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120 prints, nearly all 1601-1725, including at least 4 complete series, most brought together ca. 1745

[CALLOT, Jacques, Carel ALLARD & others]. [Collection of 120 engravings by French, Dutch, Italian and German artists].
Venice, Paris, [Amsterdam], etc., 1601-1725 (album ca. 1745?), with additions [1788] & [ca. 1790]. 8vo, 4to, etc. (19 x 13 cm). 120 engraved prints, namely 44 from 4 complete print series (1 with a title-print), 57 (including 3 title-prints) from 10 or 11 other series and 19 prints apparently not from any series, by Jacques Callot (1 complete series), Odoardo Fialetti, Herman Weyen, Balthasar Moncornet, Henri Bonnart, Carel Allard (3 complete series), P. Landry and others (see contents, below). Mottled sheepskin (ca. 1745?). 95 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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The architectural features and sculpture showing the Amsterdam City Hall in full glory. With the magnificent engraving of the 1661 mosaic floor map of the world in 2 hemispheres, incorporating Tasman's discoveries not otherwise published for decades

[CAMPEN, Jacob van, Hubert QUELLINUS and Jacob VENNEKOOL]. Bouw schilder en beeldhouwkonst, van het stadhuis te Amsteldam, vertoont in CIX figuuren: ...
Amsterdam, Johannes Covens, Cornelis Mortier and Johannes Covens junior, [ca. 1758?, ca. 1767? or possibly 1772/83]. Large folio (49.5 x 30 cm). With the title-page printed in red and black with J. Covens & C. Mortiers engraved device by Bernard Picart ("JCCM" cypher monogram in a laurel wreath carried by 6 putti, dated 1730); 2 preliminary plates containing portraits of Jacob van Campen [by Lutma] and Arthus Quellinus by Henricus Quellinus; CIX (109) numbered engraved and etched architectural plates. All plates have French captions, some with laudatory verses below, and are described in Dutch in the letterpress text (pp. 3-15). Contemporary half red roan (sheepskin), brown sprinkled paper sides. 15 pp. Full description
€ 5,500
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10 etched plates after drawings by a pupil of Rembrandt

CAYLUS, Anne Claude Philippe Comte de. Histoire de Joseph, accompagnée de dix figures, rélatives aux principaux evenemens de la fils de ce fils du patriarche Jacob, et gravées sur les modèles du fameux Reimbrandt.
Amsterdam, Jean Neaulme, 1757. Folio. With title-page printed in red and black, and 10 full-page etched plates. Contemporary boards. [26] pp. Full description
€ 3,950
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A history of painting in Italian verse

CHIUSOLE di Roveredo, Adamo. Dell'arte pittorica libri VIII. Coll'aggiunta di componimenti diversi.
Venice, Caroboli & Pompeati Comp., 1768. 8vo (20 x 14 cm). With engraved portait of Cicero on the title-page and several interesting engraved head- and tailpieces (some signed "AF"), including scenes related to the subject of painting. In its first binding, though possibly a few decades after publication: stiff paper wrappers. 296 pp. Full description
€ 3,500
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72 plates with remarkably intricate Islamic-inspired decoration, printed with coloured inks

CLERGET, Charles Ernest. Mélanges d'ornements de tous les styles Persan - Mauresque - Arabe - Grec - Gothique [-] Renaissance principalement des XVIe et XVIIe siècles ...
Paris, Ducher & Cie (colophon: printed by Eugène Heutte & Cie), [ca. 1880 (engraved 1837-1838)]. Royal folio (45 x 31 cm). With 2 elaborately ornamented part-titles, 70 numbered ornament plates (all 72 plates "engraved" on litho stones, image area mostly 26.5 x 17 cm) and a letterpress list of the plates. With each plate printed in blue, green, violet, ochre, red, black or brown (several shades) and 9 printed in 2 colours. Contemporary half red cloth, rebacked and with new corners in red goatskin morocco. [2] ll. plus [1], 37, [1], 38-70 plates. Full description
€ 6,500
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Chromolithographed Art Nouveau prayer book in a high relief hallmarked silver binding

CONDIO, Luigi. Preghiere. Miniature di Vittorio Vulten.
Torino, Carlo de Martini (printed by Stab. Litografico Giovanni Fraschini & C., Milan), 1902. 18mo (13.5 x 7.5 x 1.5 cm). A wholly chromolithographed Art Nouveau prayer book, printed in numerous pastel colours plus gold, with (mostly floral) decoration on every page and numerous additional illustrations. In a silver binding (hallmarked "800" at the foot of the otherwise blank back cover), with "Our Lady of the Rosary" from the shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary in Pompei depicted on the front cover in high relief (madonna and child presenting rosaries to Saint Dominic and Saint Catherine) flanked by two irises, above "Ave Maria" and a panel with "SS. Vergine di Pompei", endpapers lithographed in pastel colours plus gold, in a repeating pattern of abstracted flowers, crosses, anchors, hearts and initials "VD" or "DV", gilt edges. [104] pp. Full description
€ 8,500
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One of the most important manuals for painting the human body

COUSIN, Jean. La vraye science de la pourtraicture descrite et demontrée ... Representant par une facile instruction plusieurs plans & figures de toutes les parties separées du corps humain: ensemble les figures entieres, tant d'hommes que femmes & de petits enfans, veuës de front, de fil, & de dos, avec les proportions, mesures & dimensions dícelles: et certaines regles pour racourcir par art toutes lesdites figures.
Paris, Guillaume Le Bé III, 1676. Oblong 4to. With a woodcut border on half-title and 36 full-page woodcut illustrations. Later limp vellum. 40 ll. Full description
€ 2,500
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Plants and dyes

DE BEUNIE, Joannes Baptista. Antwoord op de vraege welk zyn de profytelykste planten van dit land, ende welk is hun gebruyk zoo in de medicynen als in andere konsten.
(2) DU RONDEAU, François. Mémoires sur la question: quelles sont les plantes les plus utiles des Pays-Bas, & que lest leur usage dans la medicine & dans les arts.
(3) DE BEUNIE, Joannes Baptista. Antwoord op de vraege welk is de beste ende onkostbaerste maniere van vlasse gaeren ende andere vegitabile stoffen swert te verwen, ...
Brussels, Antonius dOurs, 1772. 3 works in 1 volume. 4to. Modern blue paper wrappers. 70; 18; 30 pp. Full description
€ 1,500
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Archaeological sites in the Middle East, with 143 reproductions of photographs

DJEMAL PASCHA, Ahmed and Theodore WIEGAND. Alte Denkmaler aus Syrien, Palastina und Westarabien. 100 Tafeln mit beschreibendem Text.
Berlin, Georg Reimer, 1918. Folio (34.5 x 24 cm). WIth 100 plates with 143 reproductions of photographs. Original red publisher's cloth, with the title in Arabic and German on the front board. 10 pp., 100 ll. Full description
€ 4,500
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Discussing whether Venetian art is better than Tuscan

DOLCE, Lodovico. Dialogo della pittura. Nel quale si ragiona della dignità di essa pittura, e di tutte le parti necessarie, che a perfetto pittore si acconuengono: con esempi di pittori antichi, & moderni: e nel fine si fa mentione delle virtù e delle opere del divin Titiano.
Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1557. Woodcut vignette on title-page. Later half vellum, title in ink on spine. 60 ll. Full description
€ 9,500
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