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Low Countries / Cartography & Topography

Extremely rare bound copy of a mid-19th-century panorama cityscape of the Dutch city of Rotterdam

[PANORAMA - ROTTERDAM]. Johan Conrad GREIVE jr. (illustrator). Panorama de Rotterdam.
Amsterdam, [printed by R. de Vries for] François Buffa & Sons, [1861]. Oblong (14.5 x 25 cm). The panorama is made up of 6 numbered views, which were originally published on three loose leaves of 2 views per leaf. The viewer looks northward from the river Meuse over the city from the old "sailor's house" (zeemanshuis) in the west along the Willemskade and the Haringvliet to the train station and large warehouse (rijks entrepot) in the east. Original brown blind-stamped wave-grained cloth. 6 numbered views folded making 12 pages. Full description
€ 4,950
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The best description and history of The Hague

RIEMER, Jacob de. Beschryving van 'sGraven-hage, behelzende deszelfs oorsprong, benaming, gelegentheid, uitbreidingen, onheilen en luister, mitsgaders stigtinge van het hof, der kerken, kloosters, kapellen, godshuizen, en andere voornaame gebouwen...
Delft, Reinier Boitet (part 1); The Hague, Johannes de Cros (part 2), 1730-1739. 2 parts in 3 volumes. Folio. With engraved frontispiece, engraved dedication in volume 1 and 3, and a total of 57 engraved plates, mostly folding. Contemporary red half sheepskin. [38], 509, [3]; [2], 511-756, [2], 759-946, [54]; [12], 289, [3], 293-495, [1], 497-520, [2], 3-78, [20] pp. Full description
€ 2,750
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17th-century experimental multi-colour printing: magnificent views of the greatest Dutch palaces

CALL, Jan van; Petrus SCHENCK. [A series of 15 magnificent color-printed plates of the most impressive Dutch palaces of the Stadtholders: Het Loo (Apeldoorn), Huis ten Bosch (The Hague), Honselaarsdijk (near Naaltwijk) and Sorgvliet (The Hague).]
Amsterdam, Petrus Schenck, ca. 1695. 4to (20 x 24.5 cm). 15 (from a series of 25) colour-printed plates (plate size ca. 13 x 17 cm). Loose leaves. Full description
€ 6,500
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Magnificent 18th-century view Leiden's trade and commerce centre

[VIEW - NETHERLANDS - LEIDEN]. SCHENK, Leonardus [and Abraham RADEMAKER]. Gesigt van de Visbrug, de Waag en Vismarkt, te sien naar de Hooglandsche kerk en Stadhuys tooren, tot Lyden. | Vüe du Visbrug, du Pois et Poissonerie, vers l'eglise de Hooglande et la tour de la Maison de Ville a Leide.
[Amsterdam], Leonardus Schenk, [ca. 1728/35]. Large engraved wall print on 2 sheets, (together 58 x 97 cm) the sheets overlapping each other slightly, showing the traditional business centre of the city of Leiden. The title, both in Dutch and French, is printed in a banderole at the head, with putti on each side supporting the arms of Leiden and Holland. Leonardus Schenk's name appears as engraver and publisher at the right tip of the banderole. In black passepartout and gilt frame (82 x 121 cm). Full description
€ 8,500
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Beautiful 18th-century view of Leiden

[VIEW - NETHERLANDS - LEIDEN]. SCHENK, Leonardus [and Abraham RADEMAKER]. Gesigt van de stadt Leyden beroemt door syn hooge schoole geleege in Holland op den verstopten Ryn. | Vue de la ville de Leide fameuse par son academie située en Hollande sur le Rhin bouché.
[Amsterdam], Leonardus Schenk, [ca. 1728/36]. Large engraved wall print on 2 sheets (together 57.5 x 97 cm) showing the Leiden city wall between the Koepoort and Zijlpoort, with various windmills and prominent buildings in the background identified by name. The title appears in a banderole at the head, with putti on either side holding the arms of Leiden and Holland. Leonardus Schenk's name appears as engraver and publisher at the right end of the banderole. Framed (82.5 x 121 cm). Full description
€ 8,500
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“The Versailles of the Achterhoek”

SCHENK, Pieter. Delineatio domus recreatricis adjacentiumq[ue] prospectuum amoenissimorum extra urbem Zutphaniensem, auspicys & jussu ... Arnoldi Justi ...
Amsterdam, Pieter Schenk, [1702 or ca. 1720]. Oblong 4to (21 x 27 cm). With an engraved title-page and 16 numbered engraved views (ca. 15 x 19 cm), each with a caption in Dutch and Latin below the border, mostly in two lines. 19th-century grey-brown paste-paper with a wave pattern over boards. [1], 16, [1 blank] engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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Expanded and illustrated second edition of a classic description of Friesland

[SCHOTANUS, Christiaan]. Beschryvinge van de heerlyckheydt van Frieslandt tusschen 't Flie end de Lauwers.
[Franeker], Johannes Wellens, [1664]. Folio. With engraved title-page, full-page engraved coat of arms of the province of Friesland, and 46 engraved maps and plans (4 large folding maps, 31 double-page maps and 11 double-page city plans) by Jacob van Meurs after Bernardus Schotanus à Sterringa. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum. [8], 280, [1], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 5,000
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Spectacular atlas of Friesland, beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand

SCHOTANUS VAN STERRINGA, Bernhard. Uitbeelding der heerlijkheit Friesland; zoo in 't algemeen, als in haare XXX bijzondere grietenijen; ... Nu nieuwelijks met bijgevoegde aangrenzingen, en veel vermeerderingen: nevens d'afteekening van Oud Friesland,...
[Leeuwarden], François Halma, 1718. Imperial folio (54.5 x 33 cm). With an engraved allegorical title-page; 3 full-page engraved heraldic plates; and 37 double-page and 2 larger folding engraved maps. Beautiful cartouches and landscapes on all maps, mostly by Jan and Caspar Luyken, all beautifully coloured by a contemporary hand. Contemporary red half roan, later cloth corners and reinforcing. [4] pp. plus plates. Full description
€ 12,500
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The Seventeen Provinces: a detailed map with additional views of major cities
and examples of local dress

SPEED, John [and Pieter van der KEERE?]. A new mape of ye XVII provinces of Low Germanie.
[London], George Humble, 1626. 41 x 53 cm. Engraved map with hand coloured borders, probably by Pieter van den Keere (1571-after 1646). Incorporating a fine compass-rose with 32 rhumb lines and names of the wind-directions, a coat of arms of France, a title-cartouche, a legend ("A catalogue of the cities et [!] villages in everie Province") and an indication of scale (ca. 1:1.120.000). The map is topped by 8 hand coloured miniature profiles of major cities and bordered by hand coloured figures in local costume at the left (5 male figures) and right (5 female figures). Framed. Full description
€ 4,000
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Print series with beautiful views of one of the most prestigeous country houses and gardens
of the Dutch Republic

STOOPENDAAL, Daniel and Laurens SCHERM. Verscheyde schoone en vermaakelyke gezigten, in de Hofstede van Clingendaal gelegen by 's Gravenhage.
[Amsterdam], Nicolaas Visscher, [ca. 1697/1701]. Small oblong folio (18 x 24 cm). With 32 numbered engraved prints (13 x 16.5 cm), including the title-page, captioned in Dutch, with views of the country house and gardens of Clingendaal near The Hague, designed and etched and engraved by Daniel Stoopendaal, Laurens Scherm and Leon Schenk. Blind- or black-tooled half calf (ca. 1900), marbled paper sides and endpapers. [32] engraved ll. Full description
€ 2,950
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