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Low Countries / Cartography & Topography

Italian fortification atlas of the Low Countries

GUALDO PRIORATO, Galeazzo. Teatro del Belgio ò sia descritione delle diecisette provincie del medesimo; con le piante delle città, e fortezze principali; da chi al presente possesse; come, in qual modo, & in qual tempo acquistate.
Vienna, Michael Thurnmayer, 1673. Folio. With engraved frontispiece with the coat-of-arms of all Seventeen Provinces, engraved military scene on the title-page, folding engraved map of the Low Countries, 2 folding engraved views of a sea-battle and an army crossing the Rhine, and 120 double-page engraved fortification plans. Contemporary mottled sheepskin, gold-tooled spine. [14], 148, [6] pp. text Full description
€ 5,000
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First edition of Guicciardini's celebrated 16th-century description of the Low Countries

GUICCIARDINI, Ludovico. Descrittione ... di tutti i Paesi Bassi, altrimenti detti Germania Inferiore.
Antwerp, Willem Silvius, 1567. Folio. With the title, the large coat of arms of Philip II, and his portrait set within a woodcut architectural frame with allegorical figures on separate pages, 5 double-page woodcut maps (including 1 folding), 4 double-page woodcut views of cities, 6 double-page woodcut plans of cities, and 2 double-page illustrations of buildings (1 woodcut, 1 engraved). Further with 15 woodcut divisional title-pages for the illustrations and descriptions of the regions and cities set within a woodcut ornamental frame and numerous woodcut decorated initials (at least 4 series) Later overlapping vellum, sewn on 3 parchment tapes laced through the joints. [3], [1 blank], [16], "296"[= 339], [1 blank], [19], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Hand-coloured engraved map showing the rivers of Germany and the Low Countries

[MAP - GERMANY - LOW COUNTRIES]. HOMANN, Johann Baptist. Hydrographia Germaniae qua geographiae naturalis ea pars quae de aquis celebrioribus praesertim vero de fluminibus Germaniae agit...
Nuremberg, Johann Baptist Homann, [ca. 1710?]. Engraved map (48.5 x 58 cm) on a whole sheet of paper (53 x 63.5 cm), coloured in an early hand, with the title in an illustrated cartouche with Neptune and other mythological figures at lower left, an illustrated cartouche at upper left with a coat of arms, and a scale (ca. 1:2,400,000) in the margins. Full description
€ 200
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The history, economy and politics of Oudewater

[KINSCHOT, Gaspar Rudolph van]. Beschryving der stad Oudewater; waarin aangetoont word der zelver herkomst uit het Uitrechtsche Bisdom, overgang tot de Graaflykheid van Holland en haare gemaakte onafscheidbaarheid van de zelve, ...
-Handvesten, privilegien, octroyen, placaaten en ordonnantien; mitsgaders keuren, giften, resolutien, en andere voorname stukken, de stad Oudewater betreffende.
-Oude en nieuwe keuren der stad Oudewater.
-Ordonnantie en instructie, voor schepenen commissarissen der stede Oudewater, ...
Delft, Reinier Boitet, 1747. 4to. With title in red and black with engraved vignette with the arms of Oudewater supported by lions, in a decorative cartouche with vines, full-page engraved dedication to the 4 burgomasters and governors of Delft, including the author's father (with their arms and the crowned arms of Oudewater, Delft and Alkmaar), 2 engraved maps and 5 views of Oudewater (all folding), 2 engraved numismatic illustrations in text. Contemporary vellum. XVI, "600" [= 604], 14, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 750
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Cities and fortresses in the Dutch Seven Provinces in the 17th century

KIRCHNER, Christian. Holland, oder Beschreibung der sieben vereinigten niederländischen Provintzen, nebenst denen darzu eroberten Oerten, darinnen alle Städte, Festungen, Flecken, Seen und Flüsse samt andern merckwürdigen Sachen, auch die vornehmsten Städte und Festungen darbey in Kupffer gestochen.
Leipzig, Christian Kirchner, 1672. 8vo. With an engraved frontispiece and 31 folding engraved plans of various cities in the Low Countries. Contemporary vellum. [14], 229, [3 blank], 32, [8] pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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Incredibly rare collection of views by De Beijer and Van Liender of the castles, houses,
churches and towns surrounding the city of Kleve in a spectacular 18th-century Dutch binding

[KLEEFSCHE OUTHEEDEN - VIEWS]. BEIJER, Jan de (draughtsman) and Paulus van LIENDER (engraver). Verzameling van twaalf Kleefsche outheden en gezichten.
Amsterdam, Gerrit Tielenburg, (signed in the plates:) 1758-1762. Large 4to (29 x 23 cm). With 50 leaves showing 46 engravings containing a total of 91 views: 42 leaves with 2 views per leaf, 6 leaves with 2 double page views each, and 1 double page view on 2 leaves. All engraved plates are signed "J. de Beyer del. Paul: van Liender fec [year: between 1758 and 1762]". All views are captioned beneath the illustration, telling the viewer what building, town, or view they are seeing, and some captions even mention the year when the view was captured by De Beyer. Near contemporary (ca. 1778) elaborately gold-tooled red morocco, with a green morocco title-label lettered in gold on the spine, gold-tooled edges and turn-ins, floral decorated paper end leaves, gilt edges. [1], [1 blank] pp. and 50 leaves showing 91 engraved views. Full description
€ 12,500
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24 lithographed Dutch city and harbour views

KOSTER, Everhardus. Schetsboek. Nederlandsche stads- en havengezigten.
Amsterdam, F. Buffa & son; Delft, H. Koster; Leiden, P.H. van den Heuvel, 1858. Folio. With letterpress title-page, lithographed portrait of Koster and 24 tinted lithographed views of Dutch cities and harbours by Johannes Hilverdink after Everhardus Koster, printed by Steuerwald. Contemporary half calf. [26] ll. Full description
€ 1,500
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Rare print series with beautiful views and vistas of the Middachten estate and its surroundings, located between the Veluwe nature reserve and the river IJssel

LAEN, Adolf van der & Hendrik de LETH. Afbeeldinge van het out adelyk huis Middachten, op de Veluwe, in Gelderlant. Zoo in een generael, als veele particuliere gezichten der gebouwen, tuinen, plantadien enz. toebehorende den hoogwelgeboren heere, den heere Reinhart, baron van Reede, heere Van Ginkel, Middachten, Zuilenburg, Rouwenberg, Burghman tot den Niënburg enz. ... [title-print:] Verscheyde schoon en vermaakelyke gesichte[n] van 't adelyk huis van Middagten ...
Amsterdam, Andries & Hendrik de Leth, [ca. 1725/31]. Oblong folio (ca. 29 x 23 cm). With the title-print and 19 (of 21) numbered engraved views (ca. 16 x 20 cm), printed on laid paper without watermarks and mounted on wove paper. All prints captioned in Dutch and French below the image, except for the title-print, which is captioned in Dutch only. 20th-century half maroon cloth and maroon paper. [4] ll. plus title-print & 19 of 21 numbered views. Full description
€ 2,500
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38 Dutch castles, with 53 mostly chromolithographed plates

LENNEP, Jacob van and Willem Jacob HOFDIJK. Merkwaardige kasteelen in Nederland. Derde druk.
Amsterdam, G.W. Tielkemeijer, 1854-1861. 6 volumes (3 series). 8vo. With 6 chromolithographed armorial frontispieces in black, gold, silver & colours; 6 lithographed title-pages, each with a lithographed scene in black & 2 colours; 38 lithographed views of castles & mansions mostly in black & 2 colours; 2 tinted and 1 chromolithographed plates with plans, views, etc.; and 3 wood-engravings in the text. Original publisher's richly gold- and blind-blocked red cloth. [4] 198, [2]; [16], 202, [2] pp. [6], 217, [2], [1 blank]; [2], 283, [1]; [4], 256, [1], [1 blank]; [4], 248 [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 450
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Rare 18th-century wall map of the Netherlands

[MAP - NETHERLANDS]. [LE ROUGE, George-Louis]. La Hollande en 12 feuilles.
Paris, Jean Dezauche, 1790. Published on 12 sheets, numbered as 48 quarter-sheets. An engraved wall map of the Netherlands (excluding Zeeland), with the main title in a large cartouche at upper left, the Latin title at upper right. Many cities and coastlines, and a few other features, highlighted in colour. Cut, mounted on cloth and folded, in 4 contemporary gold-tooled green morocco boxes. Full description
€ 8,500
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