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Low Countries

The unfortunate expulsion of the Moriscos in Spain in 1609 as ordered by King Philip III of Spain
during the Twelve Years' Truce

PHILIP III, King of Spain (Jan Huygen van LINSCHOTEN, translator). Missive ofte placcaet van den coninck van Spangien ghesonden aenden hartoch van Lerma, aengaende het bannen ende verjaghen van de Moriscos, dat zijn de oude landtsaten vant coninckrijck van Valencien in Spangien.
Enkhuizen, Jacob Lenaertsz Meyn, 1609. 4to. With an ornamental woodcut title vignette and a woodcut initial. Modern marbled paper over boards, new endpapers. [3] ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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The foreign politics of Spain

LIPSIUS, Justus. Sent-brief, in welcke hy antwoorde gheeft aen een seker groot Heer op de vraghe, welck van dryen den Coninck van Hispaengien best gheraden ware, oorloghe of pays oft liever bestant met den Fransman, Engelsche ende Hollander. Gheschreven den derden Januarij 1595. Ghetrouwelijck uyt den Latijn in Nederduytsche tale over-gheset, ende (soo veel alst moghelijcken is) den stijl ghevolcht.
Dusseldorf, Werner van der Horst, 1608. 4to. Woodcut ornament on title, woodcut initial and endpiece. Disbound. [7], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 250
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Highly interesting collection of letters by top German diplomats on the events
leading to the Dutch Republics "rampjaar" (disastrous year) 1672

[LISOLA, François Paul de; Daniel Johannes CAMPRICHT]. Le denovement des intrigues du temps par la response au livret intitué, Lettres et autres pieces curieuses sur les affaires du temps. Fait par le S.I.P.P.B.
Brussels, 1673.
(2) [WICQUREFORT, Abraham de (attributed to)]. Remarques sur le discours du commandeur de Gremonville, fait au Conseil dEstat de sa Maiesté Imperiale.
The Hague, Arnout Leers, 1673.
(3) [AUBUSSON de la FEUILLADE, Georges]. Harrange en forme de panegyrique presentée au Roy par Mr. lArchevesque dAmbrun Evesque de Metz, en son passage à Metz, le 30, Juillet 1673.
Metz, Jean Antoine, 1673.
(4) [CHARLES II, King of England]. Declaration du Roy dAngleterre sur la mediation offerte par Mr. LElecteur de Mayencé, faite à Whitehal. Le 15. Feuvrier. Anno 1673.
4 works in 1 volume. 4to. Mottled calf, gold-tooled spine. [1], 1-15, 17-222, [2]; 47, [1 blank]; [8]; [4] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Unofficial Rotterdam pharmacopoeia, later translated into Japanese

LIS, Wouter van. Pharmacopoea Galeno- chemico- medica probatissimis auctoribus, ratione & experiential fundata. Meng- schei- en geneeskonstige artseny-winkel; op de beste schryvers, de rede en ondervinding gebouwt; ... benevens een korte verhandeling, hoe met weinig genees-middelen de grootste ziekten worden genezen; als mede ... een verklaring van de voornaamste konstwoorden en characters.
Amsterdam, Jan Morterre, 1764. 4to. With engraved frontispiece by V.D. after A. Hordyk, title-page in red and black, with vignette in a roundel: the sun surrounded by the motto "Herbarum subiecta potential nobis", one full-page plate with the chemical symbols, printed in two columns. Half calf , gold-tooled spine, spine label lettered in gold. [34)], 436, [60] pp. Full description
€ 500
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Encyclopedia of world history in Dutch

LUISCIUS, A.G. Het algemeen historisch, geographisch en genealogisch woordenboek, vervattende de gehele wereldlyke geschiedenis...
The Hague, Pieter Husson, Thomas Johnson, Johannes van Duren, Charles le Vier; Delft, Reinier Boitett, 1724-1737. 8 volumes. Large folio (41.5 x 27.5 cm). Vol. 1 with an impressive engraved frontispiece by Bernard Picart and an engraved armorial dedication to Isack van Hoornbeek. Each volume except the first has an engraving at the head of the first page depicting a library with visitors in it. Contemporary and uniform mottled half calf, marbled sides, gold-tooled spine with red label. [14], 574; 440, 192; 428, 146; 234, 190; 600; 578; 556; 572 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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88 tinted lithographs of stately houses near Utrecht

LUTGERS, Petrus Josephus. Gezigten in de omstreken van Utrecht, opgedragen aan H.M. de Koningin der Nederlanden. Naar de natuur geteekend en op steen gebragt door P.J. Lutgers met geschiedkundige aanteekeningen van W.J. Hofdijk.
[The Hague, J.D. Steuerwald], 1869. Folio. With a lithographed title-page (with a separately tinted lithographed view) and 87 tinted lithographed plates (ca. 16.5 x 22.5 cm), designed and lithographed by P.J. Lutgers. Near contemporary half sheepskin by J.A. Loebèr, Leiden [8], XVIII pp. + 87 plates. Full description
€ 4,500
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Illustrated travel guide to Belgium, with 3 engraved folding maps

[MAASKAMP, Evert]. Reis door België in het jaar 1814.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp; Brussels, P.J. de Mat, 1815. 8vo. With a lithographed title-page, 3 folding engraved plates (1 hand coloured in outline), 3 aquatint plates printed in sepia, 2 engraved plates printed in sepia (1 double-page) and 2 hand-coloured engraved plates. Contemporary half tanned sheepskin. XX, 200, [2 blank], [10] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Charming aquatints of Dutch historical monuments and folklore

[MAASKAMP, Evert (editor)]. Merkwaardige gezigten, gebouwen, monumenten en standbeelden in de noordelijke provintien van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. | Vues remarquables, edifices, monumens et statues dans les provinces septentrionales du Royaume des Pays-Bas.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1816. Oblong 8vo. With an engraved illustration on title-page and 37 sepia aquatints by Ludwig Portman after Gerrit Jan Michaëlis, Franciscus Aandreas Milatz, and Cornelius Overman. Contemporary gold-tooled dark blue boards. [40] ll. + 37 plates. Full description
€ 1,750
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Historical map of the Netherlands, printed on silk, together with the separately published manual, with a hand-coloured world map

MAASKAMP, Evert. Geschiedkundige kaart der Nederlanden. | Carte historique des Pays-Bas.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1830. Map (plate size 48 x 38 cm) engraved by "Giersbergen et fils", printed on silk and hand-coloured in outline, with the title at upper left, a dedication at lower left, and a key and scale (ca. 1:1,000,000) at lower right.
With: (2) MAASKAMP, Evert. Handboek, ter verklaring der geschiedkundige kaart van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, en der wereldkaart; behelzende eene opgave van de roemrijkste en lofwaardste daden der Nederlanders, derzelver krijgsbedrijven te land en ter zee, scheepstochten, ontdekkingen, uitvindingen enz.; als mede van zoodanige voorname personen, die in wetenschap, kunst of heldenmoed, hebben uitgeblonken.
Amsterdam, Evert Maaskamp, 1830. 8vo. With a folding engraved map of the world, with the continents hand-coloured. Contemporary red boards, boards gold-tooled along the extremities. VIII, 8, 1-38, 37-77, [1 blank], [1], [1 blank]. Full description
€ 1,500
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