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Low Countries

Third edition of the first Leiden pharmacology and the first Dodrecht pharmacology bound together

[LEIDEN - DORDRECHT - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata. Editio tertia prioribus auctior & emendatior.
Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans and sons, 1751. With an allegorical frontispiece by François Bleyswyck, title-page in red and black and 4 engraved tables with chemical symbols.
With: (2) [DORDRECHT - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Dordracena Galenico-chimica. Magistratus auctoritate munita. Editio tertia mullto auctior & emendatior.
Dordrecht, heirs of Johannes van Braam, 1766. With 2 folded engraved tables with chemical symbols. 2 works in 1 volume. 8vo. Contemporary vellum. [26], 176, [20]; [6], 110, [9] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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A plea for the Dutch textile industry

[LEIDEN - INDUSTRY]. Hollands algemeene bloey of ruine, door het al, of niet gebruiken van eige manufactuuren; aangetoont in een vertoog van der zelver eertyds gewenschte staat, tegenwoordig deerlyk verval, en uiterste noodzakelykheid van - en middelen tot herstel ... Gevolgt van een' opwekking aan alle regtgeaarde vaderlanders, om edelmoedig alles toe te brengen, datv tot bevordering van die voorname tak van koophandel dienen kan; en een dieper verval ... voortekomen, met het voorstaan en in gebruik brengen van onze eige fabrieken, boven die der vreemden.
Leiden, Abraham Honkoop, 1754. 4to. Disbound, loose in modern blank wrappers. 76 pp. Full description
€ 600
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First edition of the first Leiden pharmacopoeia

[LEIDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata.
Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans, 1718. 8vo. With a frontispiece engraved by François Bleyswyck. Title-page in red and black, with Luchtmanss woodcut Athena device, some woodcut decorated initials. Later half vellum with title stamped on spine. [22] ,155, [17] pp. Full description
€ 700
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Second edition of the Leiden pharmacopoeia

[LEIDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata. Editio altera priori emendatior.
Leiden, Samuel Luchtmans, 1732. 8vo. With frontispiece engraved by François Bleyswyck, title-page in red and black and 4 full-page engraved tables printed on 2 folding leaves. Contemporary half calf, marbled boards, rebacked. [26], 164, [16] pp. Full description
€ 800
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Fourth and last edition of the first Leiden Pharmacology

[LEIDEN - PHARMACOPOEIA]. Pharmacopoea Leidensis, amplissimorum magistratuum auctoritate instaurata.
Leiden, Samuel and Johannes Luchtmans, 1770. 8vo. With allegorical frontispiece engraved by François Bleyswyck: under the coat-of-arms of Leiden and 4 engraved tables with chemical symbols (Characteres). Three-quarter calf over boards. [30], 176, [20] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Amsterdam as the commercial capital of the world, including the first edition of the "Traité des arbitrages"

LE MOINE DE L'ESPINE, Jacques. Le negoce d'Amsterdam, ou traité de sa banque, de ses changes, des Compagnies Orientales & Occidentales, des marchandises qu'on tire de cette ville, & qu'on y porte de toutes les parties de monde, des poids, des mesures, des aunages, & du tarif. ...
Including: MONDOTEGUY, Jacques. Traité des arbitrages qui se sont par change sur les principales villes de l'Europe, ou la ville d'Amsterdam à change ouvert.
Amsterdam, Pierre Brunel, 1710. 2 parts in 1 volume. 4to. 18th-century half vellum. [4], 388, [2] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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38 Dutch castles, with 53 mostly chromolithographed plates

LENNEP, Jacob van and Willem Jacob HOFDIJK. Merkwaardige kasteelen in Nederland. Derde druk.
Amsterdam, G.W. Tielkemeijer, 1854-1861. 6 volumes (3 series). 8vo. With 6 chromolithographed armorial frontispieces in black, gold, silver & colours; 6 lithographed title-pages, each with a lithographed scene in black & 2 colours; 38 lithographed views of castles & mansions mostly in black & 2 colours; 2 tinted and 1 chromolithographed plates with plans, views, etc.; and 3 wood-engravings in the text. Original publisher's richly gold- and blind-blocked red cloth. [4] 198, [2]; [16], 202, [2] pp. [6], 217, [2], [1 blank]; [2], 283, [1]; [4], 256, [1], [1 blank]; [4], 248 [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 450
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King William III of England's Dutch palace and gardens

LETH, Hendrik de. [Views of the Dutch royal estate Soestdijk].
[Amsterdam], Hendrik de Leth, [ca. 1731]. Royal folio (55 x 34 cm). With large double-page general bird's-eye view of the Dutch royal estate Soestdijk (image size 35 x 47 cm) by B. Stoopendaal after B. Stuyvenburgh, and 16 numbered engraved views of details of the palace, gardens and other buildings (image size 12 x 16 cm) printed on 8 leaves. Modern half parchment. Full description
€ 4,750
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96 letters from Dutch diplomats throughout Europe, 1715-1729

[LETTERS - DIPLOMATIC]. [Official contemporary copies of incoming diplomatic correspondence to the Dutch government in The Hague from Dutch ambassadors, envoys, diplomatic residents and others in Vienna, Graz, Schaffhausen, Turin, Madrid, Paris, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Moscow, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dresden, Regensburg, Warsaw, Grodno, Maastricht, The Hague, Brussels and Ostend].
[The Hague], letters dated 26 January-17 December 1715 and 7 November 1725-22 November 1729. Folio (32.5 x 20.5 cm). 96 letters clearly written in dark brown ink on paper, 84 in Dutch and 12 in French, mostly in a Latin hand (the Dutch ones from 1715 in a semi-gothic hand). Loose leaves in a modern portfolio. [96] letters ([138] written pp. on [97] ll.). Full description
€ 8,500
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Rare first and only Liège pharmacopoeia

[LIÈGE - PHARMACOPOEIA]. [COLLEGIUM MEDICINAE]. Pharmacopoea Leodiensis in qua describuntur medicamenta ... in tres partes distributa. In prima simplicia omnia. In altera composita Galenica. In tertia chimica remedia.
Liège, Everard Kints, 1741. 4to. With title-page in red and black with the woodcut bearing from the coat of arms of the city of Liege, and the engraved arms of the dedicatee (the Bishop of Liège) facing the dedication. Contemporary tanned sheepskin, rebacked (gold-tooled spine). [2 blank], [18], 243, [13] pp., including the engraved arms of the dedicatee. Full description
€ 3,500
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