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Luxurious silver cigar box with engravings of Oman, made by a British master silversmith

MACDONALD, George Grant (silversmith). [Engraved silver cigar box commissioned by the Assarain Group of Companies].
London, Assarain Group of Companies, Oman, 1990. With the map of Oman and 2 views engraved on the polished top. The cigar box (15 x 23 x 5 cm) is made of sterling (925) silver, with an engraved map and illustrations of Oman on the polished top, surrounded by a gilded frame, decorative engraving on the sides, a lined hardwood (mahogany?) inside, hallmarks on the underside. The cigar box is in a protective gold-tooled green morocco box (20 x 27 x 8 cm) with gold clasps, lined with green velvet and a white silk-like fabric. Full description
€ 7,500
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Poetic descriptions of Batavia, India, the Cape, Dutch country estates and notable persons

MARRE, Jan de. Batavia, begrepen in zes boeken.
Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor & heirs of G. onder de Linden, 1740.
(2) MARRE, Jan de. Bespiegelingen over gods wysheid in't bestier der schepselen, en eerkroon voor de Caab de Goede Hoop.
Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor & heirs of G. onder de Linden, 1746.
(3) MARRE, Jan de. Hof- en mengeldichten.
Amsterdam, Adriaan Wor & heirs of G. onder de Linden, 1746.
3 works in 1 volume, the first in 6 parts. 4to. With an engraved frontispiece and an elaborate title-vignette (identical on all three title-pages. And ad. 1 with a folding engraved plate of Jakarta "as it was in 1731" by Jan van der Laan. Contemporary vellum, red spine label. [36], 320, [6]; [42], 178, [22], [20], 214, [4] pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Stunning collotypes and chromolithographs of Pompeii wall paintings in situ soon after their excavation

MAU, August. Geschichte der decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeji ... Mit 20 Tafeln in einer Mappe.
Berlin, G. Reimer, 1882. 1 text volume & 1 portfolio with plates. 8vo (text volume) and 1mo (plates portfolio 53 x 43 cm). With 20 large numbered plates showing Pompeii wall paintings in situ, mounted on card stock, loose in a separate portfolio with letterpress title-leaf and contents leaf: 9 sepia collotypes (21 x 16 to 26.5 x 24.5 cm) and 11 chromolithographs (21.5 x 19 to 37 x 36 cm), no. 18 actually comprising 7 small chromolithographs on 1 card, each plate with a letterpress label on the back; and 7 black and white floor plans in the text. Contemporary half sheepskin parchment (text); contemporary blue half cloth portfolio (plates). XII, 462 pp. Full description
€ 7,500
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Rare late 18th-century aquatint and etched print, produced in Calcutta

MOFFAT, James. Vexation and strife.
Kolkata (Calcutta), 1797. Oblong folio. Aquatint etching on paper (leaf: ca. 29 x 38 cm.; plate: 27 x 35 cm; illustration: 24.5 x 31.5 cm). Aquatint etching showing domestic scene of a couple fighting at a table, with a dark figure watching on in the background. Signed "Calcutta J M del. et sculp. 1797" and captioned "vexation and strife". Printed on laid paper made by James Whatman the younger, watermarked. Full description
€ 7,500
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Beautiful, entirely engraved, calligraphic prayerbook

MOREAU, Pierre. Les Sainctes prieres de l'ame Chrestienne Escrites & gravées apres le naturel de la plume.
Paris, I. Henault, 1656. Small 8vo. With fine engraved calligraphic title within architectural borders, engraved dedication to the Queen of France, 31 mostly full-page illustrations, some repeated, representing Christ on the cross, Mary with child, the Seven Deadly Sins, etc., and 179 engraved pages with calligraphed prayers within richly decorated borders with flowers, fruits, animals, insects, etc. Contemporary sharkskin, spine ribbed, with silver clasps including monogram. 212 pp. Full description
€ 4,250
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Magnificent 18th-century mosaic binding showing a beautiful floral motif

[MOSAIC BINDING - BIBLE]. LEEMPUTTE, Henricus van den (editor). Het nieuwe testament ons salighmaeckers Jesu Christi, mitsgaders: d'epistelen uit het oude testament, soo die door 't jaer in den dienst der H. Kercke gelesen worden.
Antwerp, Hieronymus Verdussen (for Niclaes Braau in Haarlem), 1696. 8vo. With 39 detailed woodcut illustrations in the text, and woodcut decorated initials and small printed manicules. The text is set in a Gothic letter, with incidental use of Roman type. Exquisite 18th-century gold-tooled multi-colour morocco mosaic binding. Gilt edges and green silk covered end papers. [1], [1 blank], [14], 837, [27] pp. Full description
€ 12,000
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Uphill! A collection of folders, brochures and books on mountaineering

[MOUNTAINEERING]. [A collection of brochures and folders on mountaineering].
[Austria and Switzerland, ca. 1920- ca. 1980]. Ca. 653 brochures (including a few duplicates and variant issues).
With: [A collection of books relating to mountaineering].
[Globally, ca. 1830- ca. 2000]. Ca. 875 books (including a few duplicates and variant issues, and several multiple-volume titles). Full description
€ 45,000
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35 hand-coloured collotypes showing Japanese castles and temples

OGAWA Kazamusa. Famous castles & temples in Japan.
Tokio, [Kazamusa Ogawa?], (colophon in Japanese: Meiji 28 = 1895). Oblong (27 x 36.5 cm). With 35 hand-coloured collotypes, with captions. Slightly later black, gold-tooled morocco, with initials C.R. at the foot of the spine. 36 ll. Full description
€ 2,750
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Rare Dutch Ovid, with 179 charming woodcuts

OVIDIUS NASO, Publius (OVID). Den metamorphosis ofte herscheppinghe ... In onse Nederduytsche tale overgeset ende met figuren verciert elck tot sijnder historien dienende. Seer nut voor alle schilders, beeltsnijders, goutsmeden, ende liefhebbers der historien.
Rotterdam, Pieter van Waesberge, [1635]. 8vo. With engraved title-page, a full-page woodcut depicting the Creation in 6 small scenes, and 178 nearly half-page woodcuts in text after Virgil Solis. Contemporary vellum. Engr. t.-p. plus 425, [3 blank] pp. Full description
€ 1,250
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Among Le Pautre’s earliest work

PHILIPPON, Adam. Curieuses recherches de plusieurs beaus morceaus d'ornemens antiques, et modernes, tant dans la ville de Rome, ques autres villes et lieux d'Italie.
Croissant, Adam Philippon, 1645. Wholly engraved print series consisting of a title-page, dedication, privilege, and 50 plates. The leaves are numbered 1-42, followed by 10 plates with their numbers changed by hand, and the privilege.
With: (2) LE PAUTRE, Jean. Frizes feuillages ou Tritons marins antiques et modernes.Paris, P. Mariette, [ca. 1664]. Series of 6 numbered engraved plates, each with two friezes . 2 series in 1 volume. Small folio (26.5 x 18.5 cm). Contemporary limp sheepskin parchment. [59] ll. Full description
€ 7,000
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