witness account of Senegal ca. 1880,
not for sale: with 2 chromolithographed maps, 3 original albumen prints and 4 wood-engraved views
in a fine presentation binding by Lucien Magnin in Lyon

SZYMANSKI, Félix. Essai sur la guerre dans le Soudan.
Lyon, Imprimerie Mougin-Rusand, 1888. Large 8vo (24.5 x 16 cm). With 2 large folding chromolithographed maps (50 x 60 cm; map images 44 x 58 cm; scale 1: 1,000,000), 4 wood-engraved illustrations in the text and 3 original photographic albumen prints (10.5 x 13 cm) mounted on paperboard plates. Contemporary gold-tooled, black goatskin morocco (signed at the foot of the front turn-in by Lucien Magnin in Lyon), richly gold-tooled spine, richly gold-tooled turn-ins, double fillets on board edges, gilt edges. [4], 184 pp. Full description
€ 6,500
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The oldest book of prophecies in French, finely bound ca. 1745,
from the collections of William Beckford, Hyppolyte Destailleur and Stanislas de Guaita

[TELESFORO DA COSENZA]. Livre merveilleux, contenant en bref la fleur et substance de plusieurs traittez, tant des propheties & revelations, qu'anciennes croniques, faisant mention de tous les faictz de l'Eglise Universelle, co[m]me des scismes, discords & tribulations advenir en l'Eglise de Rome, & d'un temps auquel on ostera & tollira aux ge[n]s d'eglise & clergé, ...
Paris, Thibault Bessault, 1565. 8vo. With Bessault's woodcut device on the title-page. 18th-century French grained red morocco (ca. 1745?), gold-tooled spine with pointillé ornaments, each board framed with thin-thick-thin fillets with a rosette(?) stamped over their intersections at the corners, gold-tooled turn-ins, gold fillets on the board edges, gilt edges. [54] ll. Full description
€ 12,500
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Rare textbook for government officials, containing two historically important Persian texts

[TEXTBOOK - PERSIAN]. Ganjína-i-muhárawát. The Wazír-i-Lankurán and a selection from the diary of Násiru-d-dín Sháh containig [!] an account of the journey of the Sháh of Persia from Tehrán to Russia. Being a text book for the lower standard examination in Persian.
Calcutta, "published by authority", 1909. 8vo. With a floral ornament on page 3. The text is set in Persian script. Original quarter purple cloth and blue printed paper over boards, with the title in Persian on the front board and in English on the back board. [1], [1 blank], 80, [1 blank], [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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A fine series of 60 chromo-lithographed portraits of English and French race horses,
in a contemporary signed binding

[TEYSSIER des FARGES, George Aimé]. TOUCHSTONE, S.F. (pseudonym). Les chevaux de course[:] pedigree - description - historique. 60 portraits en couleur par V.-J. Cotlison, L. Pénicault et Le Nail. Texte orné de 182 vignettes ... = Historique des étalons pur-sang Anglais et Français et des juments Françaises les plus célèbres ayant paru sur le turf de 1764 à 1887.
Paris, J. Rothschild, 1889. Oblong folio (24.5 x 37 cm). With 2 title-pages in red and black, each with a different vignette; 60 chromolithographed plates, highlighted with gum arabic and lithographed by Thurwanger, each facing an inserted letterpress leaf with a pedigree of the horse portrayed. Further with 182 lithographed vignettes in the text. Contemporary gold- and blind-blocked brown morocco, with the original publisher's front wrapper (lithographed and hand-coloured) mounted on the front board in a wide decorated gold frame, gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges, white glazed endpapers with a watered-silk pattern, signed on the front board, "A SOUZE A. LENEGRE REL.", meaning Auguste Souze and Antoine Lenègre the younger in Paris. XXV, [1 blank], 165, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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First issue of one of the first and most important books printed by Aldus Manutius,
with first editions of Greek texts by Theocritus, Hesiod and others

THEOCRITUS, HESIOD, and others. [Indication of contents in Greek followed by Latin:] Haec insunt in hoc libro. Theocriti Eclogae triginta. Genus Theocriti & De inventione bucolicorum. Catonis Romani sententiae paraeneticae Distichi. Sententiae septem sapientum. De invidia. Theognidis megarensis siculi sententiae Elegiacae. Sententiae monostichi per capita ex variis poetis. Aurea carmina Pythagorae. Phocylidae Poema admonitorium. Carmina Sibyllae erythraeae De Christo Jesu domino n[ost]ro. Differentia vocis. Hesiodi Theogonia. Eiusdem Scutum Herculis. Eiusdem Georgicon libri duo.
Venice, Aldus Manutius, February "1495" [=1496]. Folio. With 8 fine woodcut headpieces (2 by the famous Poliphilus master) plus 29 repeats, and 23 woodcut outline interlaced initials (3 series: 3-line, 5-line and 7-line) plus 16 repeats. Modern red morocco, gold- and blind-blocked. [140] ll. Full description
€ 39,500
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On General Sir Edmund Allenby's time in Arabia

THOMAS, Lowell and Kenneth Brown COLLINGS. With Allenby in the Holy Land.
London, Toronto, Melbourne and Sydney, Cassell and Company Ltd., [1938]. 8vo. With a half-tone photographed portrait of Allenby (signed F.A. Swaine) as a frontispiece. Original publisher's black cloth, with the title in red on the spine and the head edge red. [6], 202 pp. Full description
€ 400
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Definitive edition of the first substantial Dutch manual on the notary's practice

THUYS, Jacques. Ars notariatus. Dat is: Conste en[de] stijl van notarischap: begrepen in Theorijcke ende Practijcke... Desen derden druck, grootelijcken vermeerdert ende verbetert ...
Antwerp, Arnout s'Conincx, 1590. Small 8vo (15.5 x 10 cm). With woodcut publisher's device (with letterpress motto "Virtute et constantia") on title-page, a woodcut tail-piece and woodcut decorated initials (3 series). Set in textura types with incidental roman, with sample documents set in civilité with incidental italic. 17th-century parchment. [16], 231, [1] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Extremely rare unauthorized edition of a manual on field fortification for young officers

TIELKE, Johann Gottlieb. Unterricht für die Offiziers die sich zu Feldingenieurs bilden, oder doch den Feldzügen mit Nutzen beywohnen wollen, durch Beyspiele aus dem letzten Kriege erläutert, und mit nöthigen Plans versehen...
Vienna, Johann Thomas Edlen von Trattner, 1785. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, 32 folding engraved plates and some letterpress tables in text. 19th-century green half morocco, marbled paper sides. [48], 479, [9] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Medical work based on Pliny the Elder, Galen and Dioscorides, together with three other texts, from the library of the Russian tsars

[TORINUS (THORER), Albanus (ed).]. De re medica huic volumini insunt...
[Colophon: Basel, Andreas Cratander, 1528]. Folio. With woodcut printer's device on title-page, repeated on final page, 2 pages with 4-piece decorative woodcut borders and numerous woodcut decorated initials. 18th-century half calf, with marbled paper in a tree pattern on sides, gold-tooled spine with the coat of arms of the Russian Tsars. [12], 125, [1] ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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The first dictionary of classical mythology

TORRENTINUS, Hermannus. Elucidarius carminu[m] et historiaru[m] vel vocabularius poeticus co[n]tine[n]s fabulas: historias: provincias: urbes: insulas: fluvios: et montes illustres.
(Colophon:) Hagenau, Heinrich Gran for Johann Rynmann, 1510. 4to. 19th-century blind-tooled red morocco, with a gold-tooled centre-piece on both sides, title, date and location of printing lettered in gold on the spine, gold- and blind-tooled broad turn-ins, gilt edges, blue endpapers. [1 blank], [60], [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 2,250
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Rare 1527 edition of classical dictionary, owned by the neo-Latin poet Renier Tengnagel (d. 1565)

TORRENTINUS, Hermannus (Herman van der BEKE). Elucidarius poeticus co[n]tinens historias poeticas, fabulas, insulas regiones, urbes, fluvios, mo[n]tesq[ue] insigniores, atq[ue] huiusmodi alia, ...
Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoogstraten, 1527. With the title in an elaborate woodcut border.
With: (2) [FIOCCHI, Andrea Dominico (Andras Dominicus FLOCCUS)] under the name of Lucius FENESTELLA. De magistratibus, sacerdotiisq[ue] Romanorum libellus, iamprimum nitori restitutus.
[Cologne, Hero Fuchs, 1527]. With the title in a finely cut 4-piece woodcut border. 2 editions in 1 volume. 8vo. 16th-century(?) limp vellum (formerly used for a slightly thinner book). The binding is an interesting example of a spine reinforced with a horizontal metal rod at the central sewing support to give more support and prevent the bookblock from becoming concaved or developing sharp kinks; probably bound in Flanders. [88]; [88] ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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1532 Krakow humanist medallion binding

TOSTATUS (TOSTADO DE MADRIGAL), Alfonso. Super Leviticum in sensu litterali nova et hactenus abscondita a se edita commentaria.
(Colophon: Venice, Petrus Liechtenstein, 1529). With title-page printed in red and black with a large woodcut containing the coats of arms of the Emperor Charles V (Charles I of Spain) and two bishops (the author and perhaps a relative), leaf 2 with a woodcut of the author writing at his desk, with his arms, and a woodcut initial with the other bishop's arms inside the letter, the arms in the initial and some lines of text printed in red. Printed in two columns.
With: (2) TOSTATUS, Alfonso. Opus super Deuteronomium.
(Colophon: Venice, Petrus Liechtenstein, 1528). With title-page printed in red and black, leaf 1 with a woodcut of the author writing at his desk, with his arms (not the same woodcut as in ad 1), and a woodcut initial with the other bishop's arms as in ad 1. Printed in two columns. 2 works in 1 volume. Folio. Contemporary blind- and gold-tooled tanned sheepskin over wooden boards; each board in a panel design with 2 (on the back board 3) different vine rolls, rules, and on the front board a central medaillon depicting Bathsheba kneeling before King David playing his harp, and a half dozen separate stamps, with author and title at the head, "Thostati Super Leviti et Deuteronomy" and the binding date MDXXXII (1532); blind-tooled spine, remnants of brass anchor plates on the back board (for straps?), catch plates on the front board lacking. 249, [1 blank]; [1], 120 ll. Full description
€ 35,000
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Biography of Gaspar Berse, "the Dutch Xavier"

TRIGAULT, Nicolas. La vie du P. Gaspar Barzee Zelandois, de la Compagnie de Jesus. ... En la conqueste d'un Nouveau Monde à la foy Chrestienne, soubs les estandarts du bon Jesus, en l'Inde Orientale.
Douai, Noel Wardavoir, 1615. Small 8vo (14.5 x 9 cm). Contemporary limp vellum. [24], 444, [4] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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First biography of Charles V, with descriptions of the Spanish in Mexico and Peru

ULLOA, Alfonso de. Historie, ende het leven van den aldermachtichsten ende victorieusten keyser Caerle de Vijfde van dien name. Inden welcken niet alleen beschreven en zijn de hooge ende seer vrome daden vanden selven Prince, maer oock de merckelijckste saken die over alle de werelt/ insonderheyt inde Oost ende West-Indyen geschiet zijn. Eerstmael in Italiaensche tale beschreven.
Amsterdam, Jacob Pietersz. Paets [printed by Isaac Jansz. Canin in Dordrecht?], 1610. Folio. With the engraved architectural frame on the title-page signed with a BD monogram (Baptista van Doetecum?) and 16 full-page and 2 smaller engraved portraits of contemporary lords and rulers by Nicolaes de Clerck (1569/70-1623). Contemporary vellum. [2], 221, [9] ll. Full description
€ 3,500
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Commentaries and scholia on Demostheness orations, & Harpocrations dictionary:
second edition, in the original Greek, by Aldus's successors, based on his own first edition

ULPIANUS of Emesa and Valerius HARPOCRATION. Commentarioli in olynthiacas, philippicasque Demosthenis orationes. Enarrationes saneque necessariae in tredecim orationes Demosthenis. ...Dictionarium decem Rhetorum. [preceded by the titles in Greek].
(Colophon: Venice, heirs of Aldus Manutius, and his father-in-law Andrea Torresano dAsola [& sons], June) 1527. Folio (31 x 21 cm). With Aldus's famous woodcut dolphin device on the title-page and an older but very similar version on the verso of the otherwise blank last leaf. Set in Greek type (the Upianus in 1 column; the Harpokation in 2 columns) with incidental roman. Recased in 18th-century vellum over flexible boards. 119, [1] ll. Full description
€ 12,000
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History of Ottoman diplomacy in the 18th century, printed at Bulaq

VASIF EFENDI, Ahmed. Mahasin ül-âsâr ve hakayik ül-ahbar.
Bulaq, Bulak matbaasi, 1246 AH [= 1830 CE]. 2 volumes bound as 1. 4to. Contemporary calf with later paper label; later marbled paper on the spine. In Turkish, with the main text set in a naskh Arabic type, with a woodcut decoration and decorations built up from typographic ornaments at the opening of the main text (incorporating a woodcut heading in Arabic script). 14, 210, [1 blank], 7, 190 pp. Full description
€ 5,800
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Rare early Paris edition of an influential humanistic educational treatise by a great neo-Latin poet

VEGIO, Maffeo. De liberorum educatione aurei libri sex noviter recogniti Francisci Philelphi. poete. Oratoris. philosophique prestantissimi. Succincto cum iudice [recté indice]: et brevibus marginariis annotationibus obscurarum sensa dictionum aperientibus. Nicolai Bonespei trecensis campani cura superadditis.
(Colophon: Paris, "apud Gourmontios" [= the brothers Robert, Gilles and Jean de Gourmont], 1508). Small 4to (19 x 13 cm). With numerous printed so-called Lombardic initials, but also with 2 spaces (with guide letters) left for manuscript initials (not filled in). Set in a roman type with the beginning of the title and one heading in a large rotunda gothic type with decorated capitals. Blind-tooled calf (19th century? in a "Medieval" style). CXXVIII, [6] ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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Deluxe issue (copy no. 1 of 25) of a bibliophile edition of Verhaeren's poems
in a spectacular and colourful binding with an original watercolour drawing and collotype plates

VERHAEREN, Émile. Les plaines.
Paris, Henri Piazza (colophon: printed by G. Kadar, Paris, 15 February 1934). 4to (23 x 16 cm). With an original watercolour drawing (10 x 10 cm), 35 colour collotype facsimiles of watercolour drawings (1 as frontispiece, the others in the text), some finished by hand, and 70 plates repeating the 35 illustrations: once in black and white and once in colour, all by Henri Cassiers. Contemporary (1934) gold-blocked brown morocco by George Canape and Georges Corriez in Paris, each board with an unidentified (prince's or duke's?) coat of arms in the centre in a frame of rose branches (the roses in red), spine with author and title in gold and rose branches in red and gold, gold fillets on board edges, turn-ins in gold with red roses, decorated cloth doublures and free endleaves (yellow background with multi-coloured flowers all woven), gilt edges. 174, [2] pp. plus 70 plates and 1 watercolour drawing. Full description
€ 4,950
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Pioneering work on Indian languages and society by an "unjustly forgotten" Indologist

VESDIN (VEZDIN), Filip (PAULINUS A SANCTO BARTHOLOMAEO). Viaggio alle Indie Orientali umiliato alla Santita di N. S. Papa Pio Sesto pontefice massimo ...
Rome, Antonio Fulgoni, 1796. 4to. With 12 engraved illustration plates (6 with 2 illustrations each to make 18 in total), engraved roundel portraits of Pope Pius VI (on the title-page) and the author (above the opening of the main text) and some small woodcut illustrations of "Indian hieroglyphs". Set in roman and italic types with occasional words in Greek, Arabic, East Syriac, Devanagari and more extensive texts in Malayalam, plus a Malabar song with a double staff made with built-up round-head music notes. 19th-century maroon half sheepskin. XX, 404 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Rare and beautiful Rotterdam chamber of the VOC binding

[VOC ROTTERDAM BINDING - NOTEBOOK]. [Blank 18th-century VOC notebook].
[Amsterdam?, second half of the 18th century (before 1785)]. Small 8vo (13.5 x 8 cm). Blind-tooled black imitation shark skin with a silver centrerpiece of an East Indiaman on both sides, silver anchor plates (2 on each board) with the monogram of the Rotterdam chamber of the VOC, each with a silver eye extending over the fore-edge, with a silver stylus (with a black string tassel) used to fasten the book through the eyes. Further with a pocket mounted on the back pastedown lined with Dutch gilt paper (also known as brocade paper) and blueish-green silk, marbled endpapers, gilt edges [17] ll. Full description
€ 4,950
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An overview and translation of Aramaic inscriptions found in Syria,
with commentary: from Palmyra and the Hauran region

VOGÜÉ, Melchior de. Syrie centrale. Inscriptions sémitiques publiées avec traduction et commentaire.
Paris, J. Baudry, 1868. Folio With 16 plates reproducing inscriptions, plates 1-4, 6, 7, 12, 14 and 15 are engravings and plates 5, 8-11, 13 and 16 are lithographs. All are after drawings by Melchior de Vogüé and all except no. 12 were engraved or lithographed by E. Roussaux and printed by J. Grandjean in Paris. Plate no. 12 was engraved by L. Dardel and printed by Lamoureux in Paris. With additional illustrations in the text and parts of the text in Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek type. Modern half calf, marbled boards, silver lettering on spine. [4], II, [2], 132 pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Complete set of Wagenaar's highly influential 21-volume history of the Low Countries bound in Utrecht in contemporary vellum with the arms of the city of Amersfoort

WAGENAAR, Jan. Vaderlandsche historie, vervattende de geschiedenissen der nu Vereenigde Nederlanden, inzonderheid die van Holland, van de vroegste tyden af. Uit de geloofwaardigste schryvers en egte gedenkstukken samengesteld. Met konstplaaten en kaarten opgehelderd.
Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion, 1752-1759. 21 volumes. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece, 6 large folding maps, 41 folding engraved plates, mainly designed and engraved by S. Fokke and 82 engraved portraits, mainly drawn by A. Schouman after original paintings by other artists and engraved by J. Houbraken. Contemporary, uniform gold-tooled vellum by the so-called Parrot Bindery in Utrecht (except that vols. 19-21 differ slightly). Possibly a prize binding for the Latin school in Amersfoort. A complete list of contents is available upon request. Full description
€ 4,000
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Skillful calligraphic copy-book by a student of the Haarlem schoolmaster Hermanus van der Laan

WALBEEK, Willem. Livre d'ecrire ... a l'ecole de Monsieur Hermanus vander Laan ...
Haarlem, 30 October 1749-13 January 1750. Folio (31 x 20 cm). Manuscript calligraphic copy-book with Dutch texts (except for the French title-page and colophon), written in black ink on laid paper, with a calligraphic title-page followed by 43 pages of calligraphic examples on 23 leaves. An additional loosely inserted leaf has one additional full-page example, also by Walbeek. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers (block-printed flower pattern with a dotted background). [1], [1 blank], [45], [1 blank] pp. plus 1 loosely inserted leaf. Full description
€ 2,500
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Manuscript weaving instructions, illustrated with about 2000 cloth samples and colour-coded patterns

[WEAVING]. Schnürungsbuch.
"Vaals-Aachen" [on the Dutch-German border], Höhere technische Schule für Tuchfabrikation, [ca. 1900]. Oblong folio (24 x 32 cm). Manuscript in German, written in black ink in a neat and legible Latin hand on paperboard leaves, comprising short instructional texts and about 2000 colour-coded weaving patterns and small samples of woven cloth mounted on both sides of the leaves. Contemporary beige half cloth. [2 blank], [117], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Very good artist's copy of the most extensive handbook on Dutch art of the 18th century

WEYERMAN, Jacob Campo. De levens-beschryvingen der Nederlandsche konst-schilders en konst-schilderessen, met een uytbreyding over de schilder-konst der ouden.
The Hague, widow of E. Boucquet, H. Scheurleer, F. Boucquet, J. de Jongh, 1729 (vols. 1-3); Dordrecht, Ab Blussé & son, 1769 (vol. 4). 4 volumes. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, title-pages in red and black and with engraved vignettes, a folding portrait of Willem Karel Hendrik Friso (1711-1751), Prince of Orange and from 1747 hereditary Stadtholder Willem IV, a portrait of the author, 40 engraved plates by Houbraken with multiple portraits of artists on each plate, 1 plate with a night scene, 1 mezzotint and 118 engraved vignettes. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with manuscript titles on spines. Sprinkled edges. [16], 412, [6]; [4], 412, [6], [4], 446, [4]. Full description
€ 4,000
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Second edition of the first etymological Sanskrit-English dictionary

WILSON, Horace Hayman. A dictionary in Sanscrit and English; translated, amended, and enlarged, from an original compilation, prepared by learned natives for the college of Fort William.
Calcutta, printed at the Education Press, 1832. Large 4to. Contemporary half green morocco with marbled sides, gilt edges. X, 982 pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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On icebergs seen by Captain Parry and eruptions of the Vesuvius, with 12 double-page aquatints

[WITSEN GEYSBEEK, Peter Gerardus]. Reizen naar vreemde landen, in het hoekje van den haard.
Amsterdam, Diederichs brothers, [1829]. 16mo in 8s. With 12 double-page aquatint views by W.H. Hoogkamer, 6 in grey tint and 6 in sepia. Original publisher's printed yellow paper covered boards. 115, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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First edition of a great Arabic grammar, with both the original and the revised preface

WRIGHT, William. A grammar of the Arabic language, translated from the German of Caspari, and edited, with numerous additions and corrections, ... vol. I[-II].
London, Edinburgh, Williams and Norgate (back of title-page: printed by Friedrich Nies (Karl Berend Lorck), Leipzig), 1859. 8vo. Set in roman, italic and Arabic type. Contemporary half mottled, tanned sheepskin. XVI, 257, [1 blank]; VI, [1], [1 blank], XVI, 327, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Ypey on conic sections, with 50 mathematical figures

YPEY, Nicolaas. Grondbeginzelen der kegelsneeden, bevattende de eerste en voornaamste eigenschappen van de parabola, ellips en hyperbola. Ten dienste der leerlingen opgesteld.
Amsterdam, Yntema and Tieboel, 1769. 8vo. With 7 engraved folding plates, head- and tailpieces built up from cast typographic ornaments. Contemporary half calf, sprinkled-paper sides. XXVIII, 68 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Jesuit warning of the consequences of licentiousness, in magnificently gold-tooled morocco (ca. 1643)

ZEHENTNER, Paul. Promontorium malae spei: impiis periculose navigantibus propositium. Sive, signum & nota reprobationis: procrastinatio poenitentiae, scripta cautelae hominum, emendatione[m] vita[e] cunctantium, spe aliquando resipiscendi.
Graz, [heirs of Georg] Widmanstetter for Sebastian Haupt, 1643. Large 4to (25.5 x 19 cm). With an engraved allegorical frontispiece and a richly designed armorial and emblematic dedication plate, both by David Tscherning. Contemporary, richly gold-tooled black morocco, each board in a panel design of rolls and stamps with a large built-up centrepiece in a double frame of multiple decorative rolls (the diagonals connecting the inner and outer frames possibly intended to give the effect of a three-dimensional niche), and the spine treated as a single field with built-up decorations in a frame of multiple rolls, gold fillets on turn-ins, the whole with hundreds of impressions of dozens of stamps and rolls, gilt edges, traces of 2 pair of ties. [36], 752, [10] pp. including engraved frontispiece but not dedication plate. Full description
€ 7,950
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Early edition of the 1588 Korean translation of a classic Confucian schoolbook

ZHU XI (CHU HSI). [In Korean:] Sohak eonhae [In Chinese:] Xiaoxue jizhu [= Elementary learning].
[Korea], [1744?]. Folio (32.5 x 21.5 cm). With the pages printed in pairs (each page 17 x 10 characters) from 2-page woodblocks, each in a frame of thick rules, with thin rules between the columns, the title and leaf number between the pages on the fore-edge fold, with 2 decorations (4 leaves in white on black above the title and below the leaf number). Printed on Asian (probably paper mulberry bark) paper, with clear chainlines (about 20 mm apart) and laidlines (about 2.1 mm apart), with the text in a mixture of hanja (Chinese characters) and hangul (the Korean alphabet). Contemporary Korean spineless wrappers with an embossed diaper pattern (made from interwoven diagonal triple lines) on the inside (mostly covered by the paste-down), side-stitched and oversewn through 5 holes, with manuscript title on the front wrapper and the spine edge. 66 double ll. Full description
€ 25,000
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