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History, Law & Philosophy / History

Including the first printing of game boards and rules for a 10th-century dice game

BALDERIC, Bishop of Noyon and Tournai (ed. George COLVENEER). Chronicon Cameracense et Atrebatense, sive historia utrisque ecclesiae, III libris, ab hinc DC sere annis conscripta. Nunc primum in luce edita, & notis illustrata.
Douai, Jean Bogard, 1615. 8vo. With Bogard's engraved device on the title-page, 1 large folding engraved game board, and 2 large folding letterpress rectangular game boards, each with 4 small engravings in the centre and explanatory text on the backs, the same 4 engravings of dice in the text along with 3 small engravings of seals (plus 4 repeats). 17th-century vellum. [40], “607” [= 623], [1 blank], [16] pp. Full description
€ 7,000
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The most complete Dutch edition of Basnages comprehensive synthesis of Jewish history,
beginning where Flavius Josephus ended

BASNAGE, Josephus. Vervolg op Flavius Josephus; of algemene historie der Joodsche naatsie, behelzende ene uitvoerige beschryving van derzelver regerings-vorm, godtsdienst, gezinten en plegtigheden, nevens de veranderingen, daar in voorgevallen: mitsgaders een verhaal van alle oorlogen, weergaloze rampen, wisselvalligheden, verstroojing door de gehele waerelt, ...
Amsterdam, Gerard onder de Linden; Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1726-1727. 2 volumes. Large folio. With 5 full-page engravings (including the dedication, often lacking), 90 engravings in text and 4 letterpress tables (1 folding). Contemporary vellum. [1], [1 blank], [44], 1-156, 185-368, 371-544, 543-554, 554*1-554*24, 555-658; [1], [1 blank], [4], 659-760, 1103-1288, 1288†-1288††††, 1289-1390, 1471-1584, 1591-1710, 1725-1844, 1879-1940 pp. Full description
€ 850
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The first history of Christianity in England,
in contemporary blind-tooled calf with a roll showing Reformation portraits

BEDA VENERABILIS (The Venerable BEDE). Ecclesiasticae historiae gentis Anglorum libri quinque diligenti studio à mendis, quibus hactenus scatebant, vindicati.
Including: BEDA VENERABILIS. Epitome sive breviarium totius praecedentis historiae Anglorum ...
Antwerp, Joannes de Grave (Gravius), 1550. Folio. With De Grave's woodcut armorial device on title-page (repeated on the otherwise blank final leaf) and 30 woodcut decorated initials. Contemporary blind-tooled calf, each board with a double border made from a roll with 4 heads in profile, not labelled but showing Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, Desiderius Erasmus and apparently the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V rather than the more common Jan Hus, each in an oval wreath and separated by foliage (bilaterally symmetrical both vertically and horizontally). [6], 263, [1 blank], [12] pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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Oblong handbook of fortification design

BEHR, Johann Heinrich. Der aufs Neu-verschantzte Turenne oder gründlich alt- und neue Kriegs-Bau-Kunst.
Frankfurt and Leipzig, widow of Reinhard Wächtler, printed by Christoph Balthasar Lampe, 1690. Oblong 8vo (11 x 17 cm). With engraved frontispiece and 32 engraved plates. Contemporary calf. [3], [1 blank], [20], 616 pp. Full description
€ 950
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Letters from an Irish colonist in New South Wales, with 2 wood-engravings, 1 by Caroline Clayton

[BESNARD, Thomas Pope]. A voice from the bush in Australia: shewing its present state, advantages, and capabilities, in a series of letters from an Irish settler and others in New South Wales. With appendices ...
Dublin, William Curry junior & Co.; London, Smith, Elder & Co.; Edinburgh, John Johnstone, 1839. 12mo. With wood-engraved frontispiece, nearly full-page wood-engraved illustration on page 25 and a letterpress folding table. Modern marbled wrappers. 108 pp. Full description
€ 4,000
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'The most vivid, comprehensive, instructive, entertaining picture of Virginia',
written by a planter living there, here in a French translation

[BEVERLEY, Robert]. Histoire de la Virginie, contenant I. L'histoire du premier etablissement dans la Virginie, & de son gouvernement jusques à présent. II. Les productions naturelles & les commoditez du païs, avant que [l]es Anglois y negociassent, & l'améliorassent. III. La religion, les loix, & les coutumes des Indiens naturels, tant dans la guerre, que dans la paix. IV. L'etat présent du païs, tant à l'égard de la police, que de l'amelioration du païs. Par un auteur natif & habitant du païs. Traduite de l'Anglois.
Amsterdam, Thomas Lombrail, 1707. 12mo. Full-page engraved frontispiece with the coat of arms of Virginia, title in red & black with Lombrails woodcut cypher-monogram TLB, 14 full-page engraved plates, 1 folding printed table, woodcut head- and endpieces, woodcut initials. Contemporary mottled calf, title in gold on spine, marbled endpapers. [6], 432, [16] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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First and only edition of Bor's description of the city of 's-Hertogenbosch,
including a detailed account of its siege and capture in 1629

BOR, Pieter Christiaenszoon. Gelegentheyt van 's Hertogen-Bosch vierde hooft-stadt van Brabandt. Haer oorspronck, fundatie ende vergrootinge, verscheyden hare belegeringen. Ende eyntlijcke overwinninge verrassinghe ende inneminghe van Wesel ende meer andere geschiedenissen des iaers 1629.
The Hague, Aert Meuris, 1630. 4to. With an engraved title-page, which is part of the collation (page (a)2 recto) and a few decorated initials. Contemporary vellum. [1], [1 blank], [1], [1 blank], [27], [1 blank], 412, [3], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 850
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"The first authoritative and detailed account of the West Coast of Africa"

BOSMAN, Willem. Voyage de Guinée, contenant une description nouvelle & très-exacte de cette côte où l'on trouve & où l'on trafique l'or, les dents d'elephant, & les esclaves: ...
Utrecht, Antoine Schouten, 1705. Large 12mo (17 x 10 cm). With an engraved author's portrait, an engraved frontispiece and 27 folding engraved plates. Contemporary marbled boards. [16], 520 pp. Full description
€ 1,750
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