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History, Law & Philosophy / History

Important treatise on the legal and political status of the Dutch Republic

[BOXHORN, Marcus Zuerius]. Commentariolus de statu confoederatarum provinciarum Belgii. Editio sexta auctior & emendatior. Accessit de eadem materia Pauli Merulae Diatriba. Nec non Decretum Ordd. Holl. & West-Frisiae, De antiquo iure Reip. Batavicae.
The Hague, Adriaan Vlacq for Johannes Vlacq, 1668. 12mo. Contemporary calf, gold-tooled spine, boards and board edges, gilt edges. [12], 202 pp. Full description
€ 850
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Russian dress, customs and manners, with 111 plates

BRETON DE LA MARTINIÈRE, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph. La Russie, ou moeurs, usages, et costumes des habitans de toutes les provinces de cet empire.
Paris, Nepveu, 1813. 6 volumes. 12mo or 18mo. With 111 mostly engraved plates (4 folding facing title-pages of volumes 1-4). Contemporary half calf, gilt spine, uniformly bound. Full description
€ 2,500
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Standard work on Roman law by a famous French jurist and philologist

BRISSON, Barnabé. De formulis et sollemnibus populi Romani verbis, Libri VIII...
Frankfurt, Joannes Wechel and Petrus Fischer and consorts, 1592. 4to. With title-page printed in red and black, woodcut printer's device, woodcut head- & tail pieces and initials. Contemporary gold-tooled calf. [8], 750 [= 760], [84] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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3 little-known works by Italian scientist on astronomy, hydrostatics and navigation

BRUNETTI, Francesco Saverio. Trattenimenti scientifici su la sfera, geografia istorica, meteore, ed astronomia.
Rome, Bernabò and Lazzarini, 1754. With several woodcut illustrations in the text (including an armillary sphere), and an extra added folding engraved frontispiece.
(2) BRUNETTI, Francesco Saverio. Trattenimenti scientifici su lindrografia, nautica, blasone, statica, meccanica, architectura, pirotecnia, e suono.
Roma, Bernabò and Lazzarini, 1755. With several woodcut illustrations in the text, and an extra added frontispiece (facsimile of an engraving?).
(3) BRUNETTI, Francesco Saverio. Macchina semplicissima per cui lacqua da se stessa salice ad una data altezza.
Rome, Bernabò and Lazzarini, 1747. With folding engraved plate as frontispiece. 3 works (the first in 2 parts) in 1 volume. 4to. Contemporary sheepskin parchment. [24], 180, 112; [8], 173, [3 blank]; 12 pp. Full description
€ 4,500
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Sicily in history and myth: first edition with engraved author's portrait

BUONFIGLIO COSTANZO, Giuseppe. Prima[-seconda] parte dell'historia Siciliana, nellequale si contiene la descrittione antica, & moderna di Sicilia, le guerre, & altri fatti notabili dalla sua origine per sino alla morte del Catolico Rè Don Filippo II. Divisa in XX libri et due parti.
Venice, Bonifacio Ciera, 1604. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. With engraved device on the title-page, full-page engraved author's portrait, and numerous woodcut headpieces, tailpieces and decorated initials. Contemporary limp vellum. [48], 692 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Rare Italian translation of an originally Spanish chivalric novel

[CAMILLI, Camillo (translator)]. Historia del nobile, et valoroso Cavalier. Felice Magno, figliuolo del Re Falangrè della Gran Brettagna, & della Reina Clarinta, nella quale si raccontano i suoi grandi, & maravigliosi fatti tradotta con somma diligenza di Spagnuolo in lingua Italiana.
Verona, Sebastiano dalle Donne for Francesco de Franceschi Senese, 1587. 8vo. Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [12], 298 ll. Full description
€ 7,500
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Contemporary accounts of two power struggles, in Italy and in the Low Countries

CAPELLA, Galeazzo Flavio. De rebus nuper in Italia gestis [in the running heads: "De bello Mediolanensi"] libro octo ...
(Colophon: Antwerp, Maarten de Keyser), 1533.
With: (2) SERVILIUS, Johannes (Jan KNAAP). Geldrogallica conjuratio in totius Belgicae clarissimam civitatem Antverpiam, duce Martino Rosheymio, ...
Augsburg, Heinrich Steiner, 1544. 2 works in 1 volume. Small 8vo (15 x 10 cm). Contemporary vellum wrappers, with 2 fragments of the March and April calendar leaf (in red and black) of a manuscript Missale romanum (ca. 1475/1500?) used as end leaves. 96; [44] ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Geographical description/atlas of the old world, including the Middle East.
With 33 maps and bound in well-preserved, gold-tooled contemporary calf

CELLARIUS, Christoph. Notitia orbis antiqui, sive geographia plenior, ab ortu rerumpublicarum ad constantinorum tempora orbis terrarium faciem declarans. ... et novis tabulis geographicis ... illustravit.
(Volume 1:) Cambridge, John Owen, 1703; (volume 2:) Amsterdam, Caspar Fritsch, 1706. 2 volumes. 4to. With engraved author's portrait, 33 engraved double-page maps and 1 engraved double-page plate. Contemporary calf, richly gold tooled spines and binding edges, double gilt fillets on sides. [16], 862, [38]; [12], 544; 166, [38] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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172 books found / Show all