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Book History, Education, Learning & Printing / Education & Pedagogy

Price-book from the Latin School at Deventer: the most important works of Cicero in the edition of Graevius

CICERO, Marcus Tullius. De officiis libri tres. Cato major sive de senectute. Laelius sive de Amiciria. Paradoxa. Somnium Scipionis. Ex recensione Joannis Georgii Graevii cum eiusdem animadversionibus.
Amsterdam, Hendrik Wetstein, 1691. 3 parts (books) in 1 volume. 12mo. With an engraved frontispiece, a woodcut vignette on the title-page which is printed in red and black, woodcut initials. Contemporary vellum. [20], 470, [18] pp. Full description
€ 650
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First French edition of a Dutch work on the rise and fall of the ancient Greeks

DEMETRIUS, Andreas and Johannes POLYANDER (translator). Les actes memorables des Grecs. Contenant leurs haults & vaillans exploits...
Dordrecht, [published by Isaac Jansz. Canin and printed by Guillaume Guillemot] for Andreas Demetrius, 1602. 8vo. With a large woodcut printer's device on the title-page and with folding engraved map of ancient Greece, signed Ioan: Doetechomius Jr, inserted before p. 1, woodcut decorated initials and woodcut manicules in the margins. Contemporary gold-tooled overlapping vellum, sewn on 4 vellum tapes laced through the joints, with the manuscript title on the spine and the gold-tooled armorial supralibros of the Signet Library as a centre-piece on both boards. [1], [1 blank], [14], 749, [1 blank] [25], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,600
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First edition of a treatise on colour by a friend of Titian

DOLCE, Lodovico. Dialogo ..., nel quale si ragiona delle qualità, diversità, e proprietà de i colori.
Venice, Giovanni Battista & Melchiorre Sessa and brothers (colophon: 1565). Small 8vo (15 x 10.5 cm). With woodcut scrollwork Pegasus device on title-page, the word "Dilogo" in a woodcut scrollwork frame, 2 woodcut headpieces, 3 woodcut decorated initials (1 with a figure riding a griffon, 1 with a leopard(?)) and 3 fleurons. With the main text set in italic and preliminaries in roman. 18th-century half parchment (recased?). 87, [1] ll. Full description
€ 6,700
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Rare collection of seven morality plays

[DUTCH MORALITY PLAYS - REDERIJKERS]. Zeven spelen, van die wercken der bermherticheyd. In rym ghemaeckt en nu tot Aemstelredam opentlyck ghespeelt, Anno 1591
Amsterdam, H. J. Muller, 1591. 8vo. Woodcut title vignette and 6 woodcut illustrations at the beginning of the plays, Contemporary vellum with manuscript title on spine. [302] pp. Full description
€ 12,500
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Important for the history of the German Jews in the age of Emancipation

EUCHEL, Isaac Abraham. Gebete der hochdeutschen und polnischen Juden. Aus dem Hebräischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen.
Vienna, Anton Schmid, 1815. 8vo. The book is mainly printed in Gothic type with some Hebrew types to the titles and in the notes. Contemporary marbled paper over boards, with a brown label on the spine. 458 pp. Full description
€ 750
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Important and luxurious edition of Faerno’s 100 fables, with frontispiece and 99 illustrations

FAERNO, Gabriello. Cent fables en Latin et en François, choisies des anciens auteurs, mises en vers Latins ..., et traduites par Mr. Perrault, ...
London, C. Marsh & T. Payne, H. Slater, S. Baker, F. Noble, W. Bathoe, J. Palairet, 1744. 4to. With richly designed, engraved frontispiece, and 99 (of 100) fine engraved illustrations to the fables on integral leaves. Early 19th-century half calf, for the Signet Library in Edinburgh, each board with the gold-tooled British Royal arms. [1], [1 blank], II, [1], [1 blank], [18], 238, [2], 45, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 2,950
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A fine collection of architectural ornaments and devices by the Paris architect

FOSSE, Jean Charles de la (DELAFOSSE). Nouvelle iconologie historique, ou Attributs hieroglyphiques, compées & arrangées de maniere qu' ils peuvent servir à toutes sortes de décoration, ...puisqu'on est le maitre de les appliquer egalement à des fontaines, pyramides, cheminées, dessus de portes, bordures, medaillons, trophées, vases, frises, tombeaux, pendules, etc. = Nieuwe historische beeldspraak, of hieroglyphische merkbeelden, betreklyk op verscheide natien, hunne geschiedenissen en godsdiensten, gelyk ook op verschillende zaaken, tot de wysbegeerte, fabel- en dichtkunde behoorende: alles in die orde geschikt, dat men dezelve kan gebruiken tot bouwkunstige vercierzelen, fontynen, pronknaalden en schoorsteenen, ornamenten, medaillons, tropheën, vazen, tombes, pendules, enz.
Amsterdam, C.S. Roos; A. Fokke, [ca. 1780]. 2 volumes bound as 1. Folio. With 2 finely engraved allegorical part-titles and 103 engraved plates with allegorical ornaments, devices and attributes by J. de Witt Jansz.. 20th-century half parchment, marbled sides (Turkish spot pattern). [4], 39, [1] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 2,500
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Games and activities for young boys and girls

[GAMES & PASTIMES]. De onvermoeide speelmakker, of volledige verzameling van nuttige en aangename spelen, uitspanningen, ligchaamsoefeningen en andere bezigheden, zoowel in huis, als in de open lucht voor jongens en meisjes. Versierd en opgehelderd door eene menigte fraaije houtsneêfiguren.
Gouda, G.B. van Goor, [1853]. 8vo. With numerous wood engraved illustrations in text. Contemporary gold-tooled blue-green morocco. X, 282 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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From the library of Buijnsters-Smets, with an original watercolour by Jacob Buijs

GELLERT, Christian Fürchtegott. Fabelen en vertelsels, in Nederduitsche vaerzen gevolgd.
Amsterdam, Pieter Meijer, 1781-1784. With large allegorical engraving on title and 148 (of 149) full-page engraved plates by N. van der Meer after J. Buys and one ORIGINAL WATERCOLOUR by J. Buijs illustrating the poem "Het Proces".(2) IDEM. Bijdrage tot de gemeenzame brieven van C.F. Gellert uitgegeven door J.P. Bamberger. Utrecht, A. van Paddenburg & J.M. van Vloten, 1781. 2 works (the 1st in 3 volumes, the 2nd bound with volume 3). 8vo.
Contemporary "run marbled" calf (more root-like than tree-like), gold-tooled spine, gold fillets on boards, black morocco spine labels. [4], 166, [2]; [2], 168, [4]; [4], 155, [5]; [2], VI, 103, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,350
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Very popular manual for colouring books, prints and maps

BRUGGE, Geerard ter, and Willem GOEREE. Verligterie-kunde, of, regt gebruik der water-verwen. In welke desselfs kennis, en gebruik tot de schilderkunde, en de illuminatie of verligterie noodig zijnde, kortelijk geleerd word. Eertijds uytgegeven door den voortreflijken verligter Mr. Geerard ter Brugge. Ende nu tot nut der liefhebbers, doorgaans met noodige aanmerkingen vermeerderd, om neffens het illumineeren of afzetten, insonderheid het schilderen met water-verwen te oeffenen, ... Den derden druk.
Amsterdam, Daniel van den Dalen, 1697. 8vo. With an engraved title. Modern half sheepskin parchment, marbled paper sides. 92 pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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