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Vignola's classic account of the five orders of architecture with "La ii parte"
and Crispijn de Passe's "Oficina arcularia", with a total of 131 plates

VIGNOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da. Regola delli cinque ordini d'architettura ... | Regel vande vijf ordens der architecture ... | Reigle des cinq ordres d'architecture ... | The rule of the V. orders of architecture ...
Utrecht, Crispijn van de Passe, 1629.
(2) VIGNOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da. La ii parte dell architetura dell Vignola e'altri famossi architetti | Het tweede deel van de architectura ...
[Amsterdam, Johannes Jansonius and Jan van Hilten?, ca. 1642].
(3) PASSE, Crispijn van de. Oficina arcularia in qua sunt ad spectantia diversa eximia exempla... | Bouticque menuserie ... | Schriner Laden ... | Schrinwerckers winckel.
Amsterdam, Crispijn van de Passe, 1642. 3 complementary works in 1 volume. Folio. Ad 1: with a full-page engraved author's portrait and 42 numbered engraved plates, versos with letterpress text in Italian, Dutch, French, and German and/or English. Plates III and XXXIIII are cancels. Ad 2: with an engraved title-page and 42 numbered engraved plates. Plates 1-13 with letterpress text printed on the verso describing the facing page. Ad 3: with an engraved title-page and 46 engraved plates. Contemporary vellum. Full description
€ 12,500
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Seven very rare post-incunabules printed in Antwerp
(1 unique and only 1 surviving in more than 4 complete copies)
in a finely executed Antwerp panel-stamped binding with a portrait of Charles V

VOLDER, Willem de (Guilielmus GNAPHEUS). Acolastus. De filio prodigo comoedia Acolasti titulo inscripta.
Antwerp, Martinus de Keyser for Willem Vorsterman, March 1535. With title in a 4-piece architectural woodcut border.
(2) PLAISIER, Jean le (Johannes PLACENTIUS). Susanna. Eusebii Candidi Elegia, in vanam brevemque humanae vitae gloriolam. Item Ode Sappica eiusdem Eusebii, in mortis recordationem. Item Plausus luctificae mortis ad modum dialogi, expemporaliter ab eodem Eusebio lusus.
(Colophon: Antwerp, Willem Vorsterman), 1536. With title in a woodcut border.
(3) CRÔCUS, Cornelius. Comoedia sacra, cui titulus Joseph, ad Christianae iuventutis institutionem iuxta locos inventionis, veteremque artem, nunc primum & scripta & edita.
Antwerp, Joannes Steelsius, 1537 (colophon: printed by Joannes Graphaeus). With a woodcut decoration on the title-page and Steelsius's woodcut device on the last page.
(4) PLAUTUS. Aulularia Plautina, comoediarum lepidissima. Quae etsi alias incomplete, à Codro Urceo, & Martino Dorpio tamen est perfecta. Cum familiari explanatione. Index dictionum hic insertarum, in calce est additus.
Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten, 1531. With title in a 4-piece woodcut border.
(5) LUCIANUS Samosatensis. Dialogi aliquot, per D. Erasmi versi, ac à Nicolao Buscoducensi, succinctis pariter & eruditis scholiis explanati, recens per eundem diligenter recogniti.
(Colophon: Antwerp, Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten, August 1533). With Hillen van Hoochstraten's device on the last page.
(6) SCHOTTEN(NIUS), Hermann(us). Vita honesta, sive virtutis: quomodo quisque vivere debeat, omni aetate, omni tempore, & quotlibet loco, erga Deum & homines. Cui novissime adiecimus Institutionem Christiani hominis, per Adrianum Barlandum Aphorismis digestam. Omnia multo quam antehac emendatiora.
Antwerp, Joannes Steelsius, 1538 (colophon: printed by Joannes Graphaeus).
(7) ERASMUS, Desiderius.De civilitate morum puerilium ... libellus ab autore recognitus, & novis scholiis illustratus per Gisbertum Longolium Ultratraiectinum.
Antwerp, Willem Vorsterman, 1533. Title in a 4-piece woodcut border.
7 works in one volume. Small 8vo (16 x 10.5 cm). Contemporary (ca. 1538) Antwerp panel-stamped calf, each side with the same panel stamp (85 x 55 mm), showing a roundel with a half length portrait of the then reigning Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, the Imperial double-headed eagle stands above the roundel between two small columns and Charles's motto below the roundel (":PLUS:OVLTRE. | .KAROLVS.V.IMP:"), with two 5-pointed stars above it and a lion face with decorations below it; the whole is flanked by decorative columns. Full description
€ 45,000
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Beautifully illustrated by the Master of Delbecq-Schreiber

[WEYNSEN, Matthias (editor)]. Fascicul[us] mirre. Hier beghint een seer sonderlinghe ende devote materie van die passie ons Heren Jesu Cristi gheheten (dat busselkijn of dat bondekijn van mirre) vergadert ende gecompileert van eenen gheestelijcken ende seer verlichten broeder vander minrebroeders oerden van die familie der observanten in die provincie van Colen ...
(Colophon:) Antwerp, Henrick Eckert van Homberch, 18 January 1518. 4to. With the first word of the title printed in red, 35 woodcut illustrations in the text (of which 8 repeats), with Christ's wounds coloured in red, and 53 decorated woodcut initials. The work is rubricated throughout. 17th-century gold tooled mottled brown calf. [196] ll. Full description
€ 14,500
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One of the earliest school dictionaries of Latin synonyms

WILDENBERG, Hieronymus (Hieronymus CINGULARIUS). Tersissima latini eloquij Synonymorum collectanea, non modo epistolas, verum etiam carmina cudere volentibus oppido idonea, ex multiiugis & quidem luculentissimis Oratorum tum Poetarum scriptis studiosa recognitione, veluti quaedam progymnasmata eruta, vernaculoque suo ut inventu sint faciliora accommodata, ac denuo secundum Alphabeti seriem deprompta atque concinnata. Annexus est Tractatulus utilissimus de vocum proprietatibus, seu terminorum differentijs.
Magdeburg, Michael Lotter, (ca. 1535). Sm.8vo. Old boards. [75] ll. Full description
€ 1,750
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