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An early mention of Australia and a window into early 17th-century Spanish daily life

SUAREZ DE FIGUEROA, Christobal (Thomaso GARZONI). Plaza universal de todas ciencias, y artes, parte traduzida de Toscano, y parte compuesta por el doctor Christoval Suearez de Figueroa.
Perpignan, Luis Roure, 1630 (colophon: 1629). 4to. With title printed in woodcut border with large woodcut coat of arms; interesting woodcut initials and head- and tailpieces. Contemporary mottled calf. [8], 379, [1 blank] ll. Full description
€ 6,500
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Russian Orthodox tetraptych brass icon with 21 scenes in relief, 20 with a blue enamel background

[TETRAPTYCH ICON]. [Incipit:] Kr[es]tou tvoemou pokli[!]naemsya vl[adi]koi s[vya]toe voskresenie tvoe slavim [= We bow before your cross, master, and praise your holy resurrection].
[Moscow or vicinity?, ca. 1810?]. A Russian Orthodox brass icon comprising 4 panels hinged to each other (15 x 9.5 x 1.5 cm closed; 15 x 35.5 x 0.5 cm open), each of the 4 interior sides with 5 relief scenes with a blue enamel background (1 scene in the onion-dome top and 1 in each of the 4 quarters of the square body), each scene with an inscription above it. Further with a brass relief veneration of the cross on the front of the exterior in a decorated architectural frame, with an oval at the head bearing the text transcribed above. Full description
€ 2,500
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One of 300 copies ever published, from the collection of Baron James de Rothschild

VELDE, Charles William Meredith van de. Le Pays d'Israël. Collection de cent vues prises d'après nature dans la Syrie et la Palestine pendant son voyage d'exploration géographique en 1851 et 1852.
Paris, Veuve Jules Renouard, 1857. Elephant folio (44 x 57 cm). With 99 lithographed plates and 1 engraved map. Contemporary half red morocco and brown marbled paper, with the title lettered in gold on the gold-tooled spine, marbled endpapers. [1], 88 pp. Full description
€ 28,000
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The basics of perspective

VERGNAUD, Armand Denis. Manuel de Perspective, du dessinateur et du peintre, contenant les élémens de géométrie indispensables au tracé de la perspective, la perspective linéaire et aérienne, et l'étude du dessin et de la peinture spécialement appliquée au paysage.
Paris, Roret, 1825. 12mo. With 8 folding engraved plates. Modern cloth. (4), 229, (1) pp. Full description
€ 650
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How to make shell gold and shell silver to highlight your drawing

[VERLIJ, P. J.]. Verhandeling van de schilderkonst in miniatuur, om gemakkelyk te leeren schilderen zonder meester...
Amsterdam, Gerrit de Groot, 1759. 8vo. Frontispiece, title-page in red and black, woodcut head- and tailpieces and 2 engravings on a single double-page plate. 20th-century half vellum, oil-marbled sides, light green morocco spine label, lettered in gold, green top edge. [24], 196 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Manuscript weaving instructions, illustrated with about 2000 cloth samples and colour-coded patterns

[WEAVING]. Schnürungsbuch.
"Vaals-Aachen" [on the Dutch-German border], Höhere technische Schule für Tuchfabrikation, [ca. 1900]. Oblong folio (24 x 32 cm). Manuscript in German, written in black ink in a neat and legible Latin hand on paperboard leaves, comprising short instructional texts and about 2000 colour-coded weaving patterns and small samples of woven cloth mounted on both sides of the leaves. Contemporary beige half cloth. [2 blank], [117], [1 blank] pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Very good artist's copy of the most extensive handbook on Dutch art of the 18th century

WEYERMAN, Jacob Campo. De levens-beschryvingen der Nederlandsche konst-schilders en konst-schilderessen, met een uytbreyding over de schilder-konst der ouden.
The Hague, widow of E. Boucquet, H. Scheurleer, F. Boucquet, J. de Jongh, 1729 (vols. 1-3); Dordrecht, Ab Blussé & son, 1769 (vol. 4). 4 volumes. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece, title-pages in red and black and with engraved vignettes, a folding portrait of Willem Karel Hendrik Friso (1711-1751), Prince of Orange and from 1747 hereditary Stadtholder Willem IV, a portrait of the author, 40 engraved plates by Houbraken with multiple portraits of artists on each plate, 1 plate with a night scene, 1 mezzotint and 118 engraved vignettes. Contemporary blind-tooled vellum with manuscript titles on spines. Sprinkled edges. [16], 412, [6]; [4], 412, [6], [4], 446, [4]. Full description
€ 4,000
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Exceptionally rare 17th-century flower book with beautiful engravings

WIDT, Frederick de. Nieuwt[!] Bloem-Boeck.
[Amsterdam], Frederick de Widt[!], [third quarter of the 17th century]. Folio (31 x 20 cm). With 16 full-page, numbered engravings, comprising the title-page and 15 illustrations of flowers. Modern half-vellum with decorative paper sides (gold, sprinkled red, and with green leaf designs), manuscript title on the spine. [16] ll. Full description
€ 15,000
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The sculptures of the "Museum Wildianum" in 60 engraved plates, with an attractive double-page view of the library during a visit of Peter the Great - with notable provenance

WILDE, Jacob and Maria de. Signa antiqua e museo Jacobi De Wilde veterum poetarum carminibus illustrata et per Marian filiam aeri inscripta.
Amsterdam, Maria de Wilde, 1700. 4to. With an engraved title-page, an engraved vignette depicting "virtute", 1 large folding plate showing the interior of "Museum Wildianum", a full-page engraved portrait of Maria de Wilde, decorated initials in the text and 60 numbered engraved plates by Maria de Wilde. Contemporary blind-stamped vellum, sewn on 4 supports and laced through the joints, with the manuscript title and author at the head of the spine, red and blue sprinkled edges. [1], [1 blank], [11], [1 blank] pp. and 60 numbered engraved plates. Full description
€ 17,500
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