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"By far the best work" on the Guyana's and Surinam

HARTSINCK, Jan Jacob. Beschryving van Guiana, of de wilde kust, in Zuid-America ...
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, 1770. 2 volumes. 4to. With 6 engraved folding maps and plans, 6 engraved full page plates, and 2 engraved folding views, 1 engraving in text. Contemporary three quarter calf, black speckled light brown paper sides, richly gold-tooled spines with a red morocco title label and an oval green morocco volume label, both lettered in gold. 1 blank, [2], XII, [4], 520; [2], 521-962, [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Luxurious collection of 390 coats-of-arms of important Flemish, Dutch and French noble families,
mostly hand-drawn and hand-coloured and some painted with gold and executed on vellum

[HERALDRY - FLANDERS - NETHERLANDS - FRANCE]. [Album containing coats-of-arms of Flemish, Dutch and French noble families].
[France, Flanders and the Netherlands, 17th and 18th century]. Folio. With 390 coats-of-arms (plus another 49 blank shields) of which 13 on vellum, all but 25 contemporary hand-coloured of which 17 painted with gold and 1 with silver and all but 3 drawn by hand. Mostly all coat of arms are captioned in brown ink in contemporary 17th- or 18th-century cursive hands, in which also the sometimes added manuscript text (on the same or another leaf) is written. Coats of arms on paper and vellum in various sizes, mounted on later folio-sized paper leaves. 18th-century half red roan (sheepskin), brown sprinkled paper sides over boards, manuscript title label on the front board. All loose leaves and quires mounted/stored on [29] ll, the quires loosely stored in a paper slip mounted on a leaf. Full description
€ 13,500
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The beginning of the renewed contacts between France and Persia

JAUBERT, Pierre Amédée Emilien Probe. Voyage en Arménie et en Perse, fait dans les années 1805 et 1806 ... accompagné d'une carte des pays compris entre Constantinople at Téhéran ... suivi d'une notice sur le Ghilan et le Mazenderan ...
Paris, Pélicier et Nepveu, 1821. 8vo. With 10 lithographed plates showing portraits, costumes, and views, most of them designed by Orlowski and lithographed by Aubry, 1 large engraved folding map showing the region between Constantinople and Teheran engraved by Flahaut. Contemporary gold-tooled marbled calf. [2], XII, 506, [2] pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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First edition of an incredibly rare 18th-century mathematical work

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Eerste pylaar der algemene mathesis of wis-kunde, of de arithmetica ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, 1758. 2 parts in 1 volume. 8vo. With an engraved folding plate after the last page, a small woodcut vignette on the title-page, a woodcut headpiece at the start of the work, two decorated woodcut initials, and numerous mathematical figures in the text. The title-page is printed in red and black, the work includes a divisional title-page for part 2. Contemporary(?) gold-tooled half brown calf, with remnants of a dark brown morocco title-label on the spine, brown sprinkled paper sides. [16], 498; [2], 503-976 [= 473] pp. Full description
€ 1,950
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Rare complete set of first editions of four major Dutch works on the planting and cultivation of (fruit-) trees

KNOOP, Johann Hermann. Pomologia ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, 1758.
(2) [IDEM]. Fructologia ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda and Gerrit Tresling, 1763.
(3) [IDEM]. Dendrologia ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda and Gerrit Tresling, 1763.
(4) [IDEM]. Beschryving van de moes- en keuken-tuin ...
Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda and Gerrit Tresling, 1769.
4 works in 2 volumes. (1-3 together, 4 separate). Folio. With all 4 title-pages with an ornamental woodcut frame printed in red. Ad 1 with an engraved coat-of-arms at the start of the dedication and 20 hand-coloured full-page engraved plates depicting apples (numbered 1-12) and pears (numbered 1-8), woodcut decorated initials and ornamental woodcut tail pieces. Ad 2 with 19 hand-coloured full-page engraved plates with illustrations of peaches, plums, cherries, berries, etc., 1 woodcut decorated initial, and ornamental woodcut tail pieces. Ads 3 and 4 with woodcut decorated initials and ornamental woodcut tail pieces. Contemporary half calf, gold-tooled spine with (remnants) of title labels lettered in gold, brown sprinkled paper sides. [1], [1 blank], [2], 86, [1], [1 blank]; [1], [1 blank], [2], 132; [1], [1 blank], [2], 168, [4]; [1], [1 blank], 235, [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 15,000
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Brightly handcoloured contemporary manuscript plan showing a military camp
near Korbeek/Corbais, Belgium, during the Nine Years' War

[MAP - MILITARY - LOW COUNTRIES - KORBEEK]. Plan du campement de l'armée des alliees campée a Corbay depuis le 19 Juin au 7 Juliet l'an 1696.
[Belgium?, ca. 1696]. Manuscript plan on paper (38 x 48 cm) in ink and bright watercolour. With the title in a wreath at the head, a large panel at the foot with keys identifying the camps of the various troops, and two smaller panels at the head, with keys to the villages and other locations, and a general overview map. Full description
€ 2,000
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Richly illustrated collection of writings on aerial photography and photogrammetry, by a pioneer in the field.

LAUSSEDAT, Aimé. Recherches sur les instruments, le méthodes et le dessin topographiques, ... Tome I. Aperçu historique sur les instruments et les méthodes. La topographie dans tous les temps. Tome II. Première partie: Iconométrie et métrophotogravure. Tome II. Deuxième partie: Développement et progrès de la métrophotographie à l'étranger et en France.
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1898-1903. 3 parts in 2 volumes. Large 8vo. With more than 300 illustrations in the text, several photographic, and 47 mostly folding or double-page maps, plans, profiles and plates. Contemporary half sheepskin. XI, [1 blank], 449, [1]; [4], 198; [4], 287, [1] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Rare French edition of the biography of the national hero of Albania

LAVARDIN, Jacques de. Histoire de Georges Castriot, surnommé Scanderbeg, Roy d'Albanie.
Paris, G. Chaudiere, 1597. 8vo. With 2 full-page engraved portraits (of Scanderbeg and Mahomet II), numerous decorated woodcut initials and woodcut headpieces, a woodcut printer's device on the title-page. Early 19th-century gold- and blind-tooled brown calf. [20], 447, [13] ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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First-hand information on the journey of La Pérouse

LESSEPS, Jean-Baptiste-Barthelemy, Baron de. Voyage de Lapérouse, rédigé d'après ses manuscrits originaux, suivi d'un appendice renfermant tout ce que l'on a découvert depuis le naufrage jusqu'a nos jours, et enrichi de notes par M. de Lesseps, consul général de France à Lisbonne, et seul débris vivant de l'expédition dont il était interprète; accompagné d'une carte générale du voyage, orné du portrait et d'un fac-simile de Lapérouse.
Paris, Arthus Bertrand and Delaunay (colophon: printed by Casmir), 1831. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece with a portrait of Lapérouse, a facsimile of one of his letters, and a large engraved folding map. Modern half calf. [3], [1 blank], [2], XVIII, 436 pp. Full description
€ 9,500
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Rare only edition of a Portuguese naval warfare handbook

LOPES DA COSTA ALMEIDA, Antonio. Compendio theorico-pratico de artilharia naval. Extractado, e redigido das obras dos mais celebres, e modernos authores e accomodado para servir de compendio lectivo ...
Lisbon, Royal Academy of Sciences, 1829. 4to. With 10 numbered folding lithographed plates. Contemporary gold-stamped red morocco with gold-stamped spine label. [4], VII, [1], 434, [4] pp. Full description
€ 2,500
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